Justice For Good and Evil

"Sing, wait a minute."

Late at night, after the training ended, none of them made any progress. After all, it was only the first day.

When it was nearly bedtime, Sengoku called Sing again.

Sing walked over and entered Sengoku's room. Garp was also inside.

Garp sat on a chair in front of a huge round table with a painting in front of him.


After seeing this painting, Sing squinted. He looked at Sengoku and Garp before saying in shock, Isn't this... Pig Cage Town?

"Yes, Garp found this in that town." Sengoku said as he closed the door.

"Pig Cage Town is nothing but a painting. The people inside might not even be real." Garp said in a low voice,

"However, I have interacted with them for some time. They are very real. I can say for sure that they're not fake. They even have their own past."

"..." Sing fell into silence.

"Look at this line." Sengoku pointed at the painting with his finger. Sing then read the words that Sengoku pointed at.

"One sin per step, one lotus flower per step?"

"Yes, it seems to be a Buddhist saying, so I think it might have something to do with Indra. Do you have any idea what this means?" Zhan Guo asked.

"... No." Sing shook his head. "I don't know what it means."

"You and Sengoku are related to Buddha. Maybe you will understand what it means one day. Just like how we learn Buddhist Palm, the key is perseverance, right?" Garp said.

"Check it out again if you have time. It may be related to another Demon Lord. However, the most important thing right now was still Zero."

"Well, I will be sure to check it."

Sing nodded, and since there was nothing else to discuss, he bid farewell to Garp and Sengoku and returned to his room to sleep.

"What do you think of Sing?" After Sing left, Sengoku asked Garp.

Garp took out his doughnut and stuffed it into his mouth. "I think very highly of him. Besides, since you have given him such an important task and position, you should know Sing better than me."

"Hear me out. Back when you're still in Pig Cage Town, he once said to me that if there's no consequence to good or evil, this world will be full of selfish people, and that's what makes me impressed. I'm convinced that he had his own justice and can carry it out. But that sentence worries me a bit."

"You are talking about Celestial Dragons, right?" Garp smiled and said softly.

If there's no consequence to good or evil, this world will be full of selfish people. That sentence is easy to understand, but...

Everything that the Celestial Dragons did was just!

Sing's justice clearly couldn't tolerate such a thing. From that perspective, could he really survive in the Marine?

"Judging from Sing's character, he is bound to cause a lot of trouble." Sengoku sighed and agreed with Garp.

"This may sound weird coming from me, but what the Celestial Dragons are evil objectively speaking. Sing has never left Galzburg, so he may not know much the Celestial Dragons, but when he returns to the headquarters, he will definitely run into them."

"Send him to the New World. Have him train in the New World's branch for two years. If he can still hold on to his justice for that long..." Garp said.

He looked at Sengoku, then slowly said

"That... That's great."

They had seen many hot-blooded youngsters who wanted to change this world, but they eventually gave up after seeing the reality.

No one in this world could carry on with their ideals forever...

To be honest, they hoped that Sing fell into that category, because that was the only way could he become an Admiral, but they actually didn't want Sing to become that kind of person.

This seemingly contradictory idea was somewhat a given... 

The sound in the room gradually faded away. Garp slowly stood up and returned to his room, preparing himself for tomorrow, the day after, or even further in the future.

And so, time passed little by little.

Sing was doing well. Every night, he would practice with Sword members while investigating the traces of the demons in Galzburg during the day.

With the help of the soldiers of this country, the 30,000 Marine soldiers began to move in from the border of the country, trying to investigate every corner of the country. This would waste a lot of time, but there was no other way.

Cooperating with Shaji was a last resort. If he could rely on his own strength to deal with Tunfo and the others, why would he need to borrow others' strength?

In the blink of an eye, two months passed. During those two months, things were relatively peacefull, and this year would pass today.

Yes, after this day ended the year 1486 was coming...

It has been more than three months since the Marine commenced such a massive-scale operation. The whole world was weirded out by this. They didn't know what so many Marines were doing in a small country, and anyone who tried to investigate would be driven away by the army.

And because such a large number of soldiers and a person like Garp were sent to Galzburg, it led to disasters on Grand Line. Z was the only Admiral left, and he obviously couldn't deal with so many pirates.

Gradually, Sengoku and the others also felt the pressure. There were more and more pirates out there who wanted to join in the fun. Once they joined in, the situation in this country would become more chaotic. At that time, it would be troublesome.

And the culprit who caused all this chaos clearly did not care about that, because he finally got to draw a Character Card!

After such a long time, Genichi finally got his first 10,000,000-Negative Emotion Points worth Character Card was finally going to appear.


His current Negative Emotion Points had already reached ten million!

What kind of person was the first ten million Character Card?

He was so excited...