One-Time Use Nine-Tails

That was...


The debris of buildings fell from the ceiling, and a huge hole was created. However, what lied beyond the broken ceiling was not the bright sky. Instead, it was a huge and scarlet eye!

That eye seemed to be filled with bottomlesspressure, death, resentment, anger...

All sorts of negative emotions rose in everyone's hearts. Just by looking at it, one would feel as if they had fallen into hell. It wasn't a living creature, but...

The manifestation of fear itself!


Suddenly, a loud roar came from outside. It was so loud that everyone in this would might hear it. This fragile auction house was instantly lifted up by the impact of the roar. The people inside were even swept up by the hurricane.

This was a natural disaster, a demon stepping foot into this world. As the buildings were destroyed, the people who survived saw the one who caused this.

It was too huge...

It was probably several hundred meters tall. Various buildings on Sabaody Archipelagoseemed so small in comparison to this fox!

However, it was a fox with nine tails!

Its whole body was orange, with its nine tails swaying behind it. Its entire body oozed unparalelled power. No one knew how it appeared. They only knew thatit brought about endless destruction the moment it appeared!

"What... is this thing!"

The security guard couldn't help but shout, but in the next second, Nine-Tails took a step forward, and its huge front foot crushed him into pieces. Only Genichi was unscathed in that moment.

"Fortunately, I caught up..."

Genichi looked at the virtual data that only he could see. This was not Devil Fruit's ability. It looked like a system, but there was no A.I that would respond to his call. It might be the same as Devil Fruit's ability in a sense, but he wasn't weak against seawater.

[Positive emotion value: 30]

[Negative emotion value: 600]

[Current Card: Nine-Tails Demon Fox(one-time use)]

Yes, this Nine-Tails Demon Fox was his 'card', a creature that appeared due to his ability.

A few days ago, he was just an ordinary person on Earth, but he suddenly found himself in One Piece universe and was captured by human traffickers not long after. When he was desperate, he awakened this ability.

He could collect the emotions of others to strengthen himself. Positive emotions would produce 'tools', and negative emotions would produce 'Character Card.

After awakening this ability, he absorbed the emotions of the slave that was locked up with him. His body naturally exuded negative emotions, and because the owner of the auction house discovered it, he thought Genichi was a Devil Fruit user, and in order to figure out his ability, he forced him to absorb the emotions of everyone in the auction house.

As a result, he obtained a large amount of Negative Emotion points and used 100,000 Negative Emotion points to draw a card. He did not expect to draw something as strong as the Nine-Tails.

Nine-Tails Fox(one-time use): A Tailed-Beast from Naruto Universe, but its energy can not be replenished. When its energy depletes, Nine-Tails will also disappear.

When he saw the card, he was overjoyed because he could get one percent strength of the character card that he got, which was equivalent to him having one percent of Nine-Tails' power from the get go. Although it was a one-time use card, he could get away fromthe slave traders with Nine-Tails around.

However, he wouldn'tlet them leave just like that!

Although it had only been a few days since he became a slave, the anger in Genichi's heart towards these slave traders and the people in the auction house were enough to burn the entire world!

He wanted to destroy the entire lawless zone in Sabaody Archipelago!

Aside from venting his anger, he also wanted to do it to obtain more benefits.

Since the Celestial Dragons were here when Nine-Tails rampaged, he would definitely be able to obtain a lot of emotion points.

In the past few days, he had carefully studied his ability.

His ability would absorb all kinds of emotions that were directed at him and divide them into two types. The stronger he was, the more emotional points he could absorb. Then he could exchange his Emotion Pointsfor Character Cards, the more Emotion Points he used, the better Character Card he'd get.

Of course, it was also possible to directly devour one's emotions, just like what he had done before. However, even though he did get a lot of Emotion Points by forcibly devouringsomeone's emotion, he would not be able to obtain any Emotional Points from them in the future.

He only did it this oncebecause he was desperate, so after obtaining Nine-Tails' card, he would refrain from forcibly devouringothers' emotions again.

"Just let Nine-Tails rampage to its heart content."

This was what he thought in his heart. As for himself...

There was no need to stay in such a dangerous place like Sabaody Archipelago. Since there were Celestial Dragons here, it meant that an Admiral was coming soon. In a moment, this place would become the battlefield between Nine-Tails and the Admiral. If he was still here by that time, he definitely would not get away unscathed.

Moreover, he did not want to expose himself and his ability.

Now that he had one percent of Nine-Tails' strength, it was very easy for him to leave this island. He could leave whenever he pleased without having to worry about the sea water while Nine-Tails was rampaging!

Countless buildings collapsed on Sabaodi Archipelago without Nine-Tails exerting too much effort. This was a lawless zone, a place where all kinds of darkness bred. But it was powerless before a bigger darkness.

Even God had to bend his knees in fear, let alone a Celestial Dragon, who couldn't stop his snot from dripping.

The moment Nine-Tails appeared in front of him, Saint Richard knew that he was doomed. He had never felt this kind of fear before. He was angry and angry. He kicked away his slaves and guards around him and then shouted, " Kill this monster! Call Marines' headquarters, I want this monster as my pet!"

His guards could be considered to be somewhat capable, as they were not trampled to death by Nine-Tails, but to deal with this kind of monster was just...

"Wait, what is that in its mouth?"

Suddenly, a person exclaimed, attracting everyone's attention.

They saw a ball of black substance materializing in Nine-Tails' mouth...