An vs. Zefa, predicting the future

Karp often casually walked around the Marine Headquarters, enjoying the scenery and relaxing his mind. After the battle with Atokkes, he sensed the influence of Atokkes' demonic power on himself. Although the infection was not severe, Heron insisted that he should not go out for a short period.

Every once in a while, Heron would purify him, which became a bit annoying for Karp.

However, there weren't many major pirates at sea now, and people had not yet shaken off the shadow of Atokkes. So, there was no urgent need to go out to sea.

But as he walked around, he sensed the presence of An. He knew that An was a formidable person from her recent actions.

"What's your name?" Karp asked.

"An." An replied concisely. With her full name being Gol D. An, wouldn't that directly reveal her relationship with Roger?

"Why do you want to become a Marine Admiral?"

As they walked, Karp asked, "Pirates disrupt the order of the sea. I've been getting stronger all the way to eliminate them." An said without any change in expression, "Originally, I thought the Marines were just a bunch of good-looking guys, but you defeating Rox and Atokkes changed my view."

At first, she spoke lies without blushing, but later her words became somewhat harsh. Didn't she know that others might not be aware of the truth?

Rox's defeat was mainly due to him, and the defeat of Atokkes was 40% Machvise's credit and 40% his own. The others contributed at most 20%, right?

But now, these achievements were all stolen, and while Roger didn't mind, it didn't stop An from using these words to mock them.

Sure enough, after hearing An's words, Karp chuckled, seeming to avoid discussing this topic.

The World Government could shamelessly report these things, but Karp was not that shameless.

But he certainly didn't know that An was mocking him. After all, only a few people knew about this matter.

He could never know that An was Roger, the person he had chased for a long time before.

In fact, it was a bit emotional that the two enemies at sea were now casually chatting like this.

Karp was not very suspicious of An's initial words. After all...

Pirates in this world were indeed disruptors of order, and the Marines hadn't done much before. It was entirely normal for An to hate pirates while not caring much about the Marines, especially considering the recent propaganda that made people reevaluate the Marine organization.

What An said was just a very common reason.

"How did you end up here, Karp?"

They chatted casually for a while, and when they walked to a place similar to a training ground, the voice of another man came from ahead.

An narrowed her eyes; she knew that man.

It was Zephyr.

They were old rivals...

However, they were Roger's old rivals.

An quickly regained her composure, and Karp said, "This is An, here to apply for the position of Marine Admiral. I brought her over."


Both he and Zephyr were somewhat dissatisfied with the World Government's actions.

In the case of the World Draft, they could directly designate the highest rank as Vice Admiral. The position of Admiral was so important; the World Government couldn't possibly allow wandering individuals to join so easily.

Even if they had a clean background and qualified beliefs, they should train at the Vice Admiral level for some time.

However, the World Government's decision was something the Marines couldn't change. After all, directly becoming an Admiral and directly becoming a Vice Admiral had vastly different attractions for people.

Vice Admirals were abundant in the Marines, but there were only a few Admirals. If there were only Vice Admirals, many people probably wouldn't join, right?

"Do you want to become a Marine Admiral?"

Zephyr, in the training ground, looked at An. An nodded, "Of course, that's why I came."

"Is that so..."

Zephyr glanced at Karp, and Karp said, "You can start; I'll watch from the side."

Start what?

Of course, it's starting a fight!

Just defeating a Colonel wasn't enough. If she wanted to become a Marine Admiral, she should at least fight against a Marine Admiral, right?

According to the World Government's regulations, as long as she could have an intense battle with Zephyr, she could become a candidate Admiral. After the World Draft, they would determine if she could be promoted to a real Admiral.

Originally, it wasn't necessary to come directly to Zephyr after passing the Colonel level, but Karp had high expectations for An. He felt that An seemed to possess a special power, something he found familiar.

Karp felt that he had seen An somewhere before seeing her. Unfortunately, even after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't recall.

So, he exceptionally brought An directly to Zephyr, but of course, the necessary political review couldn't be omitted.

He walked to the side of the training ground, sat down, and carefully observed the two.

Not knowing when he had seen An before, he observed her strength carefully now.

An looked at Zephyr, not feeling nervous. When she was still a part of Roger, she had fought Zephyr several times. She knew his strength inside out.

She pulled out the short blade again, Haki covering it.

She didn't use Conqueror's Haki because it was somewhat sensitive within the Marines. At this stage, it was better not to use it.

Moreover, just using Armament Haki was enough.

Zephyr, seeing the level of Haki from An, also became serious. Truly, An was brought here directly by Karp, and he also covered himself with Armament Haki. The next moment, An's figure disappeared.

Such fast speed!

Zephyr turned around, a punch covered with Armament Haki thrown, but An easily dodged it. She dodged his punch even before he threw it. Then, she easily slashed at Zephyr's side covered with Armament Haki.

Zephyr was pushed back by this slash. He frowned because he sensed that An's movements before dodging his punch were not normal.

She had started dodging before he even threw the punch!

"Observation Haki that sees into the future?!"

Karp, on the sidelines, had a clearer view. He looked at An in amazement.

Observation Haki could develop incredible abilities when reaching a high level. 'Seeing into the future' was one of them, and having someone in this world who mastered Observation Haki to such an extent...

Was undoubtedly rare!

An having this level of Observation Haki meant that she was qualified to become a candidate Admiral.

Especially with An's speed and strength, she had the ability to engage in a battle with Zephyr...

And even gain the upper hand!