The Marines vs Rocks

An intense pressure came from far away, leaving people wobbled. Sengoku gritted his teeth and seemed to be resisting the pressure.

He knew that it was Color of Supreme King Haki. There was only one among millions of people who was born with the aptitude of a king. Those who had Color of Supreme King Haki usually became powerful pirates, and the person standing at the top was Rocks!

In just an instant, the pressure hit the entire fleet, like ripples spreading on the surface of the sea. That force made the sky seem to darken, and those who were hit by that force directly fainted.

Let alone ordinary Marines, even some Vice-Admiral level Marines couldn't withstand it. The only ones who were not affected were Garp and Sengoku.

The Marines' Buster Call was indeed powerful, but it was meaningless before Rocks who was standing at the top of this world!

His Color of Supreme King Haki was so strong that the Vice-Admiral level Marines couldn't handle the pressure, so the advantage of numbers was simply useless in front of him.


Garp looked at Sengoku. Sengoku gritted his teeth and looked at the officers who were standing wobbly and the fallen soldiers. Finally, he looked at Rocks who was still releasing Color of Supreme King Haki in the distance. Sengoku's eyes suddenly widened and the same power exuded from him.

It was also Color of Supreme King Haki!

Very few people had Color of Supreme King Haki among the Marines, because obeying orders was a must for soldiers. It was very difficult for that type of person to have a Color of Supreme King Haki. Even if they had the aptitude, it was very difficult to awaken.

According to the manga, Sengoku was the only Marine who could use Color of Supreme King Haki. However, Sengoku was technically an Admiral. What would the Fleet Admiral and the World Government think of a Marine who could use Color of Supreme King Haki?

For a regime, stability was the first requirement, especially the internal stability. In fact, they did not need to have anyone with Color of Supreme King Haki.

That was why Sengoku rarely used Color of Supreme King Haki, but now it seemed like he had to...

The two Color of Supreme King Haki clashed in the air. The intense power seemed to shake the sea. The officers behind Sengoku regained their consciousness. They looked at the world in front of them and only felt dark.

The power released by Sengoku and Rocks disappeared at the same time. At this time, the ship of Rocks Pirates had approached them. Moreover, many soldiers on the ship hadn't regained their consciousness, so the Marines' ship couldn't fire their cannon.

"They went to God's Valley." Garp said in a deep voice.

"Figaran Family's ship also went to God's Valley?" Sengoku observed for a moment and was suddenly shocked. "Why didn't they escape?"

"Of course because there is no way to escape. That guy blocked their escape route." Garp threw aside his Marines coat, revealing his black suit.

"It seems like there will be a big battle in God's Valley."

Sengoku's pupils dilated as the one Garp talked about was Toguro who had escaped from him. After learning Toguro's course and predicting that Toguro was heading towards God's Valley, he had an omnious premonition in his heart, and now it came true.

He intercepted the escaping Figaran Family's fleet and led them to God's Valley?

"Don't tell me that guy is working with Rocks, right?" Sengoku took a deep breath.

"It's hard to say,"

"But one thing for sure is that they're both our enemies." Garp asked. "Why, do you want to retreat?"

Although he said 'do you want to retreat', he didn't slow down and directly walked towards the edge of the ship. Sengoku shook his head. He also threw aside his coat, revealing his black military uniform.

"If I retreat, where will I put my justice?"

They looked at God's Valley not far away. They suddenly jumped and directly jumped from the warship. This jump was probably several hundred meters away, but both of them were proficient in the navy Six Powers. Whether it was Geppo or Soru, this distance was just a blink of an eye.

And Rocks' pirate ship was slowly approaching the sea, as if it was using this delay to bring about a sense of oppression.

"What about the Celestial Dragons?" Garp and Sengoku stood on the island and looked at the approaching Rocks' fleet. Even if there were only the two of them, and they were up against a fleet of skilled pirates, they had no intention of retreating.

"Who cares about them?" Garp whispered, "Toguro may not kill them, but Rocks definitely will. It is already difficult for the two of us to stop Rocks and his men. We can't just send one person to stop Toguro, right?"

Garp had never been interested in the Celestial Dragons. Even if Figaran Family was considered the better ones among the Celestial Dragons, they weren't that different.

"Garp! Sengoku! Are you planning to stop us with just the two of you?"

After the two of them finished speaking, Rocks Pirates' ship successfully docked. A person flew out from the fleet. He had long hair that was about to touch the ground, like a lion's mane, and even his beard was golden. That person floated in the air, but he wasn't using Geppo!

It was Shiki, the future three legendary pirates, Float-Float Fruit user, and now an executive of Rocks Pirates.

It was basically survival of the fittest in Rocks Pirates. Rocks was stronger than them, so they all listened to him. But this rule was actually fragile, and Rocks also knew this. He also knew that there were many people unruly people among his crews.

They didn't trust Rocks, and Rocks didn't trust them either. In fact, he didn't take all the crews with him this time. He didn't inform Charlotte Linlin and Kaido this time, but he still brought Shiki, Whitebeard, Silver Ax and John.

Although it wasn't their full power, this lineup was enough to make most people despair!

Shiki slowly floated in the air. Whitebeard and others also came down from the ship, followed by a large number of pirates. At the back, Rocks slowly walked over and grinned as he looked at Garp and Sengoku!