Roger's Perception

"How is it?"

The Marines advanced quickly, and so did Roger!

"Are you feeling better?" Rayleigh asked Roger.

Roger had an extremely high mastery in Color of Observation Haki, and that made him more susceptible to Aatrox's pressure. The closer he got, the more overwhelmed he felt.

Although he only lost his composure at the beginning, he was more and more shocked by the power.

Even Rocks was nothing compared to this overwhelming pressure.

Looking at Rayleigh beside him, Roger couldn't help but say, "I can still clearly hear that voice clearly. It makes me feel like I have to kill everything in order to break free. This is not just an enemy of the Marine, but an enemy of all creatures in the world!"

"This time we may have to join forces with the Marine."

"Well, this won't be the first. Didn't we also join hands with them in God's Valley?" Rayleigh smiled.

"I trust Sengoku and Garp, but I don't know what the others will think." Gaban suddenly chimed in, "Our ship can't be the only one that trespassses."

"Don't worry about what the others think. We just need to do what we want to do." Roger said as he looked ahead,

As he said this, Roger stopped abruptly.

"What is it?"

He had just made a declaration, but now he suddenly stopped. Roger's actions made his crew a little puzzled.

Roger suddenly frowned and said, "Shh. I seem to have heard other voices!"

Roger's Color of Observation Haki had reached the level of Voice of All Things. The more powerful it was, the louder the sound they gave off.

And now, the most powerful thing should be the darkness that covered the entire sky. What could be the thing that could make a sound in such darkness?

The others immediately fell silent. When Roger activated Color of Observation Haki with all his might, countless voices suddenly appeared in his mind. He had already activated Color of Observation Haki before in order to locate the voice from the darkness However, he did not use his Color of Observation Haki at maximum output before as he was taken aback by the pressure he felt at first. Now that he used his Color of Observation Haki at full power, the impact of the sound was even stronger. He could see he was being surrounded by blood and fire everywhere.

However, Roger maintained his sanity despite the scene he saw and concentrated to distinguish any anomaly in the scene he saw. He wanted to find the voice he had heard by chance earlier.

The voice that called him was clearer and clearer. Although it was not as loud and powerful as the voice from the darkness, Roger had vaguely felt that feeling before.

That was right, it was the voice of Jewel of Four Souls he had heard when he was in God's Valley!

It was because he heard this voice that he went to the God's Valley and fought with Toguro and Rocks there. Now, this voice appeared again.

Perhaps he could feel the overwhelming pressure from the darkness partly because he had heard that voice?

"It's here..."

Roger slowly turned around and noticed the barely audible call from the chaotic sounds of fighting among the sea of ​​blood.

His head was in pain, probably because of his Color of Observation haki, but now he did not have time to stop and rest.

After turning around, he suddenly kept going. His crews followed closely behind, and not long after, they arrived in a deep forest.

"What did you hear?" Only then did Rayleigh finally have the opportunity to ask,

"It's Jewel of Four Souls' voice." Roger said while holding Ace in his hand.

The Jewel of Four Souls' Fragment in Roger's possession was now embedded on Ace's hilt. After fighting with Kraken, he found a blacksmith and embedded that Jewel of Four Souls' fragment into his sword.

And now he heard Jewel of Four Souls' voice. Roger became even more interested in gathering Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments because he needed power to deal with the demons, who might break out of the cage!

The crew zoomed through the mountains and forests. There was not a single weak person here. Even the other crews were capable combatants in their own right, so they moved through the forest extremely fast.

Upon following the sound, Roger and his crews arrived at a cave, and this cave seemed to give off some ominous aura.

"Dead bodies..."

Gaban suddenly said

Roger and Rayleigh followed his gaze and saw that there was a dead body leaning against the wall of the cave. Roger was about to enter but was stopped by Rayleigh.

"This place is odd, are you sure you want to go in?"

"We are Roger Pirates, is there any risk we dare not take?" Roger laughed.

"If you really want to get involved in this war... I'll go in with you. Gaban, you stay outside with everyone else and prepare. If this is a trap, we can rest assured with you around." Rayleigh patted Roger on the shoulder

"Vice Captain Rayleigh, are you underestimating us?"

"No, I am just worried about that child." Rayleigh pointed at a person among the crowd. He was holding a child who was less than three years old. The child was sleeping. It was Shanks, whom Roger had brought from God Valley.

"Gaban, do you understand what I mean?" Rayleigh looked at Gaban. Gaban sighed and said, "I knew you would say that. Alright, I will stay here."

The same thing happened when they fought against Kraken. Rayleigh just dumped the guarding duty to Gaban.

"Who made you the Vice Captain?"

"Hahaha...!" Roger smiled and said, "None of it is not important. Rayleigh and I will share the fun with you later!"

After saying that, he had already rushed into the cave.