Shiki vs Z

"How troublesome..."

Z frowned when he looked up at the figure floating in the sky and the pirates around him.

"Damned Shiki... How did he know that I have Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments in my hand?" Z said to himself.

The person who floated above him was one of the three legendary pirates, Shiki. Even though it hadn't been that long since Rocks Pirates disbanded, the officers that left the crew had already formed their own crew.

And as the second strongest person on the crew after Whitebeard, Shiki took most of Rocks' men with him. Even though the prominent crews already left, the remaining ones were pretty capable.

Moreover, after Shiki's Golden Lion Pirates was formed, there were many people in New World who wanted to join him. It didn't take long for him to make a name for himself, and now what concerned Shiki the most was that Rocks' Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment was taken away by Whitebeard, leaving him with nothing.

He was very concerned about Jewel of Four Souls and firmly believed that Rocks attacked Figaran Family because of this thing. He thought that this was something that fascinated Rocks. Whoever could get as many Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments in the next era could be the ruler of that era.

So when he learned that Z had a fragment of Jewel of Four Souls, he immediately led his fleet to ambush Z, even if it meant incurring the Marines' wrath!

Others might be afraid of the Marine, but he wasn't.

"How about it, Z? if you hand over the fragment, I can let you and your men live, Jihahaha!"

Shiki's hearty laughter resounded through the sky. He held a sword in both hands, namely Oto and Kogarashi. He was determined to get Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments in Z's possession.

There were only five known fragments of Jewel of Four Souls at the mment, four of which were in possessions of the four people who participated in the battle of God's Valley. After Rocks died, his fragment was taken by Whitebeard. So if he wanted to make a name for himself, he would have to get the fifth fragment!

"Stop dreaming, Shiki. If you want to get this Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment from me, it'll be after you step over my dead body." Z stood on the boat with his arms crossed. He was not afraid of Shiki's threat. He jumped high in the air and arrived in front of Shiki in an instant by using Soru and Geppo.

Z immediately attacked Shiki with a Haki-imbued punch. Shiki seemed to have expected it as his sword collided with Z's punch.

Their Color of Arms Haki collided, generating a shockwave with them as the center.

In the middle of the clash, Shiki used his Devil Fruit's ability to change the shape of the sea around him to resemble a lion head. The lion head then tried to devour Shiki whole, but Z managed to break it with a kick!

After the brief exchange, Z fell back to his ship and looked at Shiki who was still in the sky.

"Those little tricks won't work against a non Devil Fruit user like me. If a remnant of Rocks Pirates like you can take this Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment away from an Admiral, where will I put my face?"

Shiki's ability was very strong in the sea because he could even control the sea to float and change shape however he wanted. This was the natural enemy of the Devil Fruit users.

And even if his target was not Devil Fruit user, they couldn't do anything once their ship was sunk or encountered a sudden tsunami..

"A remnant of Rocks Pirates? You've gone and said it now." Shiki smirked, "Then there's no other way. Let's make a big scene in this sea!

A big battle soon broke out in this sea. Z and Shiki were the most prominent combatant in this sea, and the confrontation between them was almost the same as litting the fuse that would trigger the battle for Jewel of Four Souls in the future.

Someone even dared to challenge the Marines for a fragment, which would stimulate people's obsession over Jewel of Four Souls.

"Jihahaha, it's useless Z, do you think you can get rid of me?" Shiki held the sword with both hands and swung his swords successively in an instant.

"Lion: Thousand Slice Valley!"

Shiki imbued his sword with Color of Arms Haki and dished out countless compressed air blade. This was the advanced usage of Color of Arms Haki. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of golden compressed air blades filled the air. Each blade could cut the warship in half, and hundreds of it were falling from the sky.

Z clicked his tongue and jumped up and punched with all his strength. He used Color of Arms Haki punched with all his might, blocking most of the golden compressed air blade.

The ships below had already fired their cannon at each other as Z used Geppo and fought with Shiki.

"Don't you think you should tell your men to run?"

Z said to Shiki in the sky "You are wrong, Shiki. Justice will not turn its back on you pirates!"

"Then all of you will die here!" Shiki waved his sword and shouted again.

"Lion Menace: Earth Coiling

The seawater combined together and turned into several lions. Although it was just water, but when a large amount of water gathered together, it carried tremendous force. At this moment, the sea seemed to be boiling. A large amount of sea water turned into a water dragon and roared around Shiki. Then it gathered rushed to Z along with the lion head.

Z secretly thought that it was troublesome. Shiki's Float-Float Fruit was really the most difficult Devil Fruit to deal with. He had long heard that his strength rivaled Edward Newgate during his time in Rocks Pirates, but Z had never fought them. Now that he witnessed Shiki's strength firsthand, he did think that Shiki lived up to his reputation.

He could deal with it, but his subordinates...

Z looked at the warship. They couldn't deal with Shiki's attack.

"What do you think, Z? If you don't hand over Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment, even if you survive, I don't think your lovely subordinates will, Jihahaha!" Shiki noticed Z's gaze and laughed again knowing Z's personality.

"An Admiral won't fall for your threat..."

Z said in a deep voice, "Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments can't fall into the hands of someone like you. Just give up!"