Thor vs Shiki

"Oho, Color of Supreme King Haki?"

In the sky, Shiki frowned. Who was the guy below? How could he have such a powerful Color of Supreme King Haki?

"But don't think that you are the only one who has Color of Supreme King Haki!" (Originally, Shiki only had Color of Arms Haki and Color of Observation Haki, but I made him have Color of Supreme King Haki to make things more interesting.)

Shiki shouted as he released his own Color of Supreme King Haki in response. Meanwhile Z was awfully cautious because his Color of Observation Haki told him that the person below was the same guy he encountered in Dressrosa?

"How... How is this possible?"

At this time, Shiki was shocked because he discovered that his Color of Supreme King Haki was inferior to the man's Color of Supreme King Haki?

Who... was he?

There were only a handful of people in the sea who could do this!

Little did Shiki know that Thor's Color of Supreme King Haki was weaker than back when he was still alive.

After being dominated by Makima, although Rocks' body and soul weakened, resulting in weaker Color of Supreme King Haki, it was somewhat alleviated after eating Rumble-Rumble Fruit.

"It's over..."

The collision between the two sides stopped, because almost all the small fries had fainted. Other than the three of them, only a few people could still retain their consciousness, and it was impossible for them to stop Thor.

At this moment, he said to Shiki in the sky, "The Marines is our important partner. This Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments is the symbol of our alliance. There should be a limit to your greed, right, Shiki?"

"Partner...?" Shiki looked down. At this time, he finally saw the appearance of the person below. He was tall and sturdy, but he had a mask on his face. The mask was blue and there were horns on both ends that looked like demons, with lightning constantly flashed across his body.

The ability to manipulate lightning... Was it Logia Devil Fruit?

Shiki thought in his heart as he slowly descended with Z. The two of them landed on the ship and the three of them finally could see each other clearly.

Z looked at Thor's back thoughtfully. From his words just now, this man was indeed the guy who appeared in Dressrosa a few days ago.

Has this guy been following him all along?

The woman named Makima had already arrived at Sabaody Archipelago. It seemed that they parted ways for now. Was she confident that the World Government would definitely agree to her conditions, or did she think that she could still deal with the World Government if they did not want to cooperate with her even without this powerful guy?

"Who are you?" Shiki said to the masked guy after he landed on the warship, "I don't recall anything upon seeing you. Why would someone with such a powerful Color of Supreme King Haki want to be the World Government's lackey?"

"How Pathetic!" Shiki sneered.

"Hahaha, you can just call me Thor."

Thor said and laughed,

"This world is vast. The World Government is just one of the dominant forces. Don't you think cooperating with them will make you inferior to them? We're not bound by promises and contracts. Is that why you strike a deal with the World Government?"

Z looked at Thor and didn't speak. He was still thinking about a possibility in his heart.

Could he take down Shiki at this time?

If he could join hands with this guy who called himself Thor then it will not be a problem to take down Shiki. But if Shiki ran away, it would be difficult to restrain him as he could fly and control the sea.


Would Thor really join hands with him? He did not trust someone of unknown origin so quickly. The World Government had indeed promised to talk to Makima, but their meeting had not been initiated. Who knew what would happen next?

That guy was likely to be related to the demon, or rather, monster. He could not let his guard down.

"Thor? Jihahaha, do you think you are a god or something?" Shiki laughed after hearing Thor, "If you call yourself a god in front of those Celestial Dragons, I don't think you can cooperate!"

"Since we are working together, then of course we are on equal ground. Since the World Government is a god, then we're naturally also a god." Thor chuckled.

"Is that so? Then it seems I have failed." Shiki looked at Thor and said. Thor didn't comment, and Z was still the same as before.

Intense pressure suddenly burst out from Shiki's body. Color of Supreme King Haki and Color of Arms Haki was imbued to Oto and Kogarashi. These two blades seemed to cut open the sky and earth as they were swung at Thor!

"Lion Might - Heaven and Earth Slash!"

These two blades struck Thor from top to bottom. No one could have expected that Shiki would suddenly attack, and his attack was extremely powerful.

At this moment, the entire warship was cut in half, and the slash wave generated from the strike even cut through the sea several kilometers long!

And right before it was about to hit Thor, the two slash wave suddenly merged, turning into a ferocious golden lion. It opened its bloody mouth and was about to swallow Thor whole!

Facing such a terrifying and sudden attack, Thor raised his hands, and powerful lightning was condensed in his hands. The dragon-shaped lightning suddenly struck down!

"God's Judgement!"

When Shiki's golden lion-shaped slash wave materialized, the lightning dragon leaped out of Thor's hand.

The lightning dragon was imbued with Color of Arms Haki, causing the blue lightning to faintly turn purple. The enormous dragon clashed with the ferocious golden lion-shaped slash wave!

A loud explosion occurred because of the impact. The enormous power shook the vast sea. The surrounding ships were all destroyed at this moment, leaving only the warship in the middle!