Shiki's Arrival

"Be careful now, Captain Roger!!"

Roger's sword cut off one of Kraken's huge tentacles.

Roger slowly descended from the sky, and the huge tentacle fell into the sea faster than him. It was like a mountain falling from the sky into the sea, setting off a monstrous wave.

However, Roger's pupils dilated as he saw the tentacles squirmed!

He saw a brand new tentacle emerge from the squirming part, and as if aiming at him, the tentacle regrew at his direction like a spear.

"That's more like it!"

Roger advanced instead of retreating. He wasn't afraid and laughed instead. After imbuing his sword with Haki, he held the hilt with both hands and slashed downwards like a meteor fall!


The sword pierced into the tentacle, and Roger ran along, tearing the Sea King's tentacle. It certainly didn't seem as flashy as his previous slash, but the damage and pain it caused was even greater.

The pain finally made the Sea King reveal its true appearance, and it was so huge that it was like a walking country, Besides, Roger was facing ten tentacles now, not just one!

Its huge body alone already gave off tremendous pressure, and unlike the tentacles, there seemed to be a layer of faint scales on its body, which made people know that it had extraordinary defense.


Roger was a little stunned. He already knew that such a monster did exist. It was said that Zou was a country on the back of a huge creature. However, he had never been there before, so this was the first time that he had seen such a monster.

At this moment, because of Roger's strike, Kraken was furious. Coupled with Makima's control, its brain had nothing destruction. He wanted to destroy all these insects who dared to defy it!

All of its ten tentacles moved almost at the same time, and several of them were aimed at Roger. Roger leaped, but the tentacles were too big. Even if he managed to dodge two of them, one of them was about to hit his body.

At this critical moment, a flash came and struck the tentacles, generating a massive shockwave.

"Oh, Rayleigh, you're here too!" Roger said excitedly as he noticed his comrade coming. Only Rayleigh had such a speed and skills with sword on the ship.

"I'm not in the mood to joke with you. Hurry up and get rid of this big monster."

Rayleigh said faintly. It seemed that they didn't even see Kraken as a threat. Then again, they didn't see anyone in this world as a threat.

They were the most free pirates. There would be nothing in this world that would get them down. Even death would smile and welcome the most free man!

"Although I don't have experience dealing with a monster this big, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"I heard that there are four Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments inside. How are we going to split them?" Roger said.

"You are the Captain. I will leave it to you." Rayleigh shouted as his sword cut Kraken's tentacle.

Roger's crews had already begun their attack as they stood on Kraken's tentacles that were as big as an island.

Kaken attacked wildly with his tentacles. Many people could not bear the intense pressure and were thrown into the sea.

Those who took a direct hit would either die or get injured. But suddenly, a flying slash wave suddenly came from the sky and hit Kraken's head!

Some of the scales on Kraken's head were cut open and blood gushed out from the middle.

Kraken was in pain and roared again. The roar echoed throughout the sea, and even the sky became dark.

After that, a man's hearty laughter came from the sky. "Jihahaha! Roger, and Rayleigh, huh? I'm not gonna let you bastards have Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments!"

Roger raised his head and saw a huge island in the distance. A blond-haired man flew out from the island. It was Shiki.

"The troublesome guy is here." Rayleigh frowned. He also got hit by the tentacles, and was submerged into the sea before getting thrown into the sky.

Roger shouted loudly, "Shiki! I don't need your help here!"

"Idiot! Who wants to help you?" Shiki said with his eyes wide open, he raised his twin swords, "I want to kill this Sea King, and then destroy Roger Pirates while I'm at it!"


As he spoke, the sky became dark. Shiki's pupils dilated because he heard the voice of his navigator beside him. "Shiki-sama, the air pressure suddenly became abnormal. There might be a thunderstorm!"


Shiki frowned. He hated this kind of weather the most because his flying island would be in danger. Even he would find this troublesome, let alone his men.


He used his Devil Fruit ability to descend closer to the sea. In the next moment, he saw countless purple lightning in the sky. Then, there was a rumbling thunder. Meanwhile, Kraken raised its tentacles into the clouds.

"This lightning was summoned by that monster! There's no way it's a Sea King's power. Now I want that Jewel of Four Souls even more!

Shiki was extremely excited. If he could also obtain the power to control the weather, then who in this world could stop him?

He could destroy the world by himself!

"All of you, attack! Both the Sea King and Roger Pirates are our enemies!"

Shiki was the first to make a move. As he waved his two swords, the entire sea fell into a frenzy.

"Lion Might - Heaven Sword Style!"