Golden Lion's Death

Wounded, exhausted...

Shiki had a fierce fight with Kraken and Roger as soon as he arrived at the vicinity. Then, he fought Garp and Kraken for several hours. Throughout the whole fight, he had suffered many injuries and consumed a considerable stamina.

The ultimate move he used against Kraken at the end was the most draining one of all.

After that, he was hit by Toguro's punch. It took everything he had just to run away, and right now Shiki was leaning against a big tree while panting.

Then, a black shadow enveloped the island, and a person appeared in front of him.

The person was tall, wearing a black suit, but the blue mask made it impossible to see his face clearly.

"... Thor. " Shiki gritted his teeth upon realizing who just came.

That was right...

It was the same Thor who snatched a fragment of Jewel of Four Souls from Z.

"It is smart not to escape to your base, but even if you find an island in the vast sea to recover, you still can't shake us off." Thor said lightly as he stood in front of Shiki.

"You! Just who are you?" Shiki asked weakly.

"Are you planning to buy some time until you recover?" Thor chuckled, annoying Shiki.

However, Thor didn't care even if Shiki did plan to buy some time, because Shiki couldn't escape.

"Black Order… you should have heard of this new organization, right? This is an organization that the World Government to deal with demons and monsters. But sometimes, we have to deal with pirates like you."

"... Someone of your stature stoop as low as becoming World Government's lapdog?" Even though Shiki had said this to Thor when they first met, he could not help but say it again, "If the two of us work together, we can even conquer this world!"

Thor looked through the mask and did not say a word. Shiki also just looked at Thor, waiting to recover his strength. After all, he had obtained two pieces of Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments.

With two Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments being fused into his body, he recovered fairly quick. As long as he had a little more time, he would have enough strength to fight!

However, Thor did not react at all, nor did he show any opening. It was as if he completely did not care if Shiki recovered, nor did he care about Shiki's taunt.

A person with Color of Supreme King Haki would actually become the World Government's lapdog?

"Why aren't you attacking?" However, this eerie silence did not last for long because Shiki felt a sense of danger approaching. This danger even sent chills down his spine!

"What are you waiting for?" Shiki asked Thor.

"She...She's already here," Thor murmured as he slowly moved to the side.

Shiki looked ahead, and his pupils dilated. He only saw a woman with pink hair appear in his line of sight. She had her hands behind her back as she approached step by step.

"You are... the person that Thor is waiting for?" Shiki asked.

Makima did not say anything. At the same time, a lightning sword appeared in Thor's hand. The intense power of lightning fused with Haki!

Thor respectfully handed the sword toward Makima when she walked past him.

"Don't think that... you can kill me easily." Shiki snarled, "I am Shiki!"


His eyes widened, and his Color of Supreme King Haki swept the surroundings. If the two ever hesitated for even a moment, Shiki would use every last ounce of his strength to escape.

He knew that he would not be able to win against Thor in his current state, and even that mighty Thor submit to Makima. It was unwise to attack before he knew who she was, so he had no choice but to run.

However, Makima only looked at Shiki with a smile on his face, which was horrifying for Shiki. In the next second, he felt a pressure that seemed to suffocate him.


Makima emitted a dark red aura. In the blink of an eye, the entire sky was dyed red. Shiki widened his eyes upon seeing Makima in this situation. She was so terrifying that it he felt submissive toward her for a moment!

"I..." Shiki clenched his teeth in an instant and thrust his sword into his own body instead of at Makima. The intense pain made him come back to his senses. He could still feel the lingering fear. He felt as if he was being controlled just now!

"Don't think you can control me! I am the Golden Lion, Shiki!" Shiki bit his tongue hard, but in the next moment, he discovered that his upper half was already severed by the lightning sword the moment Makima released her own Color of Supreme King Haki. Right now, Shiki could see his own lower half with his eyes.

Shiki still wanted to say something, but he no longer had the strength to speak. He was already dead!

The last thing he saw was Thor standing next to Makima. Makima had already put his hands behind her back as if she did not do anything special just now.

Shiki was dead...

This Pirate Admiral, Shiki, who should be Roger and Whitebeard's rival in the next few decades, died on a nameless island.

He no longer had the chance to shake the world, nor did he have the chance to corner Roger because the corpse could not do anything.

Even if he did... it wouldn't be as Shiki anymore.

After all, Shiki's body that had been severed by Makima earlier had been reassembled and almost stood up in perfect condition, but he was no longer Shiki.

After being killed by Makima, he had lost the power to resist Makima's control, so he ended up becoming her puppet like Rocks in the past.

"Just a little bit more..."

Makima said with slight regret when he saw Shiki stand up again.