The End of Pirate

At this moment, Aatrox's body seemed to have undergone some changes.

The wings on his back instantly spread open, and those scarlet wings manifested endless evil and tyranny.

"Your music should sing my name."


The power of darkness and decay emanated from Aatrox. His body seemed to have expanded slightly, and the color of scarlet and darkness was even more vivid. He flew into the sky under everyone's astonished gazes.

This boiling sea and this tilted sky became silent at this moment, as if the entire world was focused on Aatrox. Everything around him was so small and insignificant.

As his body appeared again, the entire sea seemed to burn. A wave of darkness spread to the entire sea, and the people who were eroded by the darkness almost instantly turned into bones. Their flesh and blood, their souls were all taken away.

They were taken away by Aatrox and forcibly absorbed into his body, leaving only a few people who were still firmly resisting.

Charlotte Linlin gritted her teeth. She held her soul tool Napoleon with both hands. The flames of Prometheus and Zeus' lightning condensed on it. Combined with her powerful Haki, it instantly formed a huge force.

"Light Sword!"

She didn't want to die here, because she still had her own goal. She still had her own ideals, she wanted to achieve the Holy Mother's 'ten thousand countries' philosophy!

However, in the face of the difference in strength, it was still too late to make faith.

Aatrox descended to the surface of the sea, and with a stronger force, he destroyed the entire sea in an instant. Their fleet was instantly overturned, and the huge force destroyed countless pirates. Even Charlotte Linlin, who was standing in the sky above Zeus, was affected by Aatrox's power.

The huge impact made her, who was called a steel balloon, unable to bear it. She directly spat out a large mouthful of blood and then sank into the sea with a bang.

In the blink of an eye, the entire sea was empty.

If there was, there was only a pile of debris left.

"This war is my masterpiece."

Aatrox stood on the rolling sea, coldly looking at the surrounding hell like world. Just one blow alone, he had almost wiped out more than half of the pirates in the new world.

Eighty percent of Rocks' remnants were among them, but after this, they would truly become the past.

He walked into the distance, looking for the location of another piece of flesh. He wanted to bestow destruction and equality to everyone until the end of the world.

People who had died would not be looked at by him, and the people who survived were his targets.


So when Roger came to the Ayte, this was what he saw.

In the sea of ​​blood, there were broken limbs everywhere, broken pieces of flesh and broken ships occupying the world, and the thick smell of blood was disgusting.

Roger's eyes trembled slightly, and he finally came late.

The killing had ended, and it was obvious that the roots of the pirates had no power to resist.

They were the top overlords of the sea in the past, the kings of the sea, but now they were no longer.

Now is the era of demons...

Roger took a deep breath. He glanced at Nameless. Nameless wanted to say something, but Roger directly jumped into the sea. He wanted to see if there were any survivors in this war.

Jump into the sea?

Roger was crazy!

He was no longer a pirate who relied purely on Haki, but had eaten Devil Fruit!

However, Roger discovered that perhaps it was because the devil cells had transformed his body and had the magical effect of Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments. Under the superimposition of these two powers, he had a very high resistance to seawater.

Although he could not use all his strength in the sea, he would not lose his strength like other Devil Fruit abilities.

That was why he directly jumped into the sea and was contaminated by the scarlet blood. He endured the filth and ugliness and desperately searched for people who might survive.


However, what he did not know was that on the other side of the sea, Makima had already arrived.

Makima's ability to move in an instant even surpassed Nameless, and her physical strength and energy far surpassed his, so of course, she came faster than them.

There were many fruits floating around her, and they were forcibly stopped in the air by her Psyche Power.

Of course, she came for the pirate Devil Fruit who died in this war.

And there were many people who could be used as good puppets. How could she miss such a thing?

She stood steadily on a small island. She did not need to do anything because the creatures under the sea that she controlled would bring the corpses of those people.

Aatrox's last attack was strong, but it could not kill so many people. It just dropped them into the deep sea, and Devil Fruit's ability was dead.

Among them, Genichi valued Charlotte Linlin's soul fruit the most. The ability of the soul fruit was to give and seize souls. It could give souls to other things other than humans and corpses and make them transform into' Homies '.

As long as he was afraid of her, he could forcibly seize their souls to restore and strengthen himself. This ability was actually very powerful, and it was also considered to be the most suitable ability for himself.

With the ability of the soul fruit, he did not have to worry about not having enough subordinates, and all kinds of characters could exist.

Even if Charlotte Linlin did not take the initiative to attack Aatrox, he would have let Aatrox attack her later.

And now, Charlotte Linlin's body was carried out of the sea by a tiger shark.

Makima activated his telekinesis and brought her to the edge of the island.

Looking at the unconscious Charlotte Linlin, Makima smiled.

The future Four Emperors were so weak in front of him.

What would the new world be like now?

Charlotte Linlin was not dead, but it was a pity that she had to die.

Now, she had no room to resist Makima. Even the steel balloon could not catch Makima's attack when she was completely unconscious and injured.

The current Ling Ling was not as fat as she was in the future. She was wet and fell on the ground, not losing her charm.

However, Genichi was not a person who was in love, nor was he a person who could not move when seeing a woman. Therefore, he killed her. Makima's Psyche Power destroyed Linlin's consciousness, and the Soul Fruit immediately spread out from her body .

She was already prepared, so of course, she controlled the power of the demon and let it merge into the Devil Fruit in her hand.


The Soul Soul Fruit appeared in her hands!