Sengoku's Ambition

Shaji's snow was no ordinary snow. The snow he created was harder than steel, so the ice fortress he built was really durable.

However, Sing's palm strike pierced through even the ice fortress' wall that was tougher than steel, leaving behind a huge palm mark. Average people would be amazed by this, but Sengoku knew what had just happened.

The fighting means in this world were only Haki, Devil Fruit, or the combination between the two.

The higher one's Haki mastery was, the more amazing thing they could do. For example, Sing's attack just now was actually Haki's Emission, which was an advanced technique for Haki users. However, that was not what surprised Sengoku! What surprised him was Sing's overly high Haki mastery.

To put it simply, if humans had a total of one hundred Haki energy in his body, most people in this world would turn one hundred Haki energy into one hundred power, resulting in exhausting their energy.

However, when Sing used his move earlier, he seemed to use a unique way to amplify the power he dished out!

The damage caused by his palm strike should be twice or three times or even higher than usual Haki emission! 

Was this Buddhist Palm?

What an amazing power...

It was not that such a technique didn't exist in this world, but those techniques usually just allowed their user to dish out more power.

Moreover, those techniques were often self-developed, so it was developed to suit themselves alone. They were often related to their own physique and Devil Fruit, but the Buddhist Palm Book appeared in the form of a book. Didn't that mean that it was similar to Six Powers?

Thus, Sengoku saw great potential from it!


If such a book could be distributed to the Marine, then the Marine's justice in this world would be as solid as a rock! This was simply a godsend for the Marine!

Sengoku was excited at this moment. Even if the Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment inside Sing had to be extracted, the prospect of having Buddhist Palm taught to all of Marines was more tempting!

At this moment, Sengoku made up his mind to protect Sing. If extracting the Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment inside Sing was dangerous for him, he would definitely leave it inside Sing!

That was just how impactful Sing's Buddhist Palm was after it was propagated. 

"Just like I said before, not everyone can learn Buddhist Palm. Only those with the aptitude can learn it."

Sing saw the excitement in Sengoku's eyes and immediately knew what he was planning. He couldn't help but say, "So far, no one can learn Buddhist Palm aside from me."

Prior to resetting his qi flow and awakening the natural-born kung fu master within him, Sing was just a mediocre person for more than ten years. 

Without the talent, it was impossible to master the Buddhist Palm as only one among ten thousand martial arts geniuses could do this. 

Color of Supreme King Haki was a rare talent that only one among millions of people could awaken. Despite that there were quite a number of people who had Color of Supreme King Haki, so compared to Color of Supreme King Haki, there should be more people who could learn Buddhist Palm in this world.

After all, the Marine was the largest force in the world. If there was anything it lacked, it definitely was not number!

Compared to Color of Supreme King Haki that was difficult to awaken especially among the Marine, the Buddhist Palm was undoubtedly easier. It was not surprising that Sengoku was so excited.

"However, Admiral Sengoku, since your fate intertwines with Buddha you may be able to pull it off." Sing continued.

"Then… you don't mind teaching the Buddhist Palm?" Sengoku's eyes lit up.

"Buddha and Devil are supposed to be enemies." After a moment of silence, Sing said, "I believe that the person who gives me this book would agree if it is to deal with evil. However, the book has been snatched by the demons. I don't know if I can teach it without the book."

"Thank you so much, Sing! You are simply the savior of this world!" Sengoku immediately said, "The justice will be several times stronger because of you!"

"Although you have to start from a Lieutenant rank, your contribution is too great. I will propose to form a new squad to Fleet Admiral Kong. By that time, you will be the captain of that squad, and you'll be given Lieutenant Junior Grade rank by then!"

"Huh?! That's… Are you sure?" Sing was taken by surprise as it sounded too good to be true!

"Yes! You are the Marine's rising star after all!" Sengoku said.

Originally, Sengoku wanted Sing to climb his way up little by little to see what kind of person he was, but there was no need for that anymore, because Sing's contribution to the Marine was really valuable that even a Lieutenant Junior Grade was too low for him. Sing should be a Vice Admiral or even...

An Admiral!

That newly formed squad would consist of the most talented soldiers in the entire Marine as only those who could learn the Buddhist Palm could join. By that time, this squad will become the strongest blade of the Marine, so he even thought of the name of this squad.

It is called...


Seeing Sengoku's determined look, he said hesitantly, "Then... Do you want to try learning it now?"

"No need to hurry, let's wait for Garp before we start." Sengoku suddenly punched and completely broke the wall of the Ice Palace. He wanted to eliminate the evidence of Sing's Buddhist Palm just to be safe.

That was just how important any information involving Sing was!