The Last Strike


Things suddenly got quiet above Kraken's head. There were five people just a moment ago, but there were only four of them just now, and the remaining four also fell into silence.

They did not expect that Zero would end up like this. It was really beyond their imagination.

"Why don't we first see the true face of this guy?" Garp suddenly broke the silence.

Shiki and Roger didn't know that Zero had once declared war on the World Government. And since Zero wore a mask, did it mean that he couldn't afford to let anyone know he was?

"Don't look at me. I don't know much about Zero." Toguro realized that the other three were looking at him. He said faintly, "He told me about Jewel of Four Souls, but I never said that I'm on his side."

"Zero..." It was the first time that Roger and Shiki heard the name of this mysterious masked man. They only watched as Garp walked slowly toward the fallen corpse. Then, Garp took off the mask.

Garp did not blink. He stared so intently as if trying to see Zero's true face clearly. However, when he took the mask away, he discovered that...

Was it really a human?

The face was like the deep sea, engraved with a light green terrifying tattoo. He also had a pair of huge eyes like Nine-Tails and he smiled in his death.

This situation made people feel strange. Who was this?

They did not think that this was Zero's true form.

Setting aside how he smiled and said goodbye to Roger before he died, taming Kraken wasn't an easy feat. Even Roger and Shiki's Color of Supreme King Haki could not intimidate Kraken. However, Zero calmed it down just by caressing it.

Thanks to that, Roger was able to escape from Kraken's tentacle. Otherwise, he would still be struggling against the tentacle.

Just based on this point, they believed that Zero would not die so easily.

Garp knew more things. World Government had relayed some information related to demons to the Marines Headquarters. He knew that Zero's real identity might be a demon trapped in hell. Could it be that this body in front of him was a temporary vessel Zero used to come here?

So that hole was actually the passage between hell and the human world?


It seemed they didn't have time to think too much, because Kraken went berserk again after Zero was gone. The lightning on its body and the lightning in the sky was redirected at the top of his head. Almost at the same time, the four people on top of Kraken's head quickly jumped away.

However, before jumping down, Garp first grabbed Zero's "vessel" under him, and then suddenly punched Shiki, one of their objectives, while Toguro rushed toward Roger.

Shiki had already been prepared, but he was still hit by Garp's punch. The intense force collided and sent Shiki to Kraken's back, which was where the Marines were waiting!

"I'll settle the grudge between us forever along with this Kraken!" Garp shouted at Shiki when he fell.

Z, who was fighting with Kraken's tentacles, also saw Garp and Shiki fighting from above. He roared and wanted to join them, but he was immediately blown away by the tentacles next to him.


Z suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. This monster was huge. Just a slight hit from the tentacle was enough to immobilize him for half a day. It was impossible to deal with this huge tentacle in a short time.

"Deal with the Kraken, oh and catch! That is Zero's vessel. Leave Shiki to me!" Garp said to Z from above,

Z knew that Kraken that Garp mentioned was this gigantic Sea King. What surprised him was hearing the word "Zero". Then he saw something falling. He bit his lips and caught it. It was half of a person's body?

Zero's vessel? What the hell was going on?

Z didn't know what happened above. He just nodded and said loudly, "Be careful! Leave this to me!"

"Hahaha... How dare you say that!" At this moment, Shiki was fighting with Garp in the sky. After hearing Garp's words, he could not help but laugh out loud. "A mere Marine dares to say such big words. You're gonna deal with me?"

Lion Menace: Govern Place Earth Coiling!

The air around him turned into countless white lions that rushed towards Garp. However, Kraken's tentacle was coming at them. Shiki had to use his Float-Float Fruit to dodge and his attack hit Kraken instead.

Garp also tried to dodge, but once he knew he could not completely dodge it, he punched Kraken's tentacle. After dealing with the tentacle, Garp resumed his fight with with Shiki.

Just like that, they fought while dealing with the tentacles. Roger and Toguro were no exception.

However, Roger was in a relatively bad state. He had already suffered serious injuries from the battle until now. He was pushed to the corner by Toguro, and he still had to fight Kraken's tentacles.

A chaotic battle occurred in this region of the sea with lightning strikes as the background. The Haki collision happened so many times. This battle that was much more intense than the battle in the God's Valley covered dozens of miles radius.

The battle between these big names and a Sea King lasted for several hours. In this intense battle, even if they were all monsters, fatigue would get to them eventually.

After all, they fought at full strength constantly, and Kraken was no exception. Although it was not a human, he had used up too much strength in this chaotic battle.

Hadn't it been for Jewel of Four Souls' recovery ability, it would have already exhausted its strength. Even so, at this moment, his regeneration ability was almost at its limit. The sea was almost dyed red.

"Lion Might - Heaven and Earth Scissors!"

"Divine Cut!"

At the same time, Shiki and Roger, understood that they couldn't prolong this battle any longer. Unlike a regular large organization, if pirates like them prolonged the fight for too long, the Marines's reinforcement would definitely arrive soon, and they would be at a disadvantage by then.

Therefore, they set aside their respective opponent almost at the same time and unleashed their strongest attack at Kraken.

Their goal was neither the Marines nor Toguro...

What they were after was Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments!