Zero's Death

"Didn't I say that I will be looking forward to fighting you in the next few days?"

Toguro was standing on the head of the huge Kraken. It was he who suddenly punched Roger into the sea.

Electric current electrified the sea where Roger was plunged into. Kraken then lifted Roger, who had sunk into the sea, and squeezed him with its tentacle. Kraken's huge body and extraordinary strength was enough to crush Roger into minced meat.

Roger could only desperately use Color of Arms Haki to resist at this moment. If he let his guard down for a second, he would be finished. When Rayleigh saw this scene, he immediately rushed to the rescue with his sword, but someone else beat him to it.

"Hahaha, you must be that muscular monster." Shiki, who was floating in the sky, saw Toguro suddenly appear and could not help but laugh, "Another bastard who wants to snatch Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments from me!"

He actually did not care about Roger at all, but shouted at Toguro, "Don't get in the way!"

"That was originally mine. I'm merely taking back what's mine. You're the one who snatched it from me." "You all deserve to die!" Toguro said with a ferocious face.


Intense Demonic Energy was released and blasted out in all directions. Even Garp and Z who were behind felt this powerful impact and their pupils dilated.

"It's getting more and more interesting. Even that Toguro came." Garp jumped into the air and saw Toguro, who was releasing Demonic Energy from above. He shouted, "You're that muscular monster right? Are you then one responsible for this?"

When Toguro heard the voice behind him, he turned around and threw a punch. The black Color of Arms Haki covered his fist and collided with Garp's iron fist. Although it was only Color of Arms Haki, it might packed more power than a Color of Supreme King Haki-imbued punch!

"I am not interested in using Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments to do this kind of thing." Toguro and Garp distanced themselves. The two fought on top of Kraken's head as if they were on land. At this moment, they were separated by a kilometer.

After distancing himself from Garp, Toguro twisted his neck and said to Garp, "Although it has nothing to do with me, it is indeed someone's doing."


Garp just said it for the sake of it, but he did not expect Toguro's response, so he immediately shouted, "Who is it?"

"It's me..."

Before Toguro could say a word, a hole suddenly appeared in the other direction. Garp couldn't see it with his naked eye, but his Color of Observation Haki told him that there was a hole there. He suddenly remembered what Z had mentioned before.


As soon as Garp finished his words, a man wearing a black robe and a hood walked out from the hole. He was also wearing a swirling-pattern mask with only a hole on the right eye socket, exactly like the man that confronted Z in newspaper.

And he also saw this man on top of Nine-Tails' head in his dream, but now they were in the real world, and this same man was on top of a huge monster.

"?!" Shiki, who was observing from the sky, saw the man who suddenly appeared and frowned. He suddenly descended from the sky and stood on top of Kraken's head.

At this time, Kraken looked like it was going to use his tentacles to sweep away the people who dared to stand on top of its head. Garp, Shiki and even Toguro were ready to fight, but Zero slowly bent down and gently caressed Kraken's head.

Kraken that was violent at first suddenly quieted down, and it immediately attacked Roger Pirates, Flying Pirates, and the Marines with its lightning-imbued tentacle.


Garp and Shiki were both shocked.

On the other hand, Zero had already stood back up, and Cream was on standby, as if ready to leave at any time.

"Don't be so surprised. Kraken was originally my subordinate. It is surely not surprising for him to listen to my orders." Zero saw their expressions and chuckled.

"I originally wanted to order Kraken to turn Mary Geoise upside down, but I also wanted to see the pirate who could hear the voice of 'Jewel of Four Souls' at that time. It seems I accidentally... bring you together."

"Hearing Jewel of Four Souls' voice? you are talking about that bastard Roger, right?" Shiki said as he looked at Zero with a cigar in his mouth.

"There is no other person in the world who can hear it." Zero said, "Ah, he's about to come up."

As Genichi finished speaking, he saw a compressed air blade from below. Then a figure jumped from the flying slash wave that was like a rainbow, and landed at Kraken's head.

Now, Roger, Shiki, Garp, and Toguro stood in the north, south, east, and west of Zero respectively, as if surrounding him.

"You don't need to bring such a big gift if you want to see me!" Roger's body was covered in blood burnt marks. Among everyone, he was in the worst state. Even so, he was still very lively. As soon as he arrived, he said,

"Then I'll have to return the favor!" Roger immediately swung his sword at Zero with Color of Supreme King and Color of Arms Haki enveloping the sword!

When the other three saw this scene, they did not do anything. It seemed that they also wanted to see how this mysterious Zero would deal with it.

However, to their surprise, Roger's attack actually cut open Zero's body!

The compressed air blade that was generated from Roger's attack cut Zero's body in two cleanly. Roger's compressed air blade kept going after cutting Zero and headed toward Shiki. Shiki saw this and blocked it.


This seemingly very mysterious Zero was actually killed by Roger with a single slash!

Was it really that easy?

They stared at Zero's 'corpse', and just as they had expected, Zero, who had been cut open by Roger, actually laughed at this moment

The mask had also been smoothly cut open, and the mask still covered his face. However, through the two sides, they could see that Zero was smiling at this moment.

"Hehe... I have received your big gift. Gol D. Roger, I'm looking forward to our next meeting..."

The hole beside him suddenly dissipated, leaving Zero's corpse there...

Was this really Zero's corpse?