
"Hey, Shiki! Are you trying to kill me!"

The thunder clouds in the sky were torn apart, and a huge golden slash wave was dished out from the sky. Roger hurriedly dodged, and the incoming slash wave cut off a tentacle that was covered with thunder and lightning.

"Hahaha! Roger, if you die, blame yourself for being too weak!" Shiki flew in the sky, but at this moment, he suddenly felt incoming danger, because at this moment, Roger shifted his target from Kraken to him.

"Godly Avoidance!"

Shiki couldn't dodge and had no choice but to block Roger's Godly Avoidance with Oto and Kogarashi, but his body couldn't handle the overwhelming power, and he vomited blood as a result before backing off.

Meanwhile, Roger himself was hit by a tentacle that was enveloped by lightning because he chose to attack Shiki instead!

And the sea around had turned into a sea of ​​thunder because of Kraken. Roger himself was electrified by the current as if he had entered a pool of thunder.

How could Shiki anticipate that Roger would swing his sword at him without a care to his own safety?

"... " Rayleigh was speechless as he saw this scene. He felt that they would definitely be able to take down this monster if Shiki did not come. The same was true for Shiki and his fleet, but when the two sides met...

Why did it feel like he would be killed by this monster?


A tentacle struck Roger into the sea, and Kraken absorbed the lightning in the sky like crazy.

This was not Thor's ability, but a mutation that it gained after Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments. It now had the ability to create thunderstorms and channel lightning into its body.

It wasn't like Rumble-Rumble Fruit that allowed its user to freely control lightning. It could simply channel the lightning in the sky into his body. Combined with his terrifying attack power, it was enough to injure Roger.

"Ah Roger..." After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Shiki rushed back to the battlefield, and Roger also emerged from the sea with some fresh blood on his body. Shiki glared at Roger and said, "Don't get in the way, you brat!"

"You are the one in the way. This Sea King is our reserve food!"

When they were about to start fighting in front of Kraken, suddenly, there was a loud bang from the other direction.

"Don't tell me its's Marines!"

Roger and Shiki couldn't help but look over. Unfortunately, Kraken's body was too big, like a country in front of them.

Normally, from this distance, one's Color of Observation Haki could hardly cover such a distance.

However, there were two people who could clearly feel it.

"Garp and Z... They are here for you. If you don't run, you will be caught by the Marine." Roger heard Garp and Z's voice with his Color of Observation Haki and couldn't help but smile at Shiki.

"Hahaha, only a worthless pirate like you will run away from the Marines. I am Shiki. A mere Marine can't catch me."

Shiki believed that his mobility was so high that Geppo couldn't catch up with him.

"This naval battle is gonna be very interesting!" Roger's eyes lit up, and he rushed toward Kraken with a sword in his hand.

This time, Shiki didn't stop him. After all, Roger was also a pirate. They were enemies indeed, but if the Marines was here, there was no need to fight to the death just to make the Marines' job easier.

"The Marines is a group of incompetent people who is good at nothing except for taking the good parts from others' hard effort."

Shiki had always looked down at the Marines. He wasn't even afraid of the Admirals. Otherwise, he wouldn't have raided the Marine headquarters alone, and even said in front of Garp and Sengoku that "You trash can not catch Roger".

But the most troublesome part of the Marines was how persistent they were. There was no point in fighting with them now. The Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments came first.

"It's Roger and Shiki. It seems that they are one step ahead of us." At this moment, Garp and Z were also rushing toward Kraken, while his men continuously fired their warship's cannon.

Z and Garp naturally could sense Shiki and Roger's presence on the other side of the monster. They couldn't ignore their presence even if they wanted to.

"Jewel of Four Souls' fragment... is really a terrifying thing." Z didn't care much about Roger and Shiki. He cared more about the Sea King. The destruction it caused was much worse than any pirate.

And some of Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments was scattered in the sea. Did it mean that there would be more monsters like this Sea King in the future?

"Admiral Z! Fleet Admiral Kong issues a new order!" The Den Den Mushi on Z rang. He frowned and picked up the call. He only heard the sound of a Marine soldier from the other side.

"Prioritize getting Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments at all costs. You can even set your task of capturing Shiki aside for now!"

Z didn't speak. He directly threw Den Den Mushi into the sea and Color of Arms Haki covered his body.

"Won't the old man be angry if you hang up on him like this?" Garp saw this scene and secretly laughed.

"I'm not that strong that I have the leeway to obey orders while in battlefield."

Z said lightly. At this time a tentacle was aimed at his direction. Z blocked it while Garp used this chance to jump.

Z's Color of Arms Haki-imbued punch hit the back of the Sea King's head. This was a punch that could easily destroy mountains. Even the huge Kraken slightly lowered its head and Kraken's tentacle that was covered by lightning would shock Garp.

"We can't let the Marine take the lead!"

Seeing that Kraken suddenly leaned forward slightly, Roger suddenly roared. And the one who was faster than him was Shiki. At this moment, he used his strongest attack.

"Lion Might - Heaven and Earth Scissors!"

It was the strongest sword technique he had used against Thor, the dual blade slash that could even split the sky and the earth!

Roger saw this and also rushed toward Kraken's head and swung his blade, refusing to fall behind in the slightest. Being flanked from both front and back, Kraken seemed to feel the threat.

However, just as Roger was about to pierce Kraken's eyes, a person suddenly appeared in front of him. A person he had seen before, and with one punch, he smashed Roger down, sending him into the sea once again!