History of Demons

Darkin Blade, Aatrox...?

It did sound like the real name of a demon, but the real name of a demon should be very important.

Shaji and Tunfo had never even revealed their real name.

Being confronted with such a question, Shaji replied in a low voice,

"That's right. Only our most trusted people know our real names because a demon's name is the source of our power. We will only say our real names to the Demon Lord we serve."

"But among the eight Demon Lords, Aatrox is the only one who never cares about spilling his real name unnecessarily. We and the other Demon Lords have tried to use Aatrox's real name to deal with him many times, but it has never been effective."

"...Could it be a fake name, right?" Garp crossed his arms and said,

Shaji glanced at Garp and ignored him. "In short, we also don't know why we can't deal with him even though we know his name. Perhaps only the other Demon Lords know the truth. Moreover, he is also an extremely peculiar one among the eight Demon Lords. He is the only Demon Lord without a fixed territory."

"He has never made his own army. Under normal circumstances, no matter how strong he is, he can't become one of the Demon Lords. However, there are countless powerful demons who look up to him. These demons follow Aatrox out of their own will and wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice themselves when we attack Aatrox."

Shaji continued in a deep voice, "In short, even the other Demon Lords do not want to pick a fight with him no matter where he goes. Thus, over time, he became the seventh Demon Lord."

"It sounds like this Aatrox is very strong." Sengoku couldn't help but say,

Being able to stand toe to toe with the other Demon Lords on his own, and countless demons served him out of admiration. From those two facts alone, he sounded very powerful.

Aatrox was the seventh Demon Lord, and Tunfo's master, Meitian, was the eighth Demon Lord, and there was also Shendu, so Sengoku already knew three of the eight Demon Lords.

Although Aatrox was the only one who showed any sign of coming, Sengoku believed that the other Demon Lords were also planning to return to the human world.

If they could gauge their strength, it would be best. If Aatrox was the strongest among the Demon Lord, then they might have a better chance against the rest of the Demon Lords.

Aatrox was too strong. Although he has not truly materialised in this world, this pressure alone already overwhelmed Sengoku.

Perhaps they would still lose even if they had gathered as many manpower as they had!

This is a battle with lives on the line. Perhaps even he will die here... 

War was not a game. When one truly stepped onto the battlefield, they must be prepared to die.

However, Shaji's answer crushed his hope.

"After reaching our level, it is already very difficult to rise again, let alone powerful individuals like the Eight Demon Lords."

"If there is a difference in strength between the eight Demon Lords, it will only give birth to the sole absolute Demon Lord."

At this time, Drago seemed to be a little impatient. He said coldly, "That's enough of the demon's history. Let's talk about the present."

"You're right. Since you weren't caught, how did Aatrox get to this world?" Garp nodded.

"Perhaps he used something he left behind in this world..." Shaji frowned.

"I once heard Shendu say that Aatrox couldn't actually be considered a true Demon Lord. I thought that's because Aatrox didn't have a fixed territory. But Shendu seems to be talking about his incomplete identity."

"Because he is not a true Demon Lord, he is not suppressed by hell as much. Therefore, after thousands or tens of thousands of years, he managed to manipulate humans and gather so many followers using the items he left in this world. That's what gives birth to a new demon like the Nine-Tailed Fox. It also instigated Toguro to break Jewel of Four Souls, weakening the seal of hell."

"It is precisely because he is not a true Demon Lord that he is less suppressed by hell. Otherwise, other Demon Lords would've made their move."

"But I don't know why he is considered an incomplete Demon Lord." After saying this, Shaji looked at Drago, but the latter immediately shrugged.

"Don't look at me. Father never mentioned that to me."

Garp and Sengoku looked at each other, and finally Sengoku said, "Then all we can do is try to figure it out ourselves?"

"In any case, the necessary procedures are indispensable. If they want to summon Aatrox completely, they must use Drago as a sacrifice to open the Gates of Hell." Shaji nodded and said,

"Now that Aatrox's power has seeped out, it means that his strength has greatly increased, even if he has not truly escaped from hell!"

"So they should use this chance to attack?" Sengoku and Garp could not help but become serious. Unlike those demons, their location could be tracked. If those Demon Followers wanted to, they would definitely be able to track their location.

At this time, Sing opened his mouth. He said in a deep voice,

"If they attack, that just proves that they still need Drago. But if they don't, it proves that they are not in a hurry for the time being. That, or... they have found a way to summon Aatrox without using Drago. "

"The lucky kid who got Buddhist Palm, huh?" Drago glanced at Sing and then said, "In any case, we have to respond based on how they act. If they attack, then we must defeat them here. If they don't make a move, we will bring the fight to them."

"Do you know where they are?" Sengoku frowned.

"Now I do..."

Drago turned around and looked up at the dark sky. He muttered,

"There's no way anyone can overlook the center of this darkness."

"It's impossible to hide such a huge amount of demonic energy from us demons."

Hearing Drago's answer, Garp immediately said, "Then we don't have to worry about them. We will just attack them before they make a move!"