
In the past, there was a Nine-Tailed demon fox that brought disaster to the human world.

Whenever the fox appeared, landslides and tsunamis would follow.

Since so many people suffered, they called for the Marine's help...

There was a Marine called Garp who joined the battle and finally defeated the fox. Because of that, he was called the Marine Hero!

On the first half of Grand Line, there was an island called Sabaodi Archipelago. Located near the Marine's headquarters, the entire island was comprised of 79 separate trees known as Yarukiman Mangrove.

The 79 trees were divided into several areas, each one dependent on the number of the area.

Number 1 to 29 were a lawless zone where bounty hunters and pirates ran amok.

The darkness left behind by the history of the world plagued this area, giving off a nauseating stench. It was so bad that any decent person might vomit as soon as stepping foot to this place.

And the one who stood on top of this nauseating stench was the Celestial Dragons.

"Ah, Saint Richard! Welcome!"

A staff of the auction house kneeled in front of a Celestial Dragon who was wearing a glass case around his head with snot dripping from his nose, "I hope that you can spare us from kneeling inside the auction house!"

"I'll allow it. Otherwise, how can this auction be carried out? Not all of the goods this time are useless, right?" Saint Richard said.

"Ah... Of course not! In fact, we have Devil Fruit user among our goods today!"

Devil Fruit?

"What kind of ability do they have?" Saint Richard asked.

"It is the kind of power that swallow emotions. It can make people happy and fuzzy."

"Sounds good." The Celestial Dragon nodded slightly. The staff then immediately replied, "Thank you for your approval. I will take you to the VIP seats."

The Celestial Dragon entering the auction house was naturally a very sensational event, but everyone else didn't have to kneel to them while in the auction house.

After the staff respectfully brought the Celestial Dragon to the most comfortable VIP seats, he quietly stepped out and quickly called a person beside him.

"Have you figured out Genichi's ability?" Saint Richard is very interested in him. If he discovers that Genichi has a completely different ability, we will be dead!"

"There's no doubt about it. With his ability, even the slaves who want to riot have become docile."

"Check again. We'll showcase him last. Before he's showcased on the stage, you must find out what Devil Fruit he ate!" The staff shouted in a low voice, and his subordinate quickly slipped into the back.

"Hey, get up!"

In a cage, there was a man sitting leisurely on the ground with one leg bent and the other leg was straightened. He leaned against the wall behind him with his head slightly raised, as if he was closing his eyes and meditating.

He had black messy short hair. It seemed that he had not washed his hair for a long time. He had a collar on his neck, which was the mark of a slave.

Although he looked like a homeless, he was a very handsome man. At least in this world, he could be considered very handsome. He looked somewhat different from the other people in that place.

The security guard was speechless when he saw how carefree this man seemed. He had worked here for so many years, but he had never seen someone who could be this carefree when he was about to be sold off as a slave.

"Kid, it's almost time for the auction. You are very lucky. The Celestial Dragon, Saint Richard has taken a liking to you. Maybe you will become a Celestial Dragon's slave from now on." The security guard opened the door and looked at Genichi coldly. "I wonder how long you can last."

Celestial Dragons or World Nobles were the only people who could enslave anyone regardless of their race and didn't get punished for that. Those who were unlucky enough to be Celestial Dragons' slaves usually would become their plaything until the slaves died or the Celestial Dragons got tired of them.

They were the descendants of the creator of the World Governement, calling themselves gods. Even the Admiral would be dispatched if they were attacked.

The Celestial Dragons sure were the most arrogant people in this world.

The slaves around them were just objects for their amusement.

"Celestial Dragons..."

Hearing the security guard's words, Genichi slowly opened his eyes. One of his hands was still on his knee. At this moment, he used his hand to to get himself up. He asked, "So? Is it my turn already?"

"Not yet. I just want to make sure what your ability is before you're sold to Saint Charles."

The security guard said as he reached out to the chain that shackled Genichi, but something suddenly stopped his hand.


He looked at Genichi in disbelief. The one who had stopped him was naturally Genichi. A mere slave dared to resist him?

"Forget it..." Genichi said a little bored, "I have already collected enough of those negative emotions. There is no point in absorbing any further."

He said as if he couldn't grasp his current situation at all, causing the security personnel to be stunned.


Do you really know what you are talking about and what you are doing?

'He is now a slave! His life is in our hands, and he can be executed at any time! How dare he hit me? How dare he refuse my proposal?'

"Ah, I have to thank you all."

Genichi stretched and continued, "If you hadn't let me absorb so many negative emotions, I would not have been able to get such a good start."

"Hey, what are you talking about? You have been talking to yourself for a while. It seems you're not aware of your situation just yet. I will teach you a lesson now!"

"Well, I know my situation very clearly. I am not a god, but I am not a slave either, and I am certainly not a slave of God. In order to show my gratitude to you, I will show you something good. Of course, none of you can tell anyone."

He approached the security guard's ear and whispered, "The god that you're saying is going to die soon."


The security guard's pupils dilated. In the next moment, an overwhelming power suddenly descended from the sky. The atmosphere suddenly became heavy, making it hard to breathe.

Then, the top floor of the auction house suddenly shattered. Everyone inside could only see...

A huge eye was looking at them through the gap!