The Navy Recruits

Roger's Conqueror's Haki was already formidable, and it received comprehensive enhancement after strengthening in the Jartzburg country. Especially when not using Devil Fruit powers, Roger's Observation Haki reached its peak.

Subsequently, during more than half a year of training and battles in Alabasta, Roger's Observation Haki experienced another breakthrough, reaching the level of foreseeing the future.

Moreover, An inherited Roger's Observation Haki, including the ability to perceive weaknesses. However, when Roger comprehended it, it was already quite challenging, so it wasn't as overwhelming when it transferred to her.

But she was still quite skilled in foreseeing the future.

In An's eyes, the trajectory of Zephyr's next attack had already been observed. She easily evaded it, and her tempered blade danced as if in a waltz, finally ending up at Zephyr's neck.


The sharp blade clashed with Zephyr's Armament Haki hardening. Although An's Observation Haki had reached the top level, her Armament Haki was also powerful. However, her style focused more on agility, so the first attack couldn't break through. She immediately retracted her strength, preparing for the next assault.

Karp observed all this with a calm expression. If he had any suspicions at the beginning about An being a spy for other forces, he had now discarded those thoughts. With An's strength, becoming an Admiral was more than achievable. Even in the vast seas, she would be among the top-tier fighters. What organization would send such a powerful individual as an undercover agent?

He continued watching, realizing that An not only possessed strength but also had rich combat experience. She skillfully used her speed and foresight to engage Zephyr continuously, gradually suppressing him.

The figures of the two constantly changed on the square, and the clash of their Armament Haki was impressive.

As the battle intensified, Zephyr suddenly stepped back from the battlefield. His Marine uniform was tattered, and there were several blade marks on his body.


As he spoke, An also stopped.

Zephyr expressed satisfaction. "Impressive. To reach this level at your age, I fully acknowledge you."

An smiled and sheathed her short blade. She walked over lightly.

"Does this mean I've passed?"

"Yes, currently, you're the only qualified one. But to become a Marine Admiral, you need to wait until the World Draft is over. Right now, you're only a 'candidate Admiral.'" Zephyr said admiringly.

In fact, with An's strength, there was no one who could compete with her for the Admiral position. Zephyr didn't think there would be anyone stronger than An among the upcoming applicants. However, regulations were regulations, and he had to abide by them.

Also, it would take some time to investigate An's background. Although it was unlikely that any organization would send someone like her to infiltrate the Marines, it was still a potential concern if she harbored ill intentions.

Of course, it was just a concern for him. The World Government's requirement was that even a ruffian showing Admiral-level strength could become an Admiral!

"Now, the record of the youngest Marine Admiral will be broken." Karp walked over with a teasing smile, looking at Zephyr.

"Titles and records don't mean much." Zephyr didn't care much. But when he mentioned it, he asked An, "By the way, how old are you now?"

An was startled. How old was she now?

Well, strictly speaking, she wasn't even a year old, but that was too young; it wouldn't work! Using Roger's age would make her forty-two, which was too old; that wouldn't work either!

"Twenty... one."

An hesitated for a moment and said slowly.

It's better to average it out, considering she was zero years old and forty-two years old. Exactly twenty-one, a good age.

Zephyr and Karp looked at each other. Why did it feel like An was hesitating?

"Although a girl's age is a secret, we are an official organization, so we need the real age." Zephyr said seriously.

He thought An deliberately understated her age. An quickly explained, "Because I've always been alone, I don't have a clear concept of age. Just now, I thought about it and calculated to find out my age!"


What 'Ah'? Looking at Zephyr and Karp, who still seemed somewhat distrustful, An tutted. "Alright, where do I go now?"

"I'll take you to the new recruits' base for this World Draft. Since you want to become a Marine Admiral, you can't lack prestige. Spend this time 'getting along well' with them."