Toward the Darkness

As soon as Garp finished speaking, he immediately received everyone's approval.

"Drago, you're staying here."

"Regardless of whether Aatrox have materialised or not, and whether they have other means or not, they're definitely after you. With you, they will be able to open the gates of hell." Shaji said.

"I know even without you telling me." Drago looked at Sengoku and the others and said, "I want to get away from this place, so can you tell your men not to get in my way."

"Alright, you should leave Galzburg quickly." Sengoku nodded in agreement.

What if this was the demon followers' plan to lure Drago.

If Drago could escape this island, at least the gates of hell wouldn't open.

At the very least, they still had Shaji, so that was a big help. However... 

Drago and Shaji's objective was only the Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment that reacted to Shendu, which was in those demon followers' possession. Once Shaji obtained that fragment, he should be leaving.

Their alliance would probably end by that time, but Sengoku and Garp could count on them at least for now.

"Before we part, I'll give you a reminder. The strength of the Eight Demon Lords far surpasses all the creatures you've seen in the past. If you don't want to die without even knowing why, go all-out from the get-go."

Drago said coldly.

In the next moment, he suddenly disappeared. It was the power of teleportation.

"Can all of demons use that ability?"

Sengoku frowned and said,

The teleportation ability sure was troublesome. Aren't they basically invincible with this ability?

"Of course not. Do you think all demons can teleport however they please?" Shaji sneeered and said, "Only the eight Demon Lords can do that. Drago and those demon followers can only a fraction of the Demon Lords' power."

That's a relief...

Sengoku was relieved. Then he looked into the distance and said in a low voice, "Go ahead, we must send those demon followers back to hell before Aatrox truly materialises to this world!"

Then, they set off in a grandiose manner. Because this was a sudden decision, Sengoku could only bring the three thousand soldiers.

The remaining 30,000 soldiers were still conducting a large-scale search throughout Galzburg, and Sengoku could only use Den Den Mushi to communicate with them.

They couldn't find what they were looking for, and since Sengoku didn't know where to send them, he just asked them to evacuate the civilians quickly.

He was already prepared for the worst, which was the arrival of Demon Lord Aatrox. If that happened, the entire country might turn into a battlefield!

"Fleet Admiral Kong, please send more ships. And please ask Five Elders to lock down the entire Galzburg. The worst-case scenario may be upon us."

On his way, Sengoku was still asking Kong for reinforcements through Den Den Mushi. He didn't expect that things had come to this in just a few months.

"I already know about the situation there, and so does Five Elders. Five Elders' order is that you don't need to worry about anything. If you can't stop the demons, you simply have to get as many samples as you can!"

Kong didn't seem happy. After all, the Marines had already sent so many of their men. He then shouted:

"Make the best decision according to your judgment. Once you think that the fight is impossible to win, immediately retreat! The change in Galzburg has already alarmed the whole world!"

Kong as Fleet Admiral had already received a lot of reports during the majority of Marine's forces was sent to Galzburg.

A lot of pirates in the New World had already rushed towards Galzburg. If Sengoku and the others couldn't retreat in time, it was very likely that they would be flanked by the pirates and demons.

He didn't think that the army from around Galzburg could stop the New World pirates!

"I have already sent Z your way. In addition to that, the CP0 will be mobilized as well. You should be able to judge whether you should retreat or not. I will not say much about this. If you decide to retreat, I will tell Z to rendezvous with you."

What Kong was trying to say was very obvious. If the Demon Lord truly materialised, and they were more than Sengoku could handle, then there was no need to risk Sengoku's life fighting him. Five Elders wouldn't complain long as he could retrieve some demon followers' bodies.

If they did not retreat in time, then the swarming pirates would get in their way, and then it would be really bad.

No matter how much Five Elders wanted the information about demons, they couldn't afford to lose the Marine in exchange.

If Sengoku and Garp were defeated in Galzburg, then the whole world would not know what truly happened there.

"I know, but I will evacuate the civilians as soon as possible before the pirates arrive and the Demon Lord is fully revived. If we can't do it, we will just cross the bridge when the time comes." Sengoku calmly said.

"I will send more ships, but remember, don't make any unnecessary sacrifices!"

Unnecessary sacrifice...

Do you mean for the civilians?

"I know, let's pick this up after I return to the headquarters." Sengoku said in a deep voice.

The Den Den Mushi was hung up. Sengoku was about to say something to everyone, but his Den Den Mushi rang again. After picking up, his expression drastically changed.

"What?" Seeing Sengoku's expression, Garp couldn't help but asked,

"Roger Pirates broke through the blockade and entered Galzburg!"

The worst thing happened! Before they reached the demon follower's base, the pirates were already here. Fortunately, it was Roger Pirates, but who would be next?

Sengoku admired Roger very much. Although they were enemies, both Sengoku and Garp felt that Roger was different from the other pirates.

"They are really fast. Who will be next? Whitebeard? Ochoku? Or John?" Garp said helplessly.

"In short, we have to get out before they come."

"Speed up!" Sengoku said.

They were very fast as it was, but it certainly was impossible to cross a country that fast.

To reach the destination from their location, they needed to cross several cities!

"You humans are really a pain."

Shaji couldn't help but whine to Sengoku and Garp, "Don't mind those burdens behind you. Just leave them behind. If we do so, we can be several times faster!"