Demon Lords of the Land of Peace

And on the other side, on Pandora Island.

Zhang Guo is undergoing training in psychic abilities.

After so long, Zhang Guo has already cultivated his Nen to a strong level.

He is grateful to Machvise. Machvise revived him, and although he lost the Devil Fruit, he regained access to Nen.

In the process, Zhang Guo feels that his strength may not have decreased, but instead, it has become stronger.

Yesterday, he injected the Super Soldier Serum, making this feeling even clearer.

He has become stronger, even stronger than his past self!

This is the second day after injecting the Super Soldier Serum, and he is currently practicing in front of Pandora's Devil Box.

After he finishes his training, it will be time for the selected experimental subjects.

During this time, the World Government has been sending some mentally talented individuals, but none of them have talents that can match Zhang Guo's.

Many people have gone crazy during their training, as Machvise said, losing control. Those who lose control will unleash their inner darkness, and many have been secretly dealt with by the Blackbeard Pirates.

He wonders when this training will end...

With these thoughts, Zhang Guo suddenly feels like he has entered an empty realm.

In the past, when he practiced Nen, he would enter the world of demons, surrounded by the whispers of demons, as if tempting him to fall.

Zhang Guo resisted with his beliefs. However, this time, he didn't hear those voices again.


Zhang Guo looked at this world and suddenly felt it was somewhat familiar.

"Emperor Shishitian?"

He unconsciously spoke.

Sure enough, when he finished speaking, a figure appeared in front of him. The person wore a thin ice mask, similar to the first time he appeared.

It was Emperor Shishitian!

Zhang Guo was surprised. He originally thought that after losing the Great Buddha Fruit, he wouldn't encounter Emperor Shishitian again. After all, according to what he said, the reason he could see each other to a large extent was due to the effect of the Human-Human Fruit, Mythical Type, Model: Buddha.

And now that Devil Fruit is in the body of Starjun, he had thought about whether to inform Starjun of Emperor Shishitian's existence, but after careful consideration, he felt it was better to wait until later, as Emperor Shishitian might not appear again.

But now, he appeared again, not in Starjun's world but in his spiritual world.

He was in the midst of Nen training, so how could he suddenly see Emperor Shishitian?!

He suddenly remembered a sentence that Machvise had said to him before, that demons are best at exploiting the weaknesses of the human heart. They can change in a thousand ways, take on the appearance of anyone, and may even inhabit the minds of anyone.

Thinking of this, he looked carefully at Emperor Shishitian. Is he really...

Emperor Shishitian?

"Rest assured, I temporarily cut off your connection with Pandora's Devil Box." Emperor Shishitian spoke softly at this moment.

It was as if he knew what Zhang Guo was thinking, but Zhang Guo wouldn't relax his vigilance because of his words.

"I didn't expect us to meet again." Zhang Guo said cautiously.

"Your spiritual power has reached the level of awakening in the past, so, of course, we can meet again." Emperor Shishitian said.

"Thank you for the information you provided before. I wonder why you appeared this time..." Zhang Guo looked at Emperor Shishitian carefully, and Emperor Shishitian looked exactly the same as before, with no flaws.

"A new devil is about to appear."

Emperor Shishitian's words shocked Zhang Guo. His eyes widened, and he suddenly understood Emperor Shishitian's meaning.

The devil Emperor Shishitian mentioned wouldn't be like the Great Demons such as Tofu and Killing, but rather a Demon Lord like Aokiji!

Indeed, the Great Demons are strong, but the appearance of one Great Demon cannot change the world situation. Putting aside the issue of Killing not knowing whether he is dead or alive, both Tofu and Fudorou are still there, and the world is still functioning as usual.

But a Demon Lord, that's someone who can destroy the world!

The last time Aokiji's apocalypse happened not long ago, and now another one is coming?

"It seems you've figured it out." Emperor Shishitian said, "Last time in Jalsburg Country, you did not leave behind Tofu Boy. He has now found a way to resurrect his master."

"...What method?" Zhang Guo immediately asked.

Regardless of whether this is the real Emperor Shishitian, as long as there is this possibility, he cannot sit idly by. Because the existence of a Demon Lord poses a huge threat to the world.

Although Aokiji was able to leave Hell because he was not a complete Lord, how did Tofu's master leave?

Over this year, Tofu has never appeared again, and they knew that things would not end so easily, but they didn't expect another war to begin now.

"The method is in the Wano Country. I vaguely feel that a Demon Lord is about to descend there." Emperor Shishitian said, "I hope you can successfully prevent the arrival of the Demon Lord..."

After saying that, his body flickered again.

Zhang Guo knew that Emperor Shishitian was about to leave. Each time they communicated, it was about this time.

"Wait, how much time do we have?!" Zhang Guo wanted to ask again.

"One year..." Emperor Shishitian didn't finish his sentence, and Zhang Guo couldn't hear it anymore. This spiritual space began to collapse, and Zhang Guo returned to reality in an instant.

One year...?

It's definitely not a full year, because Emperor Shishitian mentioned something later, but if we take the worst-case scenario, it's a little over a year.

It seems like there's still a long time, but it's actually quite fast!

How long did they stay in Jalsburg Country?

How long did those demon worshippers prepare there?

One year might not solve anything, especially...

Wano Country?

Zhang Guo vaguely remembered that there was indeed such a country, but it was in the deeper part of the New World, where the Marine forces were relatively weak.


Are many pirates!

But even in the world of pirates, one cannot turn a blind eye. Aokiji's destruction a little over a year ago is still fresh in his memory. Even Red Soil Continent was shattered by him, and until now, the World Government doesn't know how to deal with the broken continent wall.

If it weren't for Roger and the existence of the entrance to Hell, it would be impossible to defeat Aokiji.

But now the entrance to Hell has disappeared in Alabasta, and it can be said that the great help in dealing with demons is gone. What if another Demon Lord comes?

Zhang Guo stood up and left the Pandora Room. He quickly ran back to the headquarters of the Blackbeard Pirates and reported this matter to Machvise.

He did not inform Machvise of Emperor Shishitian's presence, just saying that he received enlightenment while practicing Nen.