Chapter 18

Elena's Pov

The most unpleasant thing about a dorm is the shower room. It was located at the far end of the hall and the only thing separating the cubicle is a thin curtain. It was so uncomfortable and I was feeling paranoid that someone might pull the curtain and see my naked body. I made a mental note to take my bath every night when almost everyone has gone to bed. I missed my cozy room back home. I put on my robe and hurried back to my room.

It was a Wednesday morning and classes had started a week before I resumed. I quickly dive into my clothes and picked out a plain jeans and a white tank top. I styled my hair into a ponytail and pick my bag. Matilda and I had got talking far into the night and I could tell she and I have an understanding. She is cool, unlike my fear of her even before I met her.

She was a newbie just like me but she had resumed before classes begins. We were both English majors and would be having most of our classes together.