Summoning Ceremony

Then again, even though Drago had become stronger, it was obviously not enough to make up for the difference in strength between him and Garp. The flame breath that he used with all his might was easily repelled by Garp.

Drago blocked Garp's punch that repelled his fireball. Even then, he was sent flying dozens of meters and even crashed into a house behind him.

This city was already used to war, and there were not many people left in the first place. Because of that, Garp could punch his enemy to his heart's content.

Garp then reappeared in front of Drago who had fallen to the ground and threw another punch, but Drago managed to dodge it.

Although the Marine were very strong, most of them didn't have the Color of Supreme King Haki, so it was hard for them to deal with the likes of Kaido in normal circumstances.

Garp wanted to get more information, so he didn't use his full strength.

At this moment, Drago and Garp had only exchanged a few blows, but were already a little tired. After all, even without Color of Supreme King Haki, the strength gap between the two sides was quite big.

Garp was stronger than Z. That was how Genichi felt through Drago's battle with Garp and Z. Then again, there was a big problem with Z's fighting style.

If you don't fight with the intent to kill the enemy, how can you use go all-out?

"Tell me! Are you Zero's son?"

Garp asked as punched Drago again. This time, it landed on Drago's abdomen, sending Drago flying.

This time, he did not follow up with another attack. Judging from the strength of this punch, Drago should lose his will to fight after this.

"What nonsense are you talking about" Drago fell into a pile of debris. He pushed away the rubble around his body and panted slightly. "I am the son of the Shendu. I am the strongest dragon in the world!"

"... What! Could it be that my guess is off? But if you have nothing to do with Zero, why are you in this country?" Garp glared at him.

"Hmph... Well, it doesn't matter if you know about this. There is a Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment that seems like my father in this country. That guy Zero actually tries to use this Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment to lure me in and use me as a sacrifice to open the Gate of Hell for him that my father was supposed to pass through!" Drago said coldly,

"... Are you an idiot? " Hearing Drago's words, Garp just picked his nose and flicked away the booger.

"You know that this is a trap, but you still walk right into it!"

Drago slowly stood up. His body suddenly emitted an aura that was beyond Garp's expectations. At this time, he said at the same time,

"As long as I get that fragment, I can use it to locate the other eleven Jewel of Four Souls Fragments that react to Shendu. Once I gather those twelve fragments, I can revive my father!"

His body had undergone a strange transformation, and he looked extremely menacing.

"Zero wants to use me, and I also want to use him. You guys came at the right time. You idiots can fight to the death!"

Drago suddenly laughed as he tried to escape. However, Garp suddenly appeared in front of him with a Soru and punched again.

"Don't think that you are amazing just because your appearance change slightly. Tell me everything that happened here!"

However, just as Garp was about to rain Drago who had transformed into a monster with punches, Drago suddenly disappeared.

He used Teleportation right before Garp managed to hit him, and he reappeared hundreds of meters away from where he was originally.

After a year of training, he was quite well versed in Telekinesis and Teleportation. It would take him three minutes to activate Teleportation, so he used it before fighting with Garp.

"I forgot to tell you, this place can be used for a sacrificial ground."

Drago was now at where the military base used to stand. It seemed that this was what he was after, but he was panting slightly. It seemed that he was quite exhausted.

Garp did not expect that Drago had a move like Soru. Nonetheless, he would not be able to escape from his grasp. He used Soru several times and closed the distance with Drago.

However, what happened in the next second shocked Garp as he saw the large number of dead soldiers behind Drago slowly stood up.

In the next moment, the corpses put their hands together, as if they were praying. Even though their bodies were covered in blood and wounds, their prayer was so sincere.

The most baffling scene was their upper and lower half were clearly separated!

They were divided into two rows. One column consisted of normal upper bodies praying, while the other column consisted of the lower half praying with their legs.

These people were constantly lining up, as if forming a passage that led to despair and darkness.

Garp couldn't help but stop. As he looked closely, he noticed that there seemed to be a person at the end of the corpses' line.

At the end of the darkness, in this hell-like scene, a 'person' appeared. No, since it was a hell-like scene, it should be a demon instead.

Drago stretched his hand wide as if he was starting a ritual. Garp did not interrupt Drago. Instead, he quietly watched him as he was carrying out this ritual.

Then, the demon finally appeared with two of its escort.

His entire body was covered in a layer of frost armor, and his hair was also white. There was a hole on his forehead, and there was a crystal-like hexagonal snowflake in the hole. His hands were also equipped with two longswords that were also covered in snow.

In an instant, the entire city's weather suddenly changed. Even though it was almost December, this was too cold. The temperature dropped by 20 degree, and ice began to manifest.

And the closer the demon got to Garp, the colder it was. Garp felt as if his body was going to freeze, but what made him even more concerned was the bottomless killing intent and dominance mixed in the ice and snow!