Rocks Pirates


A fleet of ships full of strong-looking ships and cannons came from the sea in the distance. At a glance, one could tell that the people on the ship were either rich or noble. This was to deter small-time pirates, and the big pirates generally would not make a move on the Celestial Dragons, because once they did, they would be chased by the Marines. The pirates were after treasures, not meaningless slaughter, so there was no need to provoke the Marines.

Marines had so many soldiers that a fight with them would be endless. In this era where there weren't that many pirates, they generally would not take the initiative to provoke the Marines.

After all, the pirates were competing with other pirates, if Marines were on the tails as well, wouldn't that make it harder for them?

However, there were exceptions, just like this time, although the fleet was large and well-armed, it was being hunted down, and the once who chased them was the strongest pirate crew, Rocks Pirates!

Toguro's Color of Observation Haki read their movements, and Toguro instantly entered Cream's Void Dimension, quietly moving through space and arrived at where the big fleet stored their treasures.

Toguro found himself surrounded by glittering gems and treasures. Figaran Family was clearly rich even for a Celestial Dragon's standard.

However, for him now, money was not that important. This money could not be exchanged into Emotion Points.


If he gave the money to ordinary people, wouldn't they be happy and provide him Positive Emotion Points?

With that in mind, Genichi's eyes lit up. He found that the Positive Emotions he got from ordinary people was very low. Now that he thought about it carefully, the big events that concerned the fate of the entire world didn't concern these ordinary people, so they didn't really care and didn't give him Emotion Points.

It seemed that there was something going on… But now was not the time to care about this. From the sound, it was possible that there was a fight outside.

Of course, it was definitely not a big battle, but it was just a sound of gunfire.

Figaran Family should thank him for this. He was the one who lured the Marines ship over, so when they were chased by Rocks Pirates, the Marines could back them up immediately.

In the vast sea, a horde of ships gathered together might be stronger than skilled fighters. After all, most of the skilled fighters were Devil Fruit users. Once their ship was destroyed by the bombardment, they would only die if they sank into the sea. This was one of the reasons why Buster Call was so terrifying, especially when the Marines sent an Admiral.

At that time, with the Marines' firepower that was enough to flatten an island plus an Admiral, it would be easy to eliminate many difficult opponents in the sea.

And now, in this second half of Grand Line, a quite merry scene happened...

In the vast and endless sea, dozens of warships were firing their cannons at the pirate ship in the distance, and the pirate ship was also constantly fighting back, but compared to the firepower of the Marines, the pirates' firepower wasn't as strong.

Even though Rocks Pirates were at a disadvantage in firepower, the crew were not anxious or panic at all because their crews were the strongest and most ferocious people in the world, and their captain was the strongest in the world!

"It turns out to be Sengoku and Garp. Did they immediately rush over when they heard that the Celestial Dragons were attacked?"

Captain Rocks seemed to have noticed Sengoku and Garp's presence. He couldn't help but coldly say, "As expected of the Celestial Dragons' lapdogs!"

Sengoku and Garp were also quite famous in the New World, especially after the big news not long ago. The three Marines' powerhouses defeated the huge Nine-Tailed Fox!

This clearly wasn't the first or the second time Rocks Pirates fought against the Marines.

"Do you want to retreat instead?" Whitebeard glanced at Rocks, and the latter suddenly laughed out loud, "Our previous fights with them didn't give any clear result. This is the perfect time to make it clear!"

"We are Rocks Pirates! All of you are the elites of this world, even the Celestial Dragon flees upon seeing us, why would we lose to the Celestial Dragon's lapdogs!"

"Are you afraid, Newgate?" The other big name on the ship, Shiki, also grinned, "I can fly over and deal with them right now if you're too afraid!"

"Gu ra ra ra. Let's see how you deal with them now, Shiki." Whitebeard also did not back down and said

On this ship, this was a common thing. Everyone was strong, and they had no intention of listening to anyone weaker than them. Moreover, many of the crews possessed Color of Supreme King Haki, so they were not the type to obey others.

There was only one reason why such a pirate crew could still go on without fighting among themselves.

Their captain, Rocks!

Rocks ruled Rocks Pirates with absolute strength!

However, there were still disputes underneath.

"Now... it's about time." Rocks spoke without waiting for Whitebeard and Shiki to continue.

"The reason why we let Figaran's fleet escape was to show the world that the Celestial Dragons are nothing special! They can only flee before our might. Now, this goal has been achieved and our name should strike fear into the people's soul."

Rocks slowly stood up from the captain's seat and looked at the ships of the Marines in the distance. An invisible aura spread out from his body and in the blink of an eye, it formed a powerful pressure!

"The Celestial Dragons fled, and the Marines protecting the Celestial Dragons were wiped out! This world will be ruled by Rocks. Isn't that a perfect title for the headlines tomorrow?