World Allied Forces

"Thank you, I will use my piece of Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments to exchange with you."

After about an hour, Whitebeard finally woke up.

During this period of time, Nameless also brought him to the island where Roger Pirates were at the beginning. After all, there was such a battle in the sea area, and soon someone would come to check it out.

They had the ability to move in an instant and could quickly enter and leave, while others could not.

Whitebeard lay on the bed. Although he had recovered by relying on Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments, he was still a little weak.

However, this fragment was indeed very magical and was rapidly restoring his strength.

Whitebeard looked at the ceiling, and his mind was still thinking about Aatrox from before... 

That monster...

Just like Charlotte Linlin, this was the first time he had seen such a powerful demon. It was not something that humans could deal with.

That battle had already passed, and he already knew that he had been saved.

But Aatrox's figure lingered in his mind for a long time, and it became more and more real, as if he was going to come out and devour him.

It was simply like...

A type of pollution

Whitebeard frowned. At this time, Nameless, who was sitting next to him, seemed to have seen through what he was thinking. He said, "There is indeed a strange fluctuation on Aatrox's body. If you have been in contact with him for too long, you may be contaminated by his power."

"The mind of the contaminated person will become biased towards demons. They will become more violent and have the urge to destroy. However, you have not been in contact with him for a long time. Moreover, you still have Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments. You should be able to recover after a while."

Aatrox used to be a noble ascender, but he was corrupted by the will of the void when he fought against the evil forces in the void. In addition, his empire collapsed later, causing him to be lost for a moment and eventually fall into the hands of Darkin.

Aatrox came into contact with a big source of infection, which was also a small source of infection. Although it could not be as efficient and corrosive as the void, it was still no problem to create an effect that could make the people around him fall continuously with his own magic.

"Whitebeard, don't be discouraged. You are an enemy that I acknowledge. If I were to be defeated by that devil, where would I put my face?" Roger laughed heartily.

Roger's hearty laughter dispelled some of the dark clouds in Whitebeard's heart. He raised his head and looked at Roger, who was standing beside him, and could not help but say,


"You really are as annoying as ever."

However, Whitebeard had indeed improved a little, because he could not die, could not retreat, and could not be so afraid.

Because his family was still there, the family that he had found with great difficulty, how could he let Aatrox destroy everything?

Absolutely not!

Whitebeard slowly sat up and said to Nameless, "You saved me, but I still don't know your name."

This is... a three-eyed race?

Whitebeard looked at Nameless curiously. The third eye on his forehead was too eye-catching, but it seemed a little impolite to do so. So he quickly withdrew his gaze.

"Nameless, I don't have a name."

"Wahahaha, Roger, you really found a good crew member!" Whitebeard laughed

Roger also smiled, "Of course, Newgate, my crew is the best in the world!"

When the laughter dissipated, Roger became serious again and said, "After this battle, I think you should understand that facing an enemy like Aatrox, the number of enemies is useless. Only a few elites can work together to kill him."

Whitebeard nodded. It was true. That monster simply regarded humans as ants. No matter how many people there were in front of him, there was no difference to him. Because no matter how many ants there were, he only needed to step over them .

And the dead people not only could not consume his strength, but would also become a part of him to provide him with the flesh and blood he needed for his activities. Facing such people with the advantage of numbers, there was no effect at all.

"So, let's join hands when the time is right!" Roger reached out his hand and said, "Gather the top warriors in this world. Whether it is pirates or the navy, let us work together to defeat Aatrox, and then we will have internal disputes among humans. How about it?"

"Wahahaha, it sounds like a fantasy." Whitebeard laughed, as if he was amused by Roger's naive thoughts.

"Do you think you can make so many people put down the grudges between them? And..."

"Where did you find so many experts? After the battle with Ayte, almost half of the top experts in the sea were killed by Aatrox."


Shiki was also dead.

If Shiki was still alive, he would definitely become a powerful fighter.


Roger said indifferently, "The sea is so big, there must be some strong people that we don't know. What's more, Black Order must be against Aatrox. It is not impossible to gather enough strength."

"We will do this." "When the time is right, we will contact everyone. At least in the matter of dealing with Aatrox, whether it is us pirates, the world government, or those who have not stepped into the disputes, we should be the same."

"Since you are so confident, there is no reason for me not to participate. Moreover, you have saved my life." Whitebeard felt that he had recovered a lot. He got off the bed and said, "Then I will wait for that day. I hope that I won't wait too long."

"I will send you back." Nameless, who was sitting on the chair, also stood up. He nodded and said, "It is more convenient."

It was convenient for Whitebeard to return to his ship, and it was also convenient for Nameless to get his Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments.

Nameless' Jewel of Four Souls' Fragments had merged into Whitebeard's body, so he would need to use his piece to exchange for it. Whitebeard would not go back on his words.

"Alright, we will continue to rest here for a period of time. When the time comes, you can directly return here." Roger patted the nameless shoulder and said,

He now felt that Nameless's ability to teleport was stronger.

"Newgate, then the next time we meet, it is time for us to throw our lives away."

"Wahahaha... I don't think I will lose to you if I put my life on the line."

Whitebeard laughed. Pirates on the sea were like this. It was easy for them to suddenly laugh. This was very unfriendly to Nameless, who only had a few years of experience.