Monster Bullet

The battle was over.

The Marine has started a new round of operations, while on the demons' headquarters...

"It seems that you have made your decision."

In the dark underground of another mountain range, No. 3 said to Bullet who just came in from the door.

The underground base was so huge. They created it with their Psychic Power, just like Pig Cage Town.

They haven't done anything to Bullet since bringing Bullet there. They did not even keep him under supervision. He was free to go anywhere he wanted other than the core of the underground base, the 'E.S.P Training Box'.

Not long ago, they even brought him to watch the battle between Tunfo and Sengoku Garp duo.

"I want to become stronger!" Bullet said in a deep voice, "Give me the monster cell. I will definitely retain my consciousness!"

Despite only eight years old, Bullet had an indomitable will. He said to No. 3, who saved him from Garp, "If I eat that thing, I will become stronger, right?"

"Of course." No. 3 said calmly.

"Before that, I will remind you that you have committed a severe crime in this country. I don't care if you're taken over by the monster. But even if you can retain your consciousness, you have no other option but to cooperate with us."

However, Bullet had already made up his mind to join Black Order in the future. The eight year old Bullet actually only had a rough concept of Black Order. He only knew that Black Order was hostile to the demon.

And now he wanted to borrow the strength of the demon?

However, Bullet did not care about what kind of power he would attain, because he was in control of his strength, not the other way around. He was a monster who had obtained the most prestigious medal in the battlefield, how could he not know this ?

In fact, what was the difference between the monster cells and Devil Fruit?

They both were just tools to make people stronger...

Power is a weapon, and a weapon is power. Would you refrain yourself from using the enemy's gun because it belonged to the enemy? What nonsense!

Bullet certainly would not care about these things. He was almost killed by his fellow rookie soldiers back then because he was weak. After that incident, Bullet became even more obsessed in his pursuit of strength, especially after seeing the battles of the strong with his own eyes, which made him even more envious.

He also wanted to reach that level!

"After eating the monster cells, we will be companions. You can go anywhere other than the center area where Zero is." No. 3 said to him as he took out a Monster Cell.

Monster Cell certainly looked a bit like Devil Fruit, and considering its name, could it be related to Devil Fruit?

Bullet's mind wandered. He took Monster Cells from No. 3's hands and sized up this strange 'food'. It looked a little disgusting. However, Bullet had been on the battlefield since he was a child, so disgusting food wasn't really an issue.

He opened his mouth and swallowed the Monster Cell. Suddenly, a strange power surged out of his body and began to flow to all parts of his body, destroying and transforming it.

Bullet pressed his hand on his face. The veins on his face throbbed and his body twitched slightly. Then, his body underwent a change.

His body swelled twice his original size. Darkness covered his body, making his face look like a beast. Two sharp, sword-like organs appeared behind his shoulders and ankles. However, the ones on the back of his shoulders were longer, while his ankles were very short and curved upwards.

At the same time, Bullet felt an enormous power surging following his body's transformation. That power was really powerful, so powerful that he was intoxicated by it. However, at the same time, Bullet also felt that his brain was undergoing some changes.

It was as if his brain was secreting an anesthetic that targeted emotions, causing Bullet to feel apathetic towards his own emotions, as if his already very poor moral compass was about to completely disappear...

Was this the price of borrowing the power of the demon?

Bullet smiled faintly. He actually did not care much about morality and such. Otherwise, he wouldn't destroy an entire country in the future. However, he especially hated it when others took what belonged to him.


His body began to squirm. If he completely succumbed to the power of this demon, how would he become the strongest?

If he became a demon, how could he meet that woman?

Bullet gritted his teeth and suddenly shouted. Immediately, all the demon features on his body began to disappear!

"Pant... Pant..."

Bullet panted rapidly. The struggle to retain his consciousness had left him him mentally and physically exhausted, but he was overjoyed. He had successfully suppressed the power of the demon and returned to his human form! If he wanted to, he could do that Demonic Transformation again!

"So strong..."

Bullet took a deep breath and was really excited over his newfound strength.

"Thank you for giving me such an amazing power, but what if I don't want to cooperate with you?" Bullet grinned.

There was no sincerity in his words, and he kept looking at No. 3, waiting for his reaction.

"Of course you won't." However, No. 3 replied very calmly, as if he had already guessed Bullet's reaction.

"As I said before, you have no choice but to cooperate with us in this country. It is not really up to you to decide..."

No. 3 instantly appeared behind Bullet. He opened the door and walked out. At the same time, he said,

"It is up to us!"

In an instant, Bullet felt dizzy. At this moment, it was as if a monster was shrieking in his mind that he even wobbled slightly.

His face was ferocious. He closed his eyes tightly and used his hands to tightly clasp his face. He could not open his eyes because the moment he opened his eyes, he saw a huge demon hologram-like thing appear in front of him. The demon was as big as a mountain, and the huge demon face was less than a centimeter away from him. 

"You...are the new Number Zero!"