Pig Cage Town in Picture Book


Bullet could vaguely to hear the low voice of the gigantic demon before the demon and its voice slowly disappeared without a trace.

After some time, his hands limped down, and he panted heavily. His body was covered in sweat.

What was that just now?

Was it the demon's will that resided in the monster cell?

That asshole...

That was right, when No. 3 first appeared, he did say that Bullet was' a good vessel '. Could it be that he wanted him to be the vessel of a demon?

They must've wanted him to eat the monster cell themselves to establish a connection with the demon... 

"... Then let's see if you can devour me!"

Bullet did not regret it. This was something he had already anticipated. Although it was the first time he had seen a real demon, who had not heard of the stories of demons?

It was nothing unusual for a demon to do such a thing. He had already been mentally prepared.

However, it was not that easy to take over his body.

He turned around, opened the door, and left the room.

Outside was an underground tunnel that stretched out in all directions. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that there was a demon base right below Galzburg.


As soon as he walked out, he saw a person approaching. Bullet squinted, trying to identify that person.

He was the Black Flame Demon Tunfo who had just fought Garp and Sengoku. At this moment, he was walking out of the central area that No. 3 forbade him from entering there, but Bullet really wanted to know what was inside.

However, not right now. Tunfo was still around, and he did not know if these guys had any other methods, so he had to be cautious.

Shaking off the Marine's pursuit, fight Tunfo or the other Demon Followers to enter the forbidden central area was a tall order!

Tunfo walked past him, but he was clearly surprised when he saw Tunfo. Bullet calmly distanced himself from him. During the brief exchange just now, he already felt immense pressure from Tunfo.

Although he had seen Tunfo's fight between them from a distance, the pressure was clearly different as tasting Tunfo's strength personally.

He did not know how far the gap between him and Tunfo was if he used his Monster Transformation.

He seemed to hear an indistinct whisper coming from the central are, like the whisper of a demon that left him completely frozen.

Bullet took a deep breath and walked away. He wanted to master his newfound strength!


"Have you found them?"

Back at what used to be Pig Cage Town, Garp frowned and asked the Marine soldier who came back.

Sengoku and the others went to Ice Capital, while he stayed there, getting ready to search for the Pig Cage Town's residents.

"Reporting in, we have searched the area within 20 miles, but we didn't find anything!"

Hearing the report from the Colonel, Garp frowned even more.

What happened?

Pig Cage Town's residents should be ordinary people, so they shouldn't be able to escape that far during his fight with Tunfo, especially with children and the elderly in tow.

Garp even felt guilty for a while out of worry that everyone was dead, but now... 

They were nowhere to be found!

In addition to himself, he sent thousands of Marine soldiers to search the vicinity, but none of them found any trace of Pig Cage Town's residents!

This was impossible. It would made sense if it were a really agile guy, but it was impossible for all of Pig Cage Town's residents, right?

It was impossible especially for the steamed bun shop's owner and the woman with the child.

Even the mountains shattered because of his battle with Tunfo. However, there was still no trace of them. This was too strange, wasn't it?

A strange feeling began to well up in Garp's heart. This was abnormal, this was definitely abnormal!

There was something off with Pig Cage Town's residents!

This strange feeling got stronger and stronger in Garp's heart. He looked at the Marine's Colonel, who was waiting for his order and said,

"Withdraw! Leave this matter to the local police and army. We will head north and regroup with Sengoku!"

He had searched for more than a day, and judging from the time, he speculated that Sengoku should be already at the Ice Capital.

He didn't really agree with Sengoku. Justice was justice, evil was evil, and the one who defeated evil must be justice. If justice and evil joined hands to defeat evil, then it couldn't be called the justice's victory. It was also for that reason that he never really liked mentioning the battle in God's Valley.

In that battle, the Marine and Roger Pirates joined hands, how was it any different this time?

Perhaps Sengoku also knew this, which was why he didn't ask Garp to come along and asked him to search for the survivors of Pig Cage Town instead.

The two of them were old comrades-in-arms, and they knew what each other was thinking. It was exactly why they were the strongest duo!

Garp was about to return to the town with his team, but before leaving, he used Color of Observation Haki reluctantly as he had given up, but he was stunned this time!

Perhaps it was because he did not intend to look for people, but Garp noticed something else that he had not noticed before.

He immediately flashed and came to the ruins.

He used dug open the abandoned building, while the other Marines were stunned.

"Vice Admiral Garp?"

The Marines quickly ran over and suddenly heard Garp laughing.

In the next moment, something incredible happened. The ruins of the town began to 'flow'. In the shocked eyes of the Marines, the collapsed buildings moved like flowing water, and then...

Entered a scroll in Garp's hand!

At this moment, Garp stood on the cracked ground. He raised his hand, and a picture scroll appeared in his hand. In the picture scroll, there was a town surrounded by the mountains depicted beautifully!