Byakuya Kuchiki and the Broken World

Although there were some things on top of the pyramid, they were not very apparent.

On the contrary, the world below gave Dragon a strange feeling at a glance.

It was like a massive city, with concentric circles extending towards the depths of the underground pits, giving an overall sense of a monumental burial ground.

The buildings inside varied in style, as if they had endured countless ages of erosion. Numerous eras intertwined in this place, forming buildings with styles from different periods.

The farther down, the better-preserved the buildings became. The farther up, the more they collapsed, filled with the decay and desolation brought by time.

At the very bottom, there seemed to be a mysterious bronze door.

The door looked somewhat indistinct, extremely ethereal, covered with countless mysterious patterns, giving an indescribable sense of silence and depth.

In this darkness, a pale force surged, rising and falling like a river flowing through this dark world.

The massive stone pillars supporting the pyramid exuded a strange majesty, engraved with images resembling demons, all staring at the entrance, as if they wanted to burst out.

Dragon suddenly felt as if he were suffocating because he sensed that he had entered what seemed to be a realm not meant for humans.

The world above was unclear, and the world below was clear. Dragon didn't know where Cobra was at this moment.

The world was exceptionally quiet, with no sound from the outside reaching inside.

"I should ask Cobra where he is first."

Dragon felt a bit miscalculated, but he had already knocked those people unconscious, and now he couldn't wake them up again. After all, he didn't know the layout inside the pyramid.

Anyway, let's go down first.

Compared to the dark and deep unknown above, the world below was much clearer. At least there were traces of a civilized city, so Dragon was about to step forward when suddenly his hair stood on end!

He had felt an extremely strong killing intent the moment he entered, and now it made him feel as if he had died. A lethal force, like a shadow, seemed to be able to pierce his heart at any moment.

In front of him, a cherry-colored long sword appeared, plunged into the ground. Its colors were brilliant like a flower, noble and elegant yet mixed with a killing intent, as if announcing that moving forward would result in being cut by the sword.


Dragon struggled to lift his head, only to find that at some point, a person had appeared above. He wore a black inner garment and draped a white feather over it.

He was extremely handsome, with long hair, light purple eyes, and a strange ornament on his head that wrapped a bunch of hair in a cylindrical decoration, with silver-white wind flower chiffon around his neck.

His face carried an indifferent and cold expression, a man incompatible with the darkness.

A strong pressure emanated from him, as if it were Conqueror's Haki.

In the next moment, he disappeared.

Dragon's eyes widened because, at that moment, the man's figure had appeared behind him.

"You're... a bit slow to react."

He was behind Dragon, speaking casually.

What had he just done?

Dragon couldn't see his movements clearly, but he knew that at that moment, the man had swung a blade at him.

The answer was...


In an instant, a vivid blood flower burst from his chest, intense pain spreading from his chest to every corner of his body. The pain quickly transformed into an equal numbness.


Seemed to be dissipating!

So terrifying. What kind of speed was that just now? Who was this person? Why was he so strong?

Cobra entered the pyramid for him?

Dragon's brain was turning because now, besides his brain, everything else couldn't move.

With the corner of his eye, he saw the man in white looking at him indifferently, as if he didn't care at all.

"Wait... Please wait! Lord Byakuya Kuchiki!"

Suddenly, Cobra 's voice came from underground. However, the man named Byakuya Kuchiki still kept his indifferent gaze on Dragon.

"I don't remember allowing the Nefertari family to bring outsiders into the 'Senkaimon.' Violating the contract is equivalent to betrayal. I think you should be aware of this."

Byakuya Kuchiki said calmly.

"He is my bodyguard. I should be worried about me taking too long this time, and that's why he violated my orders to enter." Cobra quickly ran out from underground at this time, panting as he climbed the spiral staircase-like path to the surface.

After seeing Dragon lying on the ground, Cobra frowned.

"You should be grateful you didn't step into the 'Inverted Pyramid,' or you would have died. The Shinigami adheres to rules and contracts."

Cobra sighed and then lifted Dragon's body, walking towards the exit.

"Thank you..."

Dragon said weakly. Although Cobra said so, there was still some selfishness in his actions.

These guards might have a way to contact him, although they might not be able to make decisions.

While looking for Cobra, Dragon also wanted to see what mysteries were inside the inverted pyramid. Unexpectedly, he almost lost his life.