Roger Joins the Battle

"Captain, there seems to be a big war over there!"

Not far from God's Valley, there was a pirate crew sailing in the sea.

Unlike other pirates who often travel at a large fleet of ships, this pirate crew only had one ship from the beginning to the end of their journey. The crews were still young, but everyone had a confident smile on their faces.

This was a group of powerful people, this was something that anyone could tell from a glance.

Hadn't they been confident in their strength, they wouldn't have such a calm look on their faces, and they wouldn't sail this sea with only a few crews.

This was the rising star of the New World, Roger Pirates!

At this moment, Roger and the firstmate Rayleigh stood at the front of the ship. Although they couldn't see what happened in the distance, they could hear the sound of gunfire coming from the front. Roger could see everything as his Color of Observation Haki had reached such a powerful level.

Color of Observation Haki was different from Color of Arms Haki, which excelled at offense and defense. This was a power that sharpened one's perception. Roger was especially good in this aspect, even though his Color of Arms Haki and Color of Supreme King Haki were also very powerful!

After hearing Rayleigh's words, he smiled, and then said very naturally, "It's Garp and Sengoku."

"Both? Even one of them is hard enough to deal with. Who makes them having such a hard time?" Rayleigh was surprised.

Judging from the sound, the shootouts happened between two sides. However, when ordinary pirates saw Garp and Sengoku, they would never think of fighting them with cannons. Therefore, Rayleigh was very curious about who was fighting with Garp and Sengoku.

"It's Rocks." Roger turned around and said, "It's really interesting. The Marines actually fought with Rocks. We can't miss this out."

"Everyone get ready to fight! The God's Valley is in front of us. It is the battle between Garp, Sengoku and Rocks. We have to hurry over!"

He shouted to the people on the ship, saying words that made ordinary people think that he had lost his mind?

Normal people would run away when they saw this. The farther they ran, the better. After all, no one would want to interfere with the war between the Marines and Rocks Pirates. The people who wanted to do this must be crazy. These two were the most powerful monsters in the world.

Other people were afraid of contact, how could they rush over like Roger?

It was unknown how many casualties would be caused by that decision, but none of the people on this ship were afraid, none of them showed fear, all of them were excited to respond to the captain's call.

"Which side are you going to help?" Rayleigh went to Roger's side and whispered, "Don't tell me you're planning to help the Marines?"

"Of course I'm going to help the Marines!" Roger patted Rayleigh on the shoulder, " I'm gonna have a good chat with Sengoku, and Garp. After the fight, we can ask them what is going on with that Nine-Tailed Fox"

Rocks' side has the upper hand, and although Garp was very strong, thinking that just they two could fight the entire Rocks Pirates wishful thinking.

Since Roger wanted to participate in the battle, he naturally didn't want to help the winning side as it was too boring.

"Sigh, as I thought" Rayleigh sighed. He had already thought that Roger would side with the Marines. However, since Roger was his captain. He had to listen no matter how outrageous it might be.

He was calm and collected. He was already prepared to fight. Next, he was going to fight Rocks. It would definitely be a bloody battle and wouldn't be easy.

"Hey, Rayleigh!"

Roger looked at the God's Valley that was getting closer and closer.

He even felt Rocks' Color of Supreme King Haki, but at this time, Roger had already walked over with a sword in his hand. Rayleigh glanced at Roger and found that this man had a serious look on his face.


"I'll go ahead, do me a favour and lead our men!" Roger seemed to have spotted something, so he had to distance from the crew and advance to God's Valley on his own.

"What's wrong?" Rayleigh did not stop Roger, he just asked for the reason.

He saw Roger's face and knew that this man had made up his mind, and no one in this world would be able to change Roger's mind once he had made up his mind. Normally, he wouldn't mind arguing with Roger, but this was obviously not the right time.

"I heard the sound of something strange." Roger took off his cape and jumped down from the ship. Rayleigh just looked at Roger's disappearing back thoughtfully.

Roger's Color of Observation Haki had reached the level where he could listen to everything. He said that he heard something strange and the sound of people. This was something Rayleigh had never heard before.

Just what happened in God's Valley...?

However, if he thought about it a little, he could imagine that there must be something unusual that could cause such a direct conflict between Rocks and the Marines.

"We can't just help the Marines for free. In addition to the treasure, we have to seize whatever they are fighting for as well."

The corners of Rayleigh's mouth rose and he said loudly to the crew, "Hurry up! We have to get to God's Valley as soon as possible!"

Roger, who jumped off the ship, kept running on the sea. His heart was still echoing with the voice that just sounded.

"Come and save me, I can fulfill all your wishes!"

This was a strange voice he heard. The reason why it was strange was because it sounded like the voice of millions of people talking together.


It was tempting!

"According to Zero, Jewel of Four Souls can turn me into a complete monster, so that I can have eternal life."

This person's voice was very normal, but it sounded tempting, making Roger think that it was something special.

"It looks more interesting."

Roger jumped up, and in the next moment, he had already arrived on the God's Valley. Of course, he could already sense the battle up ahead.

"Then I'll have to trouble the two of you to help me buy some time!"

Roger smiled with a bad heart. He then kicked the ground, and like a fighter jet taking off, he left behind a huge roaring and exploding air on the ground before him. At the same time, he swung his blade.

"Godly Avoidance!"