Deal with the World Government

"Demon worshippers?" the fluffy-bearded Five Elders asked upon hearing Makima's words,

"That is an unacceptable reason. I believe you are aware of this, but since we have signed a contract, then we should show sincerity!"

Of course, demon worshippers could not be used as a reason. From ancient times until now, there were countless people believed in demons.

Demon worshippers had existed since long ago, even before the World Government was founded, but nothing like this had ever happened before.

"Each Demon has their own real name, and that's the only thing they cared about."

"Maybe they got the real name of the demon that no one else in the past knows, or maybe they got something related to the demon. In short, it is better to leave this to the Marine or Cipher Pol to investigate."

After Makima finished speaking, the floating piece of skin in front of her suddenly changed shaped little by little, and finally turned into something like a silhouette.

"The demon worshippers flocked in this country. I believe investigating this country shouldn't be hard for the World Government, no?"

The Five Elders looked at the skin before looking back at Makima. They were very curious about her motive. Did she really just want to steer clear from anything that wasn't related to the demons?

As if seeing through Five Elders' doubt, Makima added, "It has only been a year since Black Order is founded, and we're shorthanded, but since a Demon Lord is involved this time, we have to be cautious. If the Marine has confirmed that we're up against a demon, Black Order will send reinforcements."

In other words, she wants to sacrifice the Marine first?

That was what the Five Elders thought, but at the same time, they also realized that the country was probably extremely dangerous that even Makima needed some cannon fodder to investigate any information they could find.

This was actually another mutual interest. In exchange for asking Makima to catch some demon monsters for their research, Makima asked them to send some cannon fodder to find any information they could find.


This was not a big loss for them!

The Marine was a massive force to defend the World Government, but in Five Elders' eyes, they were meaningless.

If they could obtain some information regarding the demon worshippers that were related to Zero even if it cost them their lives, it would be completely worth it.

Most importantly, if they did not have to rely on Makima in this matter, they would get all the credit and made Makima owe them a favor!

Zero seemed to have the ability to find Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments... 

They had searched for so long but still found nothing, yet Zero was able to easily fuse four Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments into Kraken's body.

This ability alone already piqued the Five Elders' interest.

Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments had incredible power. Once the Jewel of Four Souls were complete, then the Marine, the demon and the pirates would be trivial!

Makima then left.

After that, one of Five Elders said, "Issue a Buster Call, with an Admiral leading the operation!

"We can't. What if the important information is damaged? We can't rely too much on that woman when it comes to dealing with demons."

"First, we have to find this country. Although we know the gist of the situation, the situation around the world is constantly changing. Many countries are in chaos every day."

They continued to discuss the operation for a while.

The sky was unusually dark tonight...

After walking out of Room of Authority, Makima did not return to Black Order right away, but stayed in Mary Geoise for a little longer. He walked to the edge of the island and gazed at the distant sea from above.

She rarely had the opportunity to enjoy the scenery like this. Even if there were mountains on the island, such scenery was still available there.

Although it was a very strange thing to do at night especially in this place, people at most would just think that Makima was a strange person.

The Marine headquarters was not far from Mary Geoise, and the same was true for Sabaodi Archipelago. Because it was very close, Nine-Tails could easily blast Mary Geoise from Sabaody Archipelago.

And now, she was secretly using the Sheep Talisman to sneak into people's dream.

After sneaking into Sengoku's dream last time, Makima was already used to this.


Prior to this, before the sky went dark…

Makima gave some lead to the Five Elders, but Five Elders naturally would not personally investigate it themselves. What good would their subordinates would be then?

Because of that, the Marine headquarters had been busy for most of the day.

Since the world was unstable now, and the border of many countries would shift, there was no country that matched with Makima's lead. In addition, there were many countries that were not affiliated with the World Government that they didn't know about.

Therefore, they had no choice but to check the maps of various eras before eventually locating a World Government-affiliated country called 'Galzburg' on Grand Line.

Because of the lack of resources in this country, they could only rely on wars to plunder resources from other countries. The World Government could care less about it as long as they paid the heavenly tribute on time.

As long as they could pay the World Government, the World Government would turn a blind eye on their invasion. Even if their target was also a World Government-affiliated country, it would not matter. It would only be treated as an internal conflict.

The question was: Did such a country become demon worshippers because of such a harsh condition in the country?

According to Fleet Admiral Kong's order, the Marine would be led by Garp during their operation on Jatltzburg tomorrow, and that was only the vanguard. Several Vice-Admirals and even the Admirals were on standby, ready to be dispatched at any time if Garp needed reinforcement.

Although people might that sending so many troops to a small country might be too much, there was nothing such as 'too much' when it comes to dealing with Zero.

In an indescribable uneasiness, Sengoku entered the dream.

"We meet again."

In front of Sengoku was once again the void world. He was uncomfortable at first, but he quickly realized that he was there a year ago.

In the world where everything was white, there was a figure dressed in black. The person's face was covered with a thin mask, but Sengoku could not see his face clearly.

"Indra...?" Sengoku still remembered this person's name. This person wearing the mask seemed to appear in front of him because he ate the Human-Human Fruit, Model: Buddha.