Chapter 19

Elena Pov

True to his words, Dante came back. I was working on homework alone and he just pushed open the door. Rude; as usual.

"What are you doing here Dante?" I rolled my eyes at him and continued my homework. He lay on Matilda's bed and adjusted his position to where he can see me.

"I am here to see you," He stated plainly and pulled out a sticker of a music album from the wall of Matilda's side of the bed.

"You can't just pop up to my room anytime you feel like. I need time on my own, hope you know that".

"Are you always this rude?" He raised a brow at me.

"Are you always this obnoxious?" I retorted equally.

My phone suddenly rang and I checked. My heart skipped a beat when I saw it was Finn. I felt terribly guilty that I haven't once thought of him since the day started and it was just my first day attending class. Was that always going to happen? Was being far away from him going to affect our relationship? I didn't like that one bit.