Z's Arrival

King Riku knew that Jewel of Four Souls, the would set off a bloody storm, but he did not expect it to affect Dressrosa so quickly.

"No, I can sense that the thing is here. You can't lie to me!"

Drago lifted the black hood on his head with his hand, revealing his terrifying face completely. Then, a large fireball appeared on his palm.

After fusing with Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments, the power of his flame became much stronger. At least it was no longer just the small fireball that could only burn wood like in the series. At this moment, this huge fireball made everyone in the palace nervous.

Could it be that the enemy was a Logia user? However, judging from his appearance, he seemed like a Zoan user, and just now he said that he was...

A demon?

"If you insist on causing trouble, Dressrosa will fight back!" King Riku shouted. He could feel that Drago was very strong, but if he wanted to use brute force to dominate this country, he had to walk over their bodies first!

He had heard about Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments, but he really did not have it. Since Drago insisted on asking Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments, there was nothing they could do about it. Moreover, as the king of a country, King Riku couldn't just submit to external threat. If he admitted defeat to someone of unknown origin, this country's reputation would be tarnished!

"It seems that you have not realized what you are going to go through at all." Drago sneered. In the next moment, he threw the huge fireball in his hand toward the guards. In response, the other guards also began to shoot, and a large number of armed guards rushed toward Drago.


The huge fireball pushed back the guards who were rushing over. At the same time, it exploded, and violent flames came out from the center of the explosion. In the blink of an eye, the entire palace had turned into a sea of ​​fire.


This time, King Riku personally rushed to stop Drago with a sword in his hand. He was pretty good with sword, or so he thought.

Even if the royal family of this country worked hard to become stronger, they didn't go through a lot of life and death battles like the pirates out there. Without combat experience, they could not become stronger quickly. For example, Luffy, who had only trained for two years was not as strong as Kaido.

Only through a battle of life and death could one become stronger quickly, and the royal families were destined to not have much experience in a battle of life and death. It was also destined that they would not be strong. At least King Riku's strike was easily dodged by Drago right now.

Although he did not have the speed of a rabbit charm, he and Shendu were of the same origin. He gradually possessed Shendu's power thanks to Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments. Perhaps when he attained his final form, he would become Shendu himself without the help of demonic energy or Talismans!

The guards who were still alive in the palace continued to come, but they had lost track of Drago. He opened his mouth and spewed fireball again, causing the entire palace to burn even more. King Riku swung his sword again, but Drago grabbed King Riku's neck before he could swing his sword and lifted him up.

"Stop! Let go of father!"

"Let go of His Majesty!"

When the people saw this scene, they were furious, but they were afraid that King Riku would be harmed if they carelessly made a move. There were more people outside, but no one dared to make a move, because King Riku's life was in Drago's hands.

"Alright, since I'm a merciful demon, I will give you another chance. Tell me where Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments is, and I can spare your life and your country. Otherwise, I will kill you and burn the entire country like I did to your palace!"

King Riku was frightened. He did not expect that he and his guards would be defeated by this demon so quickly. His only hope now was the Marines stationed in Dressrosa.

He hoped they could see the fire here and send an army.

"I really don't have Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments. If I had it, I would've given it to the World Government as a Heavenly Tribution. This country is not rich. If I can use Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments in exchange for Heavenly Tribution, I will definitely not hesitate."

King Riku and Drago looked at each other. Eventually, he couldn't handle Drago's power and said, "If you don't believe me, you can search this whole country. I can take you anywhere you want to go!"

"Hmm?" Drago frowned. He suddenly threw King Riku aside, and a powerful force was suddenly approaching.

"Your Majesty!"

The guards were furious, but just before they could make a move, something was rushing toward them at a breakneck speed. A figure instantly rushed from the distance, shuttling through the crowd, and punched Drago!

Drago's pupils dilated. He immediately blocked the punch with his arms. The intense power pushed Drago back, knocking down a pillar not far from King Riku!

"Who are you?"


On top of the collapsed pillars, the fire was still raging. Suddenly, Drago jumped out from the debris. He stood back up again, but he was slightly injured injured.

But his face was still fierce. He looked at the person who suddenly appeared in the palace. The person had purple hair and was wearing a Marines coat. It was Admiral Z!

"I should be the one asking you this question. How dare you attack a World Government's affiliated country? You will have to come with me." Z could feel that Drago was not human. His presence resembled that of the Nine-Tailed Fox.

But he could not say for sure what Drago was. He could be a Zoan user for all he knew. The most important thing now was to arrest him.

"Do you have Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments on you?" Flame burst out from Drago's body. He looked at Z and deeply sighed as he realized that he still had ways to go compared to people like Z.

Although Z couldn't kill him with that punch earlier, it did inflict a lot of damage.

But with Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments' regeneration ability, this injury was quickly healed.

"Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments?"

Z frowned and wanted to ask again, but he saw Drago suddenly attacked the guards with his flame again as a diversion and fled.

"See you next time. I will keep an eye on you until this country hands over Jewel of Four Souls."