Charlotte Linlin's Two Lives

Later on, after a period of time, Makima collected enough Devil Fruit.

Many people were experts in the Great Sea, and their Devil Fruit was also very good. This allowed Genichi to make many choices when he strengthened his subordinates.

She controlled all the people who were still intact and had good strength, and then let them leave this island.

It was also mentioned that Whitebeard was not among these people.

Of course, Whitebeard did not think that it would be solved now. He was still very useful. Not only was he strong, but he also had a certain influence on the world's main storyline. This kind of person gave Genichi a very high status.

What's more...

There was someone who saved him.

She first returned to Black Order's headquarters, put down these Devil Fruit, and then returned to the island. It had been an unknown amount of time.

The island was still so calm, but the sea in front of her was a shocking sight. It was like a sea of ​​blood and hell, making people shudder.

She slowly walked to where Charlotte Linlin was. At that time, she wanted to dominate the bodies of these people and make them a puppet, but Charlotte Linlin was not successfully controlled.

This was obvious that she was not dead.

This is interesting...

Makima was very sure that she had destroyed her consciousness before, but she was still alive. There was only one possibility.

That was, there were two consciousness in her mind.

The consciousness that Makima had just killed was related to the Soul-Soul Fruit, but it was not related to Charlotte Linlin's life.

This reminded Genichi of Charlotte Linlin's past. At first, she was an orphan abandoned by her parents. She was raised by the nun, Carmel, who had the ability of the Soul-Soul Fruit.

However, at the last birthday party, Charlotte Linlin, who had a great time eating, came back to her senses. Everyone in the sheep's house had disappeared.

Including the nun who raised her...

And at this time, she also had the ability of the Soul-Soul Fruit of the nun.

Although the author of One Piece did not clearly state what happened at that time, why did people disappear, why did she have the ability to have the Soul-Soul Fruit later?

But people have a lot of guesses about this story, one of the guesses is... 

Charlotte Linlin directly ate the people of the Sheep Family!

Makima looked at Charlotte Linlin, who was still unconscious on the ground, and the corners of her mouth slightly rose.

If Carmel, who had the Soul-Soul Fruit, entered Charlotte Linlin's body in a certain way, because she wanted to get rid of aging and occupy her strong body because she wanted to get power, so she did this.

However, Charlotte Linlin's power was beyond imagination. Although she entered Charlotte Linlin's body, she was suppressed by her power and could only become the nutrients of the other party. Even the Soul-Soul Fruit became the power of Charlotte Linlin.

Perhaps one day, Charlotte Linlin's power was weakened to the extreme and she might appear again, but now there was no chance.

What Makima just killed should be her soul.

And only if she died, the Soul Soul-Soul Fruit would overflow.

Then what still existed now was the self-consciousness of the future Four Emperors, Big Mom Linlin.

This was a little interesting.

In fact, Genichi did not want to kill Charlotte Linlin, or it was not the time yet. They could become the main characters of the future world, and it was a pity to die now.

Even if he had to die, he had to stimulate Luffy's mood in the future.

Charlotte Linlin's talent was still very terrifying. Although she did not have the Soul-Soul Fruit now, as long as she found a suitable and powerful Devil Fruit, it would not be difficult to become a top expert.

It was estimated that there would not be such an interesting world like Totto Land. After all, without the Soul-Soul Fruit, she could not control Homies, and could not let all kinds of creatures and objects have souls.

Thinking of this, she sat down on a stone on the side.

After an unknown period of time, she said softly,

"You are not dead."

Charlotte Linlin slowly opened her eyes from the darkness and immediately heard Makima's voice.

She did not speak, because the moment she woke up, the figure of the demon appeared in her mind.

It was too powerful and too frightening.

The demon seemed to be laughing maliciously and destroying the world in the huge roar. His body exuded endless malice and destruction, making people feel a heartfelt fear.

Charlotte Linlin was now trembling a little. She took a deep breath and slowly spat it out to repeat.

What was that? It was not a product that should belong to this world at all!

And now they actually came to destroy such a thing, it was really ridiculous, really too ridiculous.

Charlotte Linlin had seen many experts, back then Rocks was so powerful, she did not take it to heart too much.

She thought that there should not be anything in this world that could make her fear, and now that thing appeared, and it was wantonly slaughtering before her.

She did not die?

It shouldn't be...

The face of the devil that was roaring in her mind gradually disappeared, followed by her last memory at that time.

That Aatrox used some kind of trick and shattered the sky and the sea. She sat on Zeus and released lightning, but the power of lightning was far inferior to that of the devil. In the end, she was forced back by that power. The first time in history, she felt that she was injured, and seriously injured!

After being seriously injured, she fell into the sea. The sea was the natural enemy of Devil Fruit. However, in this situation, she actually survived?

"You saved me?"

She gradually calmed herself down and then turned to see Makima.

Her small eyes shrank because she knew who this person was.

Although it was the first time they met, with her strength and power, she could still know who the marshal of Black Order's headquarters was.

She is a member of the world government...

Charlotte Linlin's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. Although she was still alive, she was seriously injured, and...

She seemed to have lost something.

What was lost?


"Zeus Napoleon? Prometheus" She suddenly seemed to recall something.

The response between souls...

No more!

Moreover, even if she wanted to activate her ability, she wouldn't be able to succeed!

"So you should understand."

Makima sat on the stone and looked at Charlotte Linlin with interest.

"The person who saved you was not me."

"It was your Mother Carmel."