
An actually understood the most important reason why Zephyr brought her here.

That was, if she became a Marine Admiral, she needed prestige. However, gaining recognition from the veteran soldiers in a short time was a bit difficult. So, it would be better to gain prestige directly from the batch of newcomers who came with her.

After all, they would all become an essential part of the Marines in the future, and many talented individuals among them would become the backbone of the Marines.

Since Sakaasuki and Borusalino were specifically singled out, it was likely that they would also have a significant position in the future Marines.

Sakaasuki and Borusalino, later known as Akainu and Kizaru, had become contemporaries in this timeline and joined the Marines a few years earlier.

Taking advantage of the World Government's World Draft, Sakaasuki and Borusalino had joined the Marines. They had already displayed their monstrous talents early on, even though they couldn't compare to someone like An, who was born at the level of a Yonko.

Even if An used the age she had fabricated earlier, she would be about the same age as Akainu and Kizaru.

Akainu was a few years younger than her, and Kizaru was about the same age.

Now, An was going to be their immediate superior.

As An expected, Zephyr said to the Rear Admiral, "When your main duty returns to the Marines, change from head coach to assistant coach."

The Rear Admiral was puzzled. "Does that mean Admiral Zephyr, you're going to personally train her?"

"I...? I don't have time for that right now." Zephyr sighed and patted An's shoulder. "Next, this training camp will be under her."

"She's both the head coach and a trainee. You should understand what I mean, right?"

"She..." The Rear Admiral glanced at An, somewhat skeptical.

How could he not understand Zephyr's intention?

It meant that this woman was also a newcomer, but she was much stronger than the Rear Admiral himself. He couldn't teach her anything.


Was it possible?

How old was she?

An smiled. "No problem. This is a novel experience for me."

Teaching newcomers was fine, but coaching soldiers was quite novel.

"My name is An. I look forward to working with you."

She friendly greeted the Rear Admiral, who nodded and said solemnly, "Since it's what Admiral Zephyr said, I have no objections. I hope we can cooperate well in the future."

"I have no experience in teaching. Can I observe for a few days first?"

"Of course."

Watching the two talk, Zephyr clapped his hands. "Good, it seems you two have discussed it. So, I'll leave this training camp to both of you."

"Leave it to me." In her mind, An was already thinking about leading a fleet of Marines to pursue Roger and gain achievements.

Seeing her confident expression, Zephyr left with peace of mind.

He still needed to inform Admiral Sora about this matter because Karp definitely wouldn't report it.

Besides, they needed to investigate An's past.

With these thoughts, he left the training camp, leaving An to deal with the new recruits.

And this 'dealing' took a whole year...

Zephyr reported the situation about An to Admiral Sora. Sora was pleased to have such a promising recruit join the Marines. Subsequently, he reported to the Five Elders, who were also eager to see the Marines strengthen and balance the power with the Black Sect and pirates. Therefore, they had no objections to An becoming a Marine Admiral, and they even publicized it widely.

After all, having a newcomer directly become an Admiral was a major event. It signified that the Marines were in desperate need of talents. What were the strong individuals outside waiting for?

While An was disciplining the Marine recruits, the situation on the high seas was changing.

Firstly, Roger's Pirate Crew made a high-profile comeback and, after defeating several Marine sieges, the Marines' actions against them disappeared.

Taking advantage of Roger's injuries was an opportunity to annihilate them, but now that Roger had recovered, further targeting them made no sense for the Marines.

Although Aokiji was sealed, news about Devil Fruits increased, especially in the weaker seas where Devil Fruits were emerging one after another.

For this reason, Machvise applied to establish branches in the Four Seas. Still, the Five Elders had not yet agreed.

So today, Machvise was coming in person.

Of course, her dealings with the World Government were purely for mutual benefit. Establishing a Black Sect branch in the Four Seas would significantly enhance the influence of the Black Sect, and the cost...

Of course, there would be some costs.

The answer was the 'Super Soldier Serum'!

During this year, Vegapunk had successfully analyzed and replicated these substances.

Machvise tried it herself, and the substance could enhance some people's cell activity, develop the brain, and purify the spirit.

In simpler terms, it could make the evil more evil, like Red Skull in Captain America. It could also make the good more responsible, like Captain America.

However, the influence was minimal unless it was injected into very weak individuals. The stronger someone was, the less impact it had.

Now, Machvise was bringing these reagents to Mary Geoise.

And this time, she encountered something she hadn't seen in the previous visits.

Machvise's lips curled up slightly as she continued to walk forward.

In front were Celestial Dragons.

She hadn't seen those bubble-blowing Celestial Dragons in the previous visits. She had only seen Celestial Dragons like the Five Elders. It seemed that the more she came, the more she would see.

And now, she finally encountered the rumored arrogant Celestial Dragons.

Moreover, it was a child.

The child had golden hair and cool glasses, surrounded by guards moving forward. Below him was a crawling slave.


Machvise smiled and continued to walk forward.