Sengoku and Sing

Sengoku and Shaji reacted almost at the same time. They left their seats and quickly went after the Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment!

That Jewel of Four Souls turned into a golden light. Sengoku had vaguely seen this scene before. It was when the Jewel of Four Souls shattered into countless fragments in the God Valley!

He quickly went after the golden light only to see it suddenly entering one of the Marine soldiers he brought. He and Shaji looked at each other and frowned at the same time.

"That kid... He is chosen by Jewel of Four Souls." Shaji said.

"Speaking of which, what is the Buddhist Palm?" Sengoku asked as he saw the Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment entered the body of a new recruit.

That new recruit happened to be the person that Sengoku himself recruited, Sing!

Yes, that Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments entered Sing's body!

"How should I know about that thing?" Hearing Sengoku's question, Shaji coldly said, "That is for you to find out, but it is nothing more than a book to learning a power like Haki."

Seeing that Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments was not out of control, Shaji turned around and said, "When the time is right, I will come to see you again, and that's when the final battle will commence. Before that, I don't want to mingle with you humans."

Sengoku didn't care about him. He didn't want to break this alliance just because of their difference in values. He'd rather just leave each other alone and simply cooperated as they agreed.

With a common enemy, they could cooperate better.

As Shaji left, the temperature gradually rose, and Sengoku sighed as he looked at the crowd in front of him.

A Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment entered Sing's body. He didn't know how the World Government would react to this. They obviously coveted Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments, but the fragment in Sing's body didn't seem like it would leave Sing's body anytime soon.

Should he keep this matter a secret?

It was impossible. It was one thing if only the Marines were here, but there were so many Cipher Pol agents who saw this, which was troublesome. Sengoku tried to console himself that it was at least something to worry about later.

He specifically invited Sing to join the Marine. He had high hopes for sing Sing as he was very strong and talented.

More importantly, he also seemed to be somewhat related to Indra. As long as he was not a bad person, Sengoku hoped that he could be the pillar of the next generation.

He simply believed that Sing was that capable!

And now, being chosen by the Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment affirmed Sengoku's expectation. As Sengoku walked toward Sing, the Marine soldiers were looking at Sing in surprise. Many people questioned Sing, and Sing himself pretended to be unaware of the situation.

Once Sengoku was in front of Sing, other Marine soldiers suddenly quieted down. 

"Sing, come with me!"

At this moment, Sing's forehead was emitting a bit of golden light as the Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment was embedded there. However, this golden light was getting dimmer and dimmer until it eventually disappeared. However, the effect it provided to his body remained there.

The others were not surprised when Sengoku called Sing. After all, they saw the golden light entering Sing's body. Something must have happened.

Sing walked towards Sengoku under the eyes of everyone. At this moment, his body had completely recovered.

"How do you feel?"

Sing followed Sengoku as he kept walking, as if they were just taking a walk.

"I feel surprisingly good. In fact, I feel like I have gotten stronger." Sing said.

"It was because a Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment entered your body."

Because Sing had never left this island, Sengoku explained what Jewel of Four Souls was, causing Sing's expression to change.

"It turns out to be such a precious jewel. Are you going to extract it from my body?"

"You don't have to be so anxious. Although it is a very important thing, it must be fate when it chooses you. I don't plan to take it by force, so relax."

Sing was a very promising newcomer, and Sengoku didn't want them to become enemies because of Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment. He was the Marine's new hope for the future!

Sing seemed relieved. He let out a sigh and said, "Thank you, Admiral Sengoku..."

"I am your superior. Don't mention it. You have been recuperating, so there is something I haven't asked you."

"It must be about the Buddhist Palm." Sing took a guess while glancing at Sengoku's face.

"That's right."

Sengoku seemed completely calm. He knew that the question was unethical. It was like asking others about their Devil Fruit's ability. But now that Sing had decided to join the Marine, he should be aware that this was necessary.

If he didn't join the Marine, Sengoku wouldn't have asked this question.

Sing was silent for a moment while still following Sengoku. He seemed to be a little hesitant, but after looking at Sengoku's back, he eventually relented, "As I said before, it is a secret book I got when I was very young. By following the instruction in the book, I got a magical power."

"But only certain people can learn it. I once taught my friends when I was a child, but there was no change."

Just as Shaji said, it was a little similar to Haki's training?

However, he couldn't say for sure just yet.

"Can you let me see that book?" Sengoku directly said

Because Sing was injured before, Sengoku didn't have the chance to say this up until now.

Sing nodded decisively and said "OK!"

The aura around his body suddenly changed, which surprised Sengoku. He wanted to see what Indra gave him. Indra was shrouded in mysteries. He had suspected that the Buddhist Palm Book was related to Indra, and it seemed that Sengoku's suspicion was on point.

He only felt that Sing resembled his Buddha form at this moment, and as the wind stopped, Sing suddenly thrust his palm palm.

In a silent place, Sengoku heard thunderous noise. Insurmountable power was discharged from Sing's palm. A Haki-like power blasted, and suddenly…

A huge palm mark was left on the wall!