The Navy’s Movement, the Dragon Entering the Pyramid


Cap was eating when he saw Tsuru approaching, and she had a serious expression on her face.

"What's wrong?"

"Admiral Kū issued an order." Tsuru sat across from Cap, looking at a table full of meat with no appetite.

She said to Cap, "Aokiji will be arriving shortly."

"?! Aokiji!" Cap was surprised. The Marine Headquarters had suffered severe damage, and now they were deploying another Admiral?

"What's going on?"

"That pyramid is suspicious. Admiral Kū didn't explain clearly, but it seems that the Marines won't be the main force in this operation. Roger's pirate crew will be coming."

"Roger?!" Hearing that familiar name, Cap got excited. "What is he coming to do?!"

He had joined forces with Roger in the God Valley against Rocks, and later in Jartzburg against Aatrox. Why was Roger coming again?

One was a Marine, and the other was a pirate. Was it appropriate for them to meet again?

"Marigold made a deal with Rayleigh. Roger's pirate crew will lure Aatrox to Alabasta and then seal him inside that inverted pyramid."

"What?!" Cap widened his eyes. "Aatrox is coming?!"

"Exactly. So our task now is to clear the battlefield and make sure all civilians are evacuated." Tsuru nodded.

Evacuating civilians wasn't just about justice; it was also to prevent them from becoming a source of power for Aatrox. But was this all the Marines could do?

Cap grumbled, "How are we going to seal Aatrox?"

Cap knew Roger had become much stronger now, but he still didn't believe Roger could defeat Aatrox.

"Pirates and the Black Sect are sending their top fighters. Together with the Marines, defeating Aatrox is not impossible," Tsuru said in a deep voice.

Tsuru stood up again, addressing all the Marines, "Now, everyone starts evacuating civilians from here to all areas downstream of the Holy River, at least ten kilometers north of Yuba!"

The Marines who were having their meals didn't know what was happening, but when they heard that a Vice Admiral had issued orders, they quickly stood up, assembled, and prepared for the mission. Only Cap looked a bit uneasy.

After the Marines left, Tsuru walked over again. "I know you don't like cooperating with pirates, but in the face of demons, at least we are all humans."

"I know," Cap said somewhat displeased. "I just hate what I have become now. I feel like I can't do anything."

"Even the Demon Lords are only eight. You faced Swallowtail, Shura, and Urouge. Weren't you formidable?" Tsuru said with a hint of teasing. "Come on, don't be upset. We need to inform the King of Alabasta quickly."

"With the King's order, the evacuation work can be done better."

"Why doesn't the World Government handle such things?" Next to Cap, Dragon also walked over.

After hearing Tsuru's words, he frowned and said, "How can we inform the King of Alabasta now?"

"Don't know. Anyway, it seems that the World Government doesn't have the intention to inform Alabasta officially." Tsuru was also a bit puzzled. Alabasta was a historic nation and quite important among the World Government member states. Why did it seem like the World Government was giving up on it?

"What are they thinking? Do they know how many people are in Alabasta? How can we evacuate them all with just the Marines?!" Dragon angrily said.

That's right, the Five Elders did not inform Alabasta because they wanted to see if Alabasta had been hiding something over the centuries. They wanted to see how Alabasta would react when Aatrox arrived.

As for a World Government member state...

Honestly, they didn't care much. Even if the country was destroyed, someone would rebuild a new one in the ruins. As long as that new country continued to provide celestial dragons with celestial gold, it was fine.

The Nefertari family was already a traitor among the Celestial Dragons!

"We don't have a Den Den Mushi connected to the King of Alabasta here," Cap said. "But someone must have it."

Dragon's eyes lit up. Yes, someone must have it.


He was the prince of Alabasta, and with the Royal Guard around him, he must have a way to contact the king.

Thinking like this, Dragon said, "I'll go find him!"

Cap and Tsuru watched Dragon, who was in a hurry, leaving without saying a word.

The Marines were indeed like a big pot; the longer you stayed inside, the more you would be influenced. Even the sense of justice in your heart would gradually be worn away. Cap, who didn't want to become an Admiral, was already quite rare.

Although Dragon said he could still uphold his justice within the Marines, how long could he persist?

In fact, thinking about it carefully, Cap's decision to leave Luffy in the care of the mountain bandits in East Blue instead of at the Marine Headquarters in Mary Geoise made sense.

There was too much darkness in the Marine Headquarters, and a person with Luffy's personality wouldn't be able to accept it.

Perhaps it was seeing Dragon, who had grown up in the Marine Headquarters, choose to leave the Marines that made Cap want to leave Luffy in the East Blue, let the bandits take care of him.

Now, Dragon was running towards the direction of the pyramid. Because Cobra was inside, he needed to inform Cobra as soon as possible and then let Cobra inform the king. Otherwise, disaster would befall this country.

"Stop! Didn't we say that you Marines can't enter inside?!"

As Dragon rushed forward, he heard the words of the Royal Guard ahead. He urgently said, "Get out of the way!"

He waved his hand, generating a powerful wind that blew away all the guards. Even though Dragon was still very young, his strength was not weak.

He bypassed the guards' bodies and only saw the gigantic pyramid in front of him.

Dragon quickly ran over and saw a triangular gap inside the pyramid. It was deep and dark, as if connecting to the abyss.

Without much thought, Dragon ran inside because Cobra was in there.

The moment he entered, Dragon felt a sudden chill. It was as if something was staring at him. In this dark world, a strong killing intent descended, almost paralyzing him!

Although it was dark, the layout of the pyramid was vaguely visible. He could see that it was not just going upwards but also...

Going downwards!