Demons and Monsters


If one saw this scene from the sky, they would see waves constantly spreading. The huge power shook the clouds in the sky and the sea below.

The other ships were blown away by the powerful shockwave and then sank into the sea. That was how powerful the attack that Shiki and Thor launched.

The impact hit Z as well, but he didn't budge. He was just shocked upon seeing Thor and Shiki fight to their heart's content.

Z knew that Shiki didn't use his full strength when he fought him before. At the very least, the power of this move was stronger than the attack directed at him.

It was as if Rocks' crews got stronger after losing their captain.

This era was really crazy. In addition to the monsters and demons that suddenly appeared, the pirates were becoming more and more rampant. It was simply worrying where this world headed to.

"Jihahaha, what a powerful guy!"

Thor and Shiki got away from the impact and stood on each side of the ship that was cut in two.

Shiki laughed and raised his hands, and then the pirate ships that he and Thor, along with the wreckage of the ship where the pirates laid flew toward Shiki.

"We will meet again, Thor!"

Shiki took his ship and crew to the sky. His Float-Float Fruit could not be used on living beings aside from himself, but if they were on the ship that floated because of Shiki's power, they would be brought along as well. As for the pirates who fell into the sea, they were simply unlucky.

It didn't matter even if the weak died! This was the concept that Shiki brought from Rocks Pirates. He was still influenced by this concept at least for a while.

Shiki eventually left, and only Z and Thor were left there. The warship under their feet was also cut in two by Shiki, a completely devastating state indeed.

"Thank you." Z said to Thor. Z's gratitude was sincere. After all, if not for Thor, it would be difficult for him to protect Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment from Shiki. The best option left would be to sink it to the bottom of ocean.

"But how did Shiki know that I have Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment on me?" Z asked in confusion.

"Who knows how many demons have escaped from Jewel of Four Souls." Thor chuckled.

"Drago is the first demon that escaped from Jewel of Four Souls, but he is definitely not the last one. But you can rest assured, at least the other demon lords should have been sealed in hell."

"Demon Lord...? I heard Makima mention the great demon before, do you mind telling me about the demon?"

The warship had been destroyed, so he was not in a hurry to return to the headquarters. After all, he couldn't go back with Geppo in this vast sea. Before the fight, he had already asked for help from the headquarters through Den Den Mushi, so someone should come to pick him up eventually. While waiting, he might as well listen to Thor's story about the demon.

The blue-masked Thor turned his head and looked at Z. Then he looked around and found a place to sit on.

He put his hands on his thighs and said in a deep voice, "Demons and monsters are born from the darkness of this world. All kinds of negative emotions become fodder to make those guys stronger. But this is something... inevitable."

Z nodded and agreed.

This world was full of darkness. This world will not be short on resentment and hatred as long as humans were around.

Demon had already lurked in their hearts long before Nine-Tails, Zero, Toguro, and Drago appeared in the eyes of the world.

Or was it the darkness in their hearts that made these demons appear before them?

"Just like pirates, ordinary demons are not difficult to deal with. The great demons, however, are difficult to deal with. The Nine-Tailed Fox that appeared in Sabaody Archipelago a few months ago was actually a great demon. Only the Marines' Admiral can deal with it, right?"

Nine-Tailed Fox... is only a great demon?

Z recalled the fight with the Nine-Tailed Fox and thought that it was a troublesome one. He could indeed fight Nine-Tails without Garp and Sengoku's help, but he had to risk his life on the line, and subduing it without Garp and Sengoku was difficult.

And without Garp and Sengoku, it would be difficult to minimize the casualties in other places. Z thought that such a monster should be one of the strongest demon or monsters or demons, but it turned out there was a higher rank above Nine-Tails

"What about the demon lord?" Z couldn't help but ask again

"Demon Lords are the strongest among demons, just like Rocks, Roger, Edward Newgate, and Shiki. They are like Emperors who rule the world. They each rule a large territory, so they are called demon lords. And there are only eight in the past who is nearly immortal."

"Eight..." Z couldn't imagine how strong the Demon Lord was, but he felt chill running down his spine now. If Nine-Tails was just a Great Demon, then how strong the Demon Lord was?

And there are eight of them?

"Drago's father, Shendu, is a powerful Demon Lord. But they have all been sent to hell. If they don't have something like Jewel of Four Souls, they will never be able to leave hell."

"Then who is that Zero?" Z kept everything that Thor said in mind. Of course he didn't really believe it, but it wouldn't hurt to listen more.

"That's..." Thor slowly stood up. He looked into the distance and exhaled. "Wait until Five Elders sign a contract with us. Your companions are here. I'm looking forward to our next meeting."

"Wait, who are you really?"

Z saw Thor stand up. He wanted to see his face before he left, but before he could finish his words, Thor had already turned into lightning and disappeared without a trace.