Join Forces

The huge Sea King let out a wail at this moment, while Shiki and Roger had to take Garp and Toguro's attack for turning their back against them.

However, they forcibly endured this pain and focused their attack on Kraken. There was nothing certain in this sea. They did not know how many enemies there were, and the Marines was endless.

Among everyone present, only Shiki would be unaffected by the violent waves that Kraken set off, while the rest would be powerless against it.

Kraken submerged into the sea after being attacked by Shiki and Roger. As it submerged, its tentacles still attacked them! It had already suffered a lot of injuries and exhausted its strength with so many people surrounding it, so it had to return to the sea. That was his home ground. Be it the Devil Fruit user or not, they'd be no match against Kraken once it submerged to the sea. Even if Roger, Garp, and Z weren't Devil Fruit users, they wouldn't be able to move freely in the sea.

They also knew this, so they would never let Kraken escape just like that!

"Shiki! Don't let him run away!"

Roger shouted. His voice shook the surroundings. Even Shiki, who was several kilometers away, heard it clearly. Shiki clicked his tongue and yelled, "Don't order me around!"

Despite what Shiki said, he shook off Garp's pursuit and flew straight to the sky. At the same time, he said, "Garp! Is the Marines alright with Kraken running away like this?"

"How about settling the grudge between us after we get rid of this gigantic Sea King?"

Garp went after Shiki with Geppo, but when he heard Shiki's words, he hesitated. However, the battlefield was changing rapidly and there was no room for hesitation. He looked at Kraken that was about to submerge and gritted his teeth.

"Fine! Let's kill this big monster first!"

Compared to Shiki, this Kraken was obviously a bigger disaster. Its size was too big, and it could easily destroy a country. Especially after Zero mentioned that he was going to send Kraken to Mary Geoise!

What kind of chaos would ensue if someone attcked Mary Geoise time and time again?

If Kraken attacked Mary Geoise, how many casualties would it cause?

Garp did not dare to think about it at all. He could only accept Shiki's request. Moreover, the order from Fleet Admiral Kong was to prioritize Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments over Shiki.

At this moment, Shiki had already flown high into the sky. At this moment, everything below was so small except for Kraken.

He stretched out his hands and the sea below immediately fluctuated. He used almost all his strength on the sea below.

The vast sea suddenly seemed to split apart.

The sea withing dozens of kilometres radius around Kraken was forcibly lifted by Shiki at this moment!


Even Shiki found it difficult to manipulate that amount of water, especially with such a huge behemoth like Kraken inside. However, even so, he still achieved this feat!

Kraken that was submerging was lifted up along with the seawater! It truly was an unbelievable scene!

Shiki had never used his power to this extent before.

Garp and Z's pupils dilated at this moment when they saw Shiki's ability. Was prioritizing Kraken over Shiki really the right decision?

In any case, they had agreed to set aside their grudges and focus on Kraken for now. At this moment, Shiki dragged Kraken into the sky, meaning it was their turn to attack.

"Hey Toguro! Do you want to come with us?" Roger forced Toguro back with a single slash. Roger said while panting, "I wonder if the Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments inside is enough for all of us."

"Why do you assume we're gonna share? You guys are afraid of the sea, but I am not! Once Kraken submerges, I will take it out myself." Toguro said disdainfully.

After saying that, he was about to attack Roger again, but at this time, Rayleigh's sword was about to hit his back. Toguro sensed the danger and turned around. He then punched Rayleigh, colliding with Rayleigh's sword head-on.

Kraken was dragged into the air by Shiki, meaning Kraken's tentacles no longer got in Rayleigh's way, which allowed him to rush to Toguro.

"I can't keep letting you trouble my Captain. As the firstmate, I have to step up sometime." Rayleigh also had a lot of sweat on his face, but he could still fight. As the the future Pirate King's right hand in the future, he was undoubtedly strong.

At this moment, he was a terrifying combatant like the Four Emperors. Although he was not as strong as Roger, he was powerful nonetheless. Even Toguro could not get rid of him that easily.

Roger took advantage of this moment and branded his strongest sword.

He imbued his sword with Color of Arms Haki and Color of Supreme King, turning Ace extremely dark with black lightning around it. Roger held the blade with both hands and suddenly rushed at Kraken with the long sword in his hand.

Garp and Z did the same. Garp even used the power of Nine-Tails in his body again. Although the more he used it, the less effective it would be, Garp didn't care.

The red energy merged with the black Color of Arms Haki on his arm, and then Garp punched Kraken with all his might!

Although Shiki had exhausted a lot of stamina, he also attacked. Perhaps it might not take long before Kraken broke free and submerged back to the sea.

He did not have the confidence to trap Kraken again, so it could be said that Shiki, Roger, Garp, and Z used their strongest attack in order to ensure that Kraken was killed in one blow!