
Genichi planned to have Himura Kenshin and Sing train for some time before they set out to the outside world. Their talents were limited by the world itself, and after coming to One Piece, they should spend some time to get used to this world.

Moving on, Genichi also had the superpowered babies that was made with Baby Manufacturing Machine. Genichi estimated, that power of these babies when they were born was similar to Drago, which cost around 100,000 Negative Emotion Points.

However, they seem to grow very fast and have a short lifespan. They might die of old age in less than ten years...

This made Genichi disappointed. Otherwise, wouldn't he be able to produce a superpower army? Well, it was a 100,000 Positive Emotion Points item.

At the very least, when those babies grew up, they should be even more powerful. In addition, he would have them learn Haki, even if they couldn't use it that well.

Apart from them, the only one who could move was Drago. Genichi temporarily used four of the five newly obtained Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments on Drago and gave the Sheep Talisman to him.

The Sheep Talisman was part of his father's abilities. It was a part of his power as a Fire Demon. Although Sheep Talisman was not that good in combat, he could forcefully eject his opponents souls if they were not that strong.

At this moment, Drago had arrived at Dressrosa. At this point, Dressrosa was still under King Riku Doldo's rule, but it had nothing to do with him coming here.

The reason why Genichi took a fancy to this place and had Drago go there was purely because the Admiral Z was about to go to this country. After Z was promoted to the Admiral, his first task was to search for information about the mysterious person Zero. He first started with the countries affiliated with the World Government.

Dressrosa was not a big country, so it didn't take long for Drago to reach the palace. After embedding four fragments of Jewel of Four Souls in his body, Drago's strength was currently at the level of hundreds of millions Belly bounty pirates. Of course, in this era, in this country where there was no war for hundreds of years, he was already very strong.

But, that was only if the Marines didn't come

Drago was wearing a black robe and walking in the dark night. The complacent people on this island did not notice anything off, so Drago went all the way to the outermost wall of the palace.

He quickly jumped up into the palace. However, the King's Plateu was so high that ordinary people couldn't enter. However, Drago, who was strengthened by Jewel of Four Souls, almost reached his father's level.

It was as if his demon's body was gradually maturing. He gradually attained the capability to fly like Shendu. Although he was not that fast, he was getting faster and faster. Since Violet wasn't around yet. No one noticed Drago's arrival under the cover of moonlight.

The door of the palace hall was tightly closed, and there were guards in front of the door. After seeing Drago, they were confused at first, but they quickly reacted. They immediately pointed their guns at Drago and shouted, "Who is it? Stop at, or we have the right to kill you!"

In their sight, a strange man in a black robe walked to the gate of the palace, and that man seemed a little strange. It was as if there was something behind him. It was obvious that he was a man with ill intentions. Although there was no war in the past hundreds of years, this was New World. Fighting against pirates was nothing now

But just as they finished their words, a large fireball was directed at them!

The fire directly lit up the dark night, and their bodies were swallowed by the fire before they could react. A huge explosion came from the door, and the guards were hit by the shock wave of the explosion and fell to the ground.

The door of the palace was also busted by Drago. The lights in the palace hall was focused on the door and finally revealed the figure of Drago. At this moment, the interior was in chaos because no one had trespassed the palace for hundreds of years. This was simply a provocation to this country!

"Who is it!"

Dressrosa was a country affiliated with World Government. Provoking this country was equivalent to challenging the World Government, so almost no one went out of their trouble to stir up trouble in these countries, unless they didn't mind having Marines on their tails. However, Drago did not care about this world's laws.

However, this country's reaction during emergency was very fast. After hearing the sound of explosion and the door being busted open, the guards inside quickly responded. The current king and princess also woke up at this moment.

Looking at the large number of guards in the hall, Drago did not blast out fireball again. He only watched as more and more people gathered in the palace hall. Some of them held guns, some held sword and axes, and they all seemed like a capable fighter. However, they did not make a move immediately because they discovered the Drago true appearance.

Drago's green skin was revealed under the light. His lizardman-like appearance could not be covered by the darkness. His sharp teeth and claws were daunting. At the same time, his blood-red eyes were filled with a kind of anger. The guards had never seen such a creature before. Was it Devil Fruit's ability?

Hearing their questions, Drago grinned. He said to them, "I am a demon... Well, it seems that your leader has come. The boring question and answer segment has ended. Hand over the Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments in your possession!"

He saw a dignified person walking slowly behind the crowd. As soon as he arrived, the others made way for him. He walked out of the crowd and looked straight at Drago without fear.

"Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments?"

Of course he had heard of this thing. After all, it was everywhere in the news recently. It was said that the person who managed to gather all Jewel of Four Souls fragments could have their wish granted. After this news spread, the sea became even more chaotic. At that time, he was worried that this dispute would affect Dressrosa. As he feared, the trouble was coming...

"If you are here for that thing, please go back! Dressrosa does not have the Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments you are looking for."