Thor's Arrival

Z was very kind and caring, but he wouldn't yield to his opponent's threat.

He was an Admiral, and he must upheld the justice that he believed in just like the other Marines. If he gave up Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments after being threatened by Shiki, then the Marines behind him wouldn't die in peace!

"Twin Lion Slash!"

Hearing Z's answer, Shiki quickly retaliated. Two giant lions were formed in the sky, roaring and shaking the entire sea. Z naturally wouldn't be afraid. He looked at the giant lion head in front of him and resumed the fierce battle with Shiki .

The battle was getting more and more intense. Z and Shiki also began to fight at full strength now.

They focused all their attention on each other. The ships below had already stopped firing at each other because the pirates under Shiki's command had already jumped onto Marines' ship and engaged the Marines.

No matter how heroic the Marines Z brought, they were no match against the remnants of Rocks Pirates. After all, there were only two Vice Admirals among them. There was no way they could deal with Shiki's fleet.

Despite the huge gap in strength and number, the Marines didn't retreat. Even if they knew they were no match against Shiki's men, they still swung their swords and fired their guns, trying to keep Shiki's men at bay for as long as possible.

Z and Shiki's battle entered the most intense part, while the Marines below were completely wiped out. The pirates looked at the battle above and one of the senior crews asked, "Do you want to help Captain?"

If they joined the battle, it should end soon.

"The leader should be fine by himself. Let's just watch." Another crew said with a straight face as he leaned on the cabin. It hadn't been that long since their pirate crew was formed. He didn't want to get on the World Government's bad side for the time being because of Jewel of Four Souls that was not destined to be theirs.

"Hmph, coward! Did you forget even Captain Rocks failed before?" A huge man said as he came out of the crowd, "At this rate, even if we're winning for now, we will end up like Captain Rocks sooner or later."

He was obviously a veteran since his time in Rocks Pirates. After Rocks' pirates disbanded, he joined Shiki. As he looked at the battle between Shiki and Z, he remembered the battle between Rocks and Roger.

"Well, feel free to watch from below." He snorted and jumped high into the sky, heading straight at Z.

"Go to hell, Z!" He roared and in the sky, Shiki also used his strongest sword technique at Z.

"Lion Might - Sky Sword!"

Shiki swung down his two swords, and the whole sky seemed to be split open. The thick clouds was suddenly split apart and a huge compressed air blade came from the distance.

Z was facing attacks from two sides. He gritted his teeth and his whole body was covered by Color of Arms Haki, especially his wrists that he used to block Shiki's attack.

No matter how strong the huge his other attacker was, he wouldn't be as strong a Shiki. He'd rather take one of his attacks than instantly killed by Shiki.

Z was prepared to die. He knew that his men shouldn't be able to cover him at this time. Shiki's men surrounded him. Even if he escaped to the sea, it would be useless as Shiki could float the sea, and he certainly couldn't get out of Shiki's range that fast.

He was at the worst situation possible, but he could not allow the fragment of Jewel of Four Souls to fall into a pirate like Shiki who had committed all kind of crimes!

Z roared! He would never give up the Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment to Shiki even if he drowned and ended up in a fish's belly of a fish and sunk into the sea, but at this moment...

Something shining in the distance was approaching!

The huge man was smiling as he noticed Z chose to defend himself from Shiki's attack, meaning that his attack would go through, but he saw something bright in the sky like a thunderstrike ...

Suddenly the light got closer and closer. The huge man only saw the blazing lightning in his eyes becoming bigger and bigger, and in the next moment a blue light ran over him...


What happened?

He clearly seemed confused, but in the next moment, he lost all the strength in his body. Then, his eyes saw his legs were no longer intact!

Immense pain coursed throughout his body. His body was instantly cut by the flash of lightning. It was like the sharpest sword of light that instantly cut him in half.

Then he lost all his strength and began to fall down.

The huge man could no longer see the clash between Z and Shiki. He could only see the face full of disbelief from the people below. A lightning light descended from the sky and landed on the Marines' ship occupied by the pirates.

Is it... him?

The lightning that struck down turned out to be a tall and burly person. His body was emitting immense thunder. Like a heavenly thunder that descended from the sky, he suddenly landed on the ship. At that moment, the entire warship tilted because of the immense force.

The figure seemed somewhat familiar, but he couldn't really tell who it was as he was about to die...

His vision was gradually filled with darkness, and with the lower half of your body gone, even a veteran crew would undoubtedly die.

"This is indeed a good time to seize Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments, but..."

A loud voice came from the man that just landed on the warship and let alone the pirates on the ship, even Z and Shiki could clearly hear it.

"What if I say no?"


At this moment, the whole sky became dark. The clouds that were split open by Shiki gathered together again and became dark. Thunder was rumbling, and pressure came from Thor's body as the thunder struck, drowning the whole world in pressure.


Thunder kept striking down. Most of Shiki's men either fainted or getting struck down by lightning, while the remaining was wobbling.

This was...

Color of Supreme King Haki!