Traveling to the Land of Peace

"Oh? To think that I could gain such insights through the Pandora's Devil Box."

At this moment, Machvise has already returned from the Marine Headquarters. She is sitting in her office, facing Zhang Guo.

After listening to Zhang Guo's words, Machvise seems to be deep in thought.

"It's not entirely impossible. The Pandora's Devil Box can connect with the voices of demons in Hell. Perhaps someone there is dealing with the Demon Lord about to descend in Wano Country."

"What should we do? Should we go to Wano Country now?" Zhang Guo doesn't want to dwell too much on this topic, as he also can't explain the situation with Emperor Shishitian. Apart from Cap, he hasn't told anyone else about his ability to communicate with Emperor Shishitian.

So, he directly asks what they should do now, and after some contemplation, Machvise speaks, "Not in a hurry for now. Last time, going to Jalsburg Country early and mobilizing a large military force in advance attracted too much attention."

"Although mobilizing a large force can have a deterrent effect, it is also equivalent to drawing attention to ourselves. This time, we need to learn from that lesson."

Zhang Guo finds it reasonable. After all, Wano Country is not the same as Jalsburg Country; it's in the chaotic New World.

By then, even if they mobilize the same forces as in Jalsburg Country, it might not have a deterrent effect.

"Let's not act recklessly, especially you. Until you reach a point of stagnation in your abilities, continue your training on Pandora Island," Machvise says. "Leave this matter to Raijin for now. And I believe the World Government will mobilize the Marines as well."

For ordinary demons, the Blackbeard Pirates can handle them entirely, but for matters like the appearance of a Demon Lord, it must be reported to the World Government.

"But..." Zhang Guo is a bit anxious. Can the Marines withstand all of this?

Over these years, he has been living in seclusion, and he is not very familiar with the affairs of the Marines. He knows that the Marines have carried out a large-scale conscription and heard that they recruited a new admiral, but he doesn't think this generation of Marines is stronger than his own.

"They won't mobilize on a large scale again. Let's conduct our own secret investigations first. With over a year, we should be able to find some clues," Machvise says, sensing Zhang Guo's concerns. She smiles and adds, "Your most important task now is to improve your strength. That will be the greatest help in the upcoming war."

Zhang Guo sighs. He knows it's the right thing to do, so he can only nod in acceptance.

After Zhang Guo leaves, Machvise informs the Five Elders about the situation. Upon learning that another Demon Lord might appear, the Five Elders express great surprise and concern.

Initially, they thought straightforwardly. Since Wano Country is not a member of the World Government, they can just level the country with artillery. Although the country is known for being easily defensible and hard to attack, with both the Blackbeard Pirates and the Marines working together, leveling the country shouldn't be a problem.

As long as they are willing to pay that price...

However, compared to the appearance of a Demon Lord, any price is worth it.

Machvise tells them that even if the country is leveled, if they can't find Tofu Boy, there will be another Wano Country. Therefore, the best approach is to investigate slowly first. If things become impossible, they can resort to artillery later.

After some consideration, the Five Elders accept this proposal. They secretly send out a Marine admiral, namely Aun.

Machvise has confirmed that Aun is not a demon, so the Five Elders trust her.

This mission has been assigned to Aun because of her strength. In fact, she is even stronger than other admirals. Most importantly, she is very agile, possessing the Observation Haki to foresee the future. She is well-suited for this task.

So, when Aun learned about this mission, she was a bit bewildered at first. However, she quickly focused.

She didn't expect another Demon Lord to appear so soon. She needs to report this information to the main body first.

She has a special connection with Roger. Although they can't communicate in real-time, with a bit of effort, they can engage in simple communication. She conveys a concise message.

'Demon Lord may appear in Wano Country.'

After delivering the message, she changes into casual clothes and gets ready to head to Wano Country.

"Wano Country is a closed nation in the New World. It's not a member of the World Government. A long time ago, the World Government tried to invade Wano Country, but they were repelled by a samurai," the high-ranking Marines are having a meeting with her before departure.

It's actually just four people—the Fleet Admiral plus three Admirals.

Zefa looks at the information in his hand and says, "Wano Country has an unpredictable group of samurai, very powerful and extremely skilled in Busoshoku Haki. The supreme leader of the samurai, called 'General,' and the regional leaders are called 'Daimyo.'"

"But the most troublesome thing about Wano Country is the way to enter. The only way to enter is through a cliff waterfall. In such a situation, it's easy to be repelled by someone."

It can be said that it's an impregnable fortress, but if you can fly, it's much more convenient.

Of course, Aun has mastered the Navy's Rokushiki, especially the Soru, which is considered easy to learn at her level. However, many people choose not to learn it for some reason.

Aun finds it hard to understand their thinking. Are they perhaps underestimating the usefulness of a technique that allows them to linger in the air?

Wearing casual clothes, Aun says, "After entering Wano Country this time, should I act together with the Blackbeard Pirates?"

"No, conduct separate explorations. However, you can communicate and exchange information appropriately through Den Den Mushi," the Admiral replies.

The empty words make Aun somewhat disappointed. But it doesn't matter; even though they say this at the Marine Headquarters, what she does in Wano Country is entirely up to her, right?

But it definitely cannot affect the mission. Even if she is investigating Machvise, she cannot interfere with the task of preventing the Demon Lord from descending.

"All right, I'll take these things with me and read them slowly on the way."

Aun puts away the files containing information about Wano Country. There are not many documents because Wano Country is a closed nation, always shrouded in mystery.

"If you find anything, don't try to be brave. Notify the Headquarters directly, and we will send reinforcements," the Admiral says.