The Giant Demon Kraken

"This world is not easy!"

The sea was calm and peaceful.

Captain Fred of the Golden Pirates dropped the newspaper in his hand and sighed.

As a well-known pirate in the New World, Fred rarely showed such emotions. Although Golden Pirates was far less ferocious than Rocks Pirates and was not as free as Roger Pirates, they were quite famous among the second-rate Pirates in New World.

"Captain! Why are you so sad?"

Hearing Fred's voice, Baros, who was basking in the sun on the deck couldn't help but say, "The gold we get from the previous country is enough for us to play around for the next few years!"

Fred stood up and gazed at the endless sea. He then said with some uneasiness, "The World Government has set up a new force, 'Black Order'. I don't know what this means. "

"They stationed it in the New World, is it to deal with us more efficiently?"

This was the common question that all the pirates in the New World had.

In the past, the Marines headquarters was built in the first half of Grand Line in order to protect the Holy Land Mary Geoise, and now Black Order was built in the New World. The World Government's intention was obviously to further spread the influence of the World Government in the New World, and since they were pirates, they should be the first to bear the brunt.

"Not necessarily. The World Government won't spend a lot of money just to make another organization with the same purpose. It should be built to deal with other forces, no?" Baros didn't really care.

"Besides, us pirates are not so easy to deal on the sea with. The Marines couldn't even catch us, but now you are afraid of the newly created Black Order? Haven't you gotten a little timid, Captain?"

"This world is indeed going through a change. The Marine has sent Admiral Z and Garp to deal with Flying Pirates. Not long after Rocks died, they set their eyes on Shiki. The Marines has never been this aggressive before."

"The New World is a paradise for us pirates. Even if the Marines is powerful, there is nothing they can do about him. I don't think they can catch Shiki." Balos, who was lying on the deck with his eyes closed and enjoying the sunlight, suddenly felt a shock.


Being a vigilant combatant, he opened his eyes instantly. He then looked around the sea, but there was nothing around, but he did not let his guard down and looked at Captain Fred.

Fred seemed serious at the moment. It seemed that they both felt a strange murderous aura slowly emerging, but there was no one around!

"Prepare for battle!"

Fred suddenly shouted and a large number of his men came out of the pirate ship. They were either holding guns or swords. However, they were surprised as they didn't see any enemy around. There were no Marines or pirates as far as they could see.

"Boss, what's going on?" One of the fat men who was gnawing on meat said with dissatisfaction.

The others breathed a sigh of relief, while Fred and Baros' faces became more and more serious because a sense of danger almost filled every corner of the air. This invisible danger was much more terrifying than the visible danger.

Where is the enemy? Were they invisible?

In the next second, the enemy finally revealed their identity before their eyes. Everyone was stunned at this moment, and they almost couldn't t breathe...

It was like the end of the world. A loud sound came from the sea in front of them. At this moment, a bolt of lightning suddenly tore through the sky. It was as if it was cheering for this moment. The sky also turned dark.

It turned out to be a black monster that emerged from the sea.

It had a huge tentacle that could pierce through the clouds. Thunder and lightning travelled from the clouds to the tentacles, enveloping it with lightning as it slammed down like a divine punishment. Golden Pirates could only stare blankly, unable to even react.

They had been pirates on the sea for several years, and they were not weak.

No matter what kind of enemy they met before, they had never been so shocked and afraid. Even in an Admiral's pursuit, they could still talk and laugh as they fled. But now, what they saw was not a normal thing.

In this dark world, all they could see was that huge tentacle.

The suction cup on the hand was as huge as a mountain. The sea was broken by this huge force, generating huge waves. The lightning in the sky rumbled and struck down.

This was a power that should not exist in this world!

What could they do before this gigantic monster?

"Run... run away..."

Fred was also a strong combatant, but now he could not afford to fight against this huge Sea King. However, at this moment, a huge underwater whirlpool was formed, and their ship was in the center of the whirlpool.

Needless to say, everyone was scared out of their wits!

Then, the tentacle was coming down. It struck Golden Pirates' ship a step faster than the waves. The intense lightning electrified the ship and the entire ship fell apart in an instant. Needless to say that everyone on board was beyond saving!

At that moment, the captain, Fred, who had sunk into the sea, finally saw the full appearance of the monster, and the only thing he felt was despair.

One of the monster's eyes was like a blue sun, and its body was probably over ten thousand meters-long. The tentacle that decimated Golden Pirates was only one of his tentacles. Even seeing such a monster from afar would probably make people unable to sleep at night, let alone come into contact at such a close distance.

And then...

His consciousness completely faded. The giant tentacle had completely crushed the entire ship. More than half of the bones in his body had shattered and he sunk deeper into the sea again. He should be dying soon, right?

However, he was being carried out of the sea by someone. A muscular monster emerged from the sea and he seemed satisfied when he looked at the giant monster wreaking havoc.

"Someone has to announce this news, right? That news will definitely stimulate various emotions in people's hearts..."

This was the reason why Toguro saved Fred. It didn't matter if the others died or not, but someone had to live to tell the tale.

"Keep rampaging..."

He looked at the giant Sea King that he had created with his hands and gave it a name.
