Kraken's Death and Shiki's End

Garp, Z, Roger, and Shiki were the strongest people in the world. There were only a few people who could stand their ground against them, and there was almost no one who could surpass them.

At this moment, the four of them attacked the same target at almost the same time.

The huge Kraken was still struggling to break free, but in the blink of an eye, it was bombarded with four different attacks from four different directions.


There was only a loud sound, and various attacks collided with each other, resulting in explosion.

Despite being the attacker, the four who launched the attack were naturally the first to bear the brunt of the impact. Even Toguro, Rayleigh, even Shiki's Floating Island and Roger's ship, which was pretty far away, were affected.

Meanwhile, the Marines' warships had long been submerged by the waves that were generated by Kraken's tentacles. Even some part of Shiki's Floating Island was scraped, leaving only the main island at the center.

Everyone was forced to get away because of the impact. Meanwhile, Kraken's body squirmed as if the Haki-imbued attack that hit it was destroying it from inside

It was as if it had gone completely crazy as it swung all its tentacles wildly as it wailed.

Roger, Garp, and Z were all thrown into the sea, while Shiki was sent flying into his floating island, causing a large number of buildings to collapse before he stopped.

He didn't have time to recover from his injuries as he rushed out of the debris again. The other three that were thrown into the sea were no different.

Because at this moment, Kraken's body suddenly began to swell, and its huge body became even bigger!

The sea water that was floating in the air fell along with its body. With its mass and size, a tsunami would probably occur when it fell down. If that happened, the nearby countries would probably be drowned.

But at this critical moment, Ken's body had swelled to the limit before it exploded! Flesh and blood splattered in all directions, as if a rain of flesh and blood had fallen from the sky!

Kraken was finally dead...

It died after the combined attack of Garp, Roger, Shiki, and Toguro. Just like the battle in God's Valley, the battlefield would be destroyed the moment the battle ended!

It was a horrifying scene, but none of the people on the battlefield were frightened by this scene. Instead, their eyes were fixed on something among the rain of blood.

"It's mine!"

Shiki roared, because he had already seen what he wanted.

Amidst the rain of blood, there were four crystal fragments that fell along with the rain of blood. At this moment, he used his ability and manipulated the four fragments to fly towards him.

"Don't think you can hog all the spoils to yourself!" At this time, Garp, Z and Roger also rushed over. Shiki angrily said, "You will regret fighting me!"

"Lion Menace: Blood Sea Cage!"

He was already prepared as the blood rain started to change shape again and hurled at Garp, Roger, and Toguro at this moment!

No matter how powerful they were, they couldn't beat Shiki in aerial battle.

The others could only jump or dash through the air at high speed, while he could fly. It was obvious who had the advantage!

With seawater and Kraken's blood in the air, the rest would not be able to keep up with him in the air.

Shiki had already thought of how to get Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments and escape the moment Kraken was dealt with.

"There are actually four of them. It should be enough for each of us. But Jihahaha! All of this is mine. You can just watch as I rule this world!"

Seeing that he was about to get his hands on the Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments, Shiki laughed.

The water descended again, forming a cage-like water prison. Although it could only stop Roger and the others briefly, it was enough. He did not think that they could catch up to him.

"I'm sorry. Although I have nothing against you, I also don't want to give those fragments to you."

While Shiki was so excitedly thinking that Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments would be his soon, a man's voice suddenly came from behind him.

Shiki was shocked. He was too focused on Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments and Roger that he didn't notice that someone was already behind him!

And that guy was...


Shiki instantly turned around and branded his sword. Both Oto and Kogarashi were already imbued with Haki, but in the end, he was still a step too slow. Toguro had already punched him in the stomach, sending him flying like crazy!

Then, Toguro jumped up and headed straight towards Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments that were coming in his direction.

Shiki almost fainted because of the punch just now. However, he forced himself to endure the pain and used his Devil Fruit as he retreated. Just as Toguro was about to grab four pieces of Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments, Shiki forcibly changed two of the fragments' trajectory towards him.

"Just you wait, Toguro!" The number of Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments in his hand was reduced by half. Shiki was extremely angry, but now he almost exhausted all his strength. He could not fight Toguro any longer. He had no choice but to run now.

Toguro looked at Shiki's back and did not pursue him. He smiled faintlu, then he turned around and left without looking back.

When Garp, Z and Roger rushed out of the cage that Shiki made, there was no one up there...


Meanwhile, after obtaining the two Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments, Shiki escaped as far away as he could. Right now, he had already suffered extremely serious injuries, and he nearly exhausted all his stamina. Eventually, he found an island as he flew.

"Hu... hu..." Shiki descended. In the end, he leaned against a large tree and panted heavily. He looked at the two Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments in his hands and felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart. He had finally obtained them. At least everything he had endured before was worth it.

"Garp, Roger, and Toguro, just you wait. Sooner or later, I will..."

"No, Shiki..." However, a shadow suddenly covered him. Shiki raised his head and only saw a man wearing a blue mask appear in front of him...

His pupils dilated. He only heard the man softly say,

"There will be no later for you."