Soul-Soul Fruit

Therefore, Whitebeard left, and Nameless took him to his own fleet.

Thus, two survivors appeared in the naval battle. One was Charlotte Linlin, who was saved by Makima, and the other was Whitebeard, who was saved by Roger.

The news of the battle soon spread to the world.

People were almost shocked beyond words. That was the coalition of so many elite pirates. With so many people gathered together, even the world government was nervous, but they were almost wiped out in a battle!

There was only one opponent!

It was too terrifying. When the news spread out, they could not believe their eyes. Even if it was said that the world government had organized an alliance army to destroy it, they could accept it, but they were only beaten like this by one person?

Who could accept this? Who could believe this?

It was simply inconceivable!

Although most of them were Rocks' remnants, it didn't mean that they were still the same as before. After Rocks' pirates disbanded, the people among them had become several times stronger. They were no longer the same as before when they were in Rocks' pirate group.

The combat strength of this allied army was indeed worthy of being the world's top, but the result was so miserable.

The big pirate Ochoku, John, Silver Ax and others were all wiped out in the Ayte. Even Whitebeard heard that they were saved by someone. Charlotte Linlin didn't know how she survived, but she was also injured.

Fortunately, 50 to 60 of the pirates on the sea were cleared by Aatrox, causing no one to take the opportunity to pick up the loot even if Charlotte Linlin was injured.

The Marine wanted to pick up the loot, but they didn't have the ability to recover.

Therefore, the whole world was boiling.

Especially the numerous crimes that Aatrox had committed, all of them showed that he was a demon that was completely different from humans. He was a world-destroying person who lived by killing and wanted to end everything. approaching too late.

No one can stop him...

Is the world going to be destroyed?

In front of him is the world government suffering a crushing defeat in his hands, and behind him is the death of the pirate alliance army. What else can stop him?

Genichi is the most intuitive feeling that the emotions of the people in the world are changing.

The real big shots, such as Five Elders, the Fleet Admiral, and the Admiral, all felt incomparably nervous. The ordinary world government officials, or the nobles and kings of World Government-affiliated country basically all felt fear. while the people at the bottom were a type of carnival!

Yes, carnival!

The most intuitive thing was that Genichi received more and more Positive Emotion Points himself, so many that he was surprised to the extent!

It was one thing for them not to be afraid of Aatrox, but he actually contributed so many Positive Emotion Points?

At first, Genichi thought that Aatrox's existence had bred a bunch of evil cults, but as Positive Emotion Points grew faster and faster, he felt that something was wrong.


There were too many people!

And when Genichi had his clone personally go to some places where the people at the bottom level gathered to take a look, he understood what they were thinking.

No matter what happened in this world, it had nothing to do with them. When the world was peaceful, they also lived a life that was on the verge of death and ruin, living a life that was worse than death.

So even if the world was destroyed, what did it have to do with them?

They even felt excited, because so many pirates had died, and they lost a most direct target to oppress them. As for Aatrox, he might be fierce?

Who cares!

What's more, Aatrox didn't just bully them, the nobles and nobles would have to die with him, which would be a bit more refreshing.

It could only be said that...

This world was too abnormal.

Whether it was the pirates or the world government, they were frantically bullying ordinary people, and they also had a large number of slaves. In this case, they would certainly provide Positive Emotion Points.

As for the most powerful people in the world, they were very 'worried about the safety of the world'. For example, Five Elders had been constantly putting pressure on Makima these days, because they were afraid that Aatrox would turn the blade to them at some unknown time.

And today, Makima played with Five Elders again.

After hanging up the phone, the Marshal's office became silent again.

She took out the Soul-Soul Fruit.

In fact, at the beginning, Genichi wanted to eat this Soul-Soul Fruit, but he felt that after eating it, it would add a weak point of being afraid of water for no reason.

Although he could use other methods to make up for it, there would still be an effect in the end. He was someone who wanted to become a multi-sided warrior. It was not good to have a weak point of being afraid of water.

So in the end, it was better to let Makima eat the Soul-Soul Fruit. She was also quite compatible with the Soul-Soul Fruit.

Her strength came from the fear of others to her and dominate her. People might not be afraid of Makima, but they would definitely be afraid of domination. Therefore, it was impossible to deal with it with the Soul-Soul Fruit's' Soul Whisper '.

It was one of the abilities of the Soul-Soul Fruit. As long as others were afraid of the ability, their souls would be extracted.

This ability was very convenient for her to use.

She took a bite of the Soul-Soul Fruit. The taste that was difficult to swallow entered her senses, making Genichi want to vomit, but what followed was extraordinary power.

The power of the Soul-Soul Fruit entered Makima's body, making her stronger.

Actually, Genichi didn't need to frequently go out to fight. She only needed to recruit her subordinates at critical moments. But with this fruit ability, she could also create more different types of miscellaneous soldiers to add to Genichi's design .

Makima left the Marshal's office. Black Order had already become more and more prosperous. Out of fear and hated towards demons, many people chose to join Black Order to fight against the demons.

The same was true for Pandora Island. During this period of time, the World Government had increased a lot of assistance. Whether it was supplies or manpower, they were truly frightened by Aatrox's strength.

And today, there was another important figure coming.


Genichi had been looking forward to his technical ability for a long time. He really hoped that he could make progress in Monster Cells' research. It would be best if he could quickly clone him!

Besides Vegapunk, it was time for Rayleigh to meet him.

When the news of the battle reached his ears, he should have made his choice.

Makima came to Pandora Island with a pleasant mood, looking forward to Rayleigh's answer.

Charlotte Linlin had already agreed, so Rayleigh's choice...

What could it be?