Trapping Shiki

The establishment of the Black Order caused an uproar in the world. After all, the dominance of the three organizations had not been shaken since they were founded.

However, now the World Government suddenly announced the establishment of a new organization and it occupied an important position from the get-go. Did this mean that a new round of changes would occur in the world?

Originally, the three organizations basically represented the shield, spear, and cage of the World Government. Enies Lobby's Gate of Justice had never been breached, the Marines was the strongest force in the sea, and no one had escaped from Impel Down, and what did Black Order represent?

It was built in the New World where the most powerful pirates resided. Did it mean that the World Government was going to launch a new round of purge? And the news said that there was a new force that reached out to the World Government during Z's fight with Shiki. Was the founding of Black Order related to it?

Was it related to Jewel of Four Souls that was causing an uproar in the sea?

Almost everyone focused their eyes on this new organization. Everyone had been cautious of Black Order since the day it was founded. Even the wandering soldiers in the New World and some small-time bandit were reading the information entailed in the newspaper.

While many forces were attracted by Black Order, Toguro had already brought Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments that Drago used earlier to a place in the middle of the New World.

Toguro was neither a Devil Fruit user, nor was he an ordinary human. It didn't make much difference whether he fought on sea or land. Unlike most people, he could travel freely through the New World by himself.

At this moment, above this sea, his eyes seemed to see something deep down on the ocean.

"Finally something worth my time."

He stopped there, and dove down.

He wanted to use Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments to draw the attention of many skilled combatants, and create the next Battle of God Valley. Of course, he did not want to just spoonfeed them say that there was Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment there. He wanted them to discover it themselves.

It was unknown how deep he had dove into the ocean, but Toguro were so many sea creatures around him already. There were many big sharks and squids swimming around. However, Toguro's target was not them .

He was here to find Sea Kings!

There were many Sea Kings on Calm Belt on both sides of Grand Line. Some Sea Kings were way bigger than the other. In addition to in the Calm Belt, there was actually a number of Sea Kings in the deep sea of ​​Grand Line. It was the Sea King that Toguro was looking for.


He didn't know how deep he had dived, but when he felt that a life reaction through Color of Observation Haki was getting closer and closer, he heard a loud sound like a hurricane. Then, he saw a massive tentacle suddenly appear in his line of sight!

That tentacle was probably close to a thousand meters. Such a huge tentacle would have to bear a great deal of pressure in the deep sea. The tentacle belonged to an abnormally huge squid. Just one smack of its tentacle would've decimated a whole feet for sure.

Togure smiled as he didn't come here for nothing.

Toguro was not a human, so he did not need to breathe like a human. Although he would be affected by the water pressure in the deep sea, it would not affect him too much. Moreover, he did not come here to fight the Sea King.

There were four Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments in his hand. Those were the price he had to pay in order to attract the attention of the big names in the New World. He didn't care whether these four fragments would fall into the pirates or the Marines' hands. The strong would get it, and he didn't mind with such outcome.

He threw a punch and entered his 100% state once his punch was about to make impact.

The punch blew a bloody hole in the squid's huge tentacle, allowing Toguro to swim through.

Suddenly a wail was heard from below, and a huge monster seemed to be coming out from the bottom of the sea.

It was a huge squid that was over a thousand meters long and even several thousand meters large. Theoretically, such a huge Black Thief should not exist. However, in such a world, all kinds of creatures could exist.

Anyone who saw this would be paralyzed by fear and could not move. The squid had two huge eyes that were like blue ice balls. Because of Toguro's punch, it was enraged.

This Sea King might not have suffered such a blow since it was born, nor did it expect that someone could injure it in the future, but Toguro was here now.

"Once such a monster surfaced, its power might be as devastating as Zunesha."

In the distance, Genichi also saw this super huge Sea King through Toguro's eyes, and it made him have goosebumps.

One Piece Universe wasn't short on super huge creature like this squid. Zunesha, who could deal devastating blow to Jack the Drought with only its trunk was one of them. Even though size alone didn't guarantee one's strength, it sure was intimidating to face a massive opponent.

Toguro looked at the wild Sea King. It launched its tentacle again and tried to suck Toguro in with the suction cup on its tentacle. This time, Toguro didn't do anything. He let Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments get sucked into the suction cup.

In the next moment, Cream appeared behind him, evacuating Toguro to Void Dimension.

At this moment, four Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments merged with the Sea King's body, causing its body to emit a kind of light. In the next moment, it seemed to become even more violent. His body actually enlarged, becoming even bigger, and faintly seemed to be still growing!

At this moment, it was furious because of Toguro's disappearance. Just as it was about to continue destroying, Toguro's body appeared above it. The Sea King furiously chased after him. Just like earlier, Toguro once again entered the Void Dimension. The Sea King could no longer stop. It felt like it had to vent off this continuously rising power inside it!

As it rampaged on the sea, it thought about drilling out of the sea. It was determined to destroy the guy who dared to challenge it!