The Marine's Cooperation With The Demon

'Aren't you one of his henchmen? Didn't Indra order you to take back the Buddhist Palm Book and the Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment?'

When he faced Tunfo a few days ago, he had said this sentence, and it was also the sentence he cared about the most so far.

Although he didn't care much about this sentence at that time, he had to find out the truth.

He didn't come here because of Indra. He came here because it was an order from the World Government to. From this perspective, Tunfo was wrong.

At this moment, he was sitting with another demon named Shaji with a cup of hot black tea in his hand. It seemed that Shaji was quite a thoughtful demon.

Sengoku asked as he drank a mouthful of black tea. The warm tea entered his body and dispelled the cold.

As the person who was responsible for this cold, Shaji naturally didn't feel anything. After hearing Sengoku's words, he chuckled and said, "I don't know, but they are indeed enemies. Tunfo is Meitian's subordinate. It is not surprising if he can sense Indra's aura from you."

Sengoku nodded thoughtfully and did not ask further. Instead, he sorted out the information he had obtained from before.

The conversation with Shaji made him understand a lot of things. Even if he got nothing on this island, the information alone was quite valuable.

Shaji seemed to be waiting for Sengoku to sort out the information in his mind. After a while, he said, "Meitian has two subordinates: the Fire Tunfo and the Thunder Sheng are both demons related to Buddha. They will never let you go."

"Although I have nothing to do with Indra, if they appear, I will not let them do as they please."

Sengoku did not tell Shaji that he had conversed with Indra through his dream. The cooperation between them was superficial as the reason they cooperated was purely because they wanted to deal with another demon.

Therefore, he deliberately left out some information, and Shaji shared so much information because he was the one suggesting this cooperation. Although Shaji had a Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment in his possession, it was not enough to be used as a bargaining chip.

They both knew that the Marine had the advantage in strength, so if Shaji proposed to cooperate, he would have to provide some information in exchange. 

Even without Shaji, Sengoku could just ask Five Elders to send more reinforcements or even join hands with Black Order and they could still deal with Tunfo and the others.

"Then, let's talk about business." Sengoku set Indra aside for now. After all, that was not the most important thing at the moment. No matter what relationship Indra had with Meitian, neither of them could directly interfere with what happened right now.

"Which Devil Lord is Zero? What is his ability? What are No.3 and other Demon Followers planning? And... how long do we have?"

Sengoku gently placed the red teacup in his hand on the table in front of him. He went straight to business now.

"It doesn't matter who Zero is, because it won't matter if he can't materialize in this world. Telling you about his weakness will only make us question whether you really plan to cooperate with us or not. They don't have the Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment that react to Zero, so they have no choice but to use special methods to summon a Demon Lord from hell, and such a ritual should be very complicated." Shaji smiled.

"They used the Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment that react to Shendu with Drago as a sacrifice to open the door to hell. They'll then use the Gate that's suppsed to be for Shendu to guide Zero instead. To do so, they needed a reveiver to receive Zero's signal in this world and a transmitter that can transmit signals to hell. In addition, a special ritual must be held to enhance the receiver and transmitter to receive and launch signals, and now they have such a candidate."

"Bullet?" Sengoku immediately took a guess.

When he heard Garp's story, he noticed No.3 said 'a good vessel' to Bullet, which meant that Bullet was fit to be the 'receiver and transmitter' that Shaji mentioned?

Shaji also answered with certainty, "Yes, they have already got Douglas Bullet, which means that they are on the final stage of their plan, and all they need now is Drago." 

"Their next move is to catch Drago." Sengoku thought for a moment and then said, "Are you saying we should protect him?"

As long as they protected Drago, Tunfo's plan would not succeed. Sengoku would go with this plan for sure, but he clearly underestimated the demon.

Shaji smiled and said disdainfully, "Don't judge us with human logic. Do you think the son of Shendu would let us protect him?"

Seeing Sengoku's surprised expression, Shaji continued, "I have the Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment that Tunfo and Indra needed. If you can harness its power, you can become stronger."

"When you've mastered the new power, Drago will act as bait and lure out the enemy's force. Once he does, it's an all out war!"

Lure them out with Drago as a bait?

"We don't mind cooperating with you, but you have to hand over that Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment first."

"This thing is useless to me anyway. Knock yourself out!" The Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment appeared in Shaji's hand, and he threw it to Sengoku.

Sengoku caught the Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment. He knew that it was the real deal as soon as he touched it.

After all, it was not unusual for some people to hand over fake Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments to the Marine in exchange for some reward, and most of the time, the Marine soldiers could not distinguish between the real and fake.

However, Shaji was obviously not that kind of person. Sengoku looked at Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment in his hand and was about to put it away, but suddenly he saw the fragment began to tremble violently. In the next moment...

It actually turned into a beam of light and took off from Sengoku's palm before heading straight towards the door!