Snow Demon Shaji

"This guy... is strong!"

Garp instantly knew that his enemy was formidable. At this moment, the demon was already in front of Garp.

"Thousand Shadow Snow!"

The Demon was naturally Shiki, who had eaten Snow-Snow Fruit and Monster Cells. Although he was just a living corpse at the moment, With Makima's forceful domination, he attained strength no less than his own when he was alive!

Snow-Snow Fruit and Monster Cells were enough to make up for Shiki's consciousness and Float-Float Fruit. At this moment, he waved his two swords, Oto and Kogarashi whose shape had been changed by the ice and snow.

In a split second, the wind stopped, and everything stopped at this moment. The two swords discharged countless compressed air blades like thousands of snowflakes falling from the sky at Garp!

This was not the power of his Haki. After eating Monster Cells and transforming into a monster, Shiki's Haki changed in nature. Although the basic was still Haki, the difference was pretty clear.

That was why Genichi had Shiki play the role of a demon. After all, Nine-Tails and Toguro's power wasn't based on Haki. Wouldn't it be weird if the demon that had always been in hell could use Haki all of a sudden?


Garp was shocked, but this was no time to be shocked, because he would lose if he hesitated for even slightly!

The enemy was one of the strongest opponents that Garp had fought in decades, and he could not let his guard down.

He enveloped his hand with Color of Arms Haki before punching the incoming attack. Suddenly, an extreme cold began to spread from his body.

Apart from Garp himself, half of the city behind him was directly frozen at this moment. Even the Marine and the people inside their houses were no exception!

Garp did manage to block the incoming attacks with his punch, but the aftereffect pushed back both Shiki and Garp. The Marine in the vicinity seemed to notice that a battle took place and rushed there. Garp thought that something was wrong and immediately shouted, "You bunch of idiots! Get out of here!"

But it was too late. Shiki heard the footsteps of the approaching Marine from behind him, and the cold air from his body became even stronger. Then, he immediately sent a heavy snowstorm in that direction.

Seeing this, Garp directly rushed to protect his men, but just as he was on guard against the snow demon, Drago spoke.

"Let's stop right here, Shaji. There's no need to fight them to the death now."

Drago smirked as he sat on the top of the debris, "Let him go. That way, it will be more fun the next time we meet."

'Shaji? Is that the name of this snow demon?'

Garp thought in his heart as he rushed past Shiki. He threw a Color of Arms Haki-coated punch, blasting a huge hole in the incoming snowstorm and driving it away.

The Marines behind him didn't know what happened, but they were saved by Garp for sure!

Garp didn't care what the Marine behind him was thinking. Instead, he looked at the snow demon. Even though Drago was no match against him, he obediently stopped when Drago told him to stop.

Was this the helper that Drago was looking for?

He used the dead soldiers in Galzburg as a sacrifice to summon this demon from hell. Drago must have thought this out, and this snow demon called Shaji should be one of Drago's father's subordinate.

After all, Drago's father was a Demon Lord, so it was not surprising that he had some demons that served him. However, this subordinate was so powerful no matter how he thought about it?

"Although I don't know who left me such a great gift, I'm really grateful." Drago opened his arms, and then the snowstorm enveloped him and Shaji.

Before escaping, Drago laughed and said, "Be sure to work hard for me and find Zero's base."

The snowstorm completely covered him and they disappeared from everyone's view in the next second.


Garp was sure that it wasn't that Snow Demon's real name. It should be a code name of some sort. After all, according to the information he got from the World Government, the Demons' real names were very important. 


This name was simply strange.

"Vice Admiral Garp, what should we do next?" While Garp was deep in thought, a Marine Captain was shaking as he asked Garp what they should do.

"Inform the headquarters and ask them to send Sengoku." Garp said confidently.


"Just do it, I'll tell you later." 

There was indeed some sort of conspiracy here. If Black Order wants them to die, then they would make sure to show Makima who was the boss.

Garp then left with the Marines, and after they left for about ten minutes, an eight-year-old boy appeared here.

It was Bullet. After the massacre, Bullet knew that he would be a wanted criminal, but he didn't expect that the Marine would send so many of their men.

When he was about to leave the city, he saw the battle between Drago and Garp, and he got some information from their conversation.

"She said to look at this country from a different point of view. No wonder."

"Such powerful people! To top it off there were also demons and Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments. There are so many things that I did not know in this country." Bullet muttered to himself.

He then smirked.

"Let's use this chance to see this country in a big picture!"