Killing Mitsuki Oden

Hikari Tsukimado has always been a person who does things his own way and doesn't follow the rules. If others don't want him to do something, he wants to do it even more.

Heisaburou said he couldn't keep up with Kenshin, but now he really wants to try.


Where is he now?

Outside, on the bustling streets, people are coming and going. Kenshin's figure is not much different from an ordinary person's. How will he find him?

Suddenly, Tsukimado leaps up. This jump takes him seven or eight meters high, directly onto the tallest nearby building. People panic when they see him suddenly leap, but once they recognize that it's the eccentric "Kurikara Daimei," they become accustomed to it.

Tsukimado is always like this. The absurd things he's seen before are much more outrageous than this.

If he can cremate corpses to eat oden, what's wrong with suddenly jumping several meters onto a roof?

And Tsukimado doesn't care about others' opinions. After reaching a high point, he looks around and finally sees Kenshin in the direction of the city gate.

"Hey, didn't I just find him?"

Tsukimado quickly rushes towards the city gate, but by the time he arrives, Kenshin has already left the city. However, Tsukimado knows the direction he left, so he continues to pursue.

He came by rooftop, so he saw Kenshin heading north after leaving the city gate. Therefore, after leaving the city gate, Tsukimado also heads north.

The capital of the Flower Country is naturally prosperous, but outside the prosperous city, there are desolate areas. Tsukimado follows Kenshin to a rural path, leading to a dilapidated village ahead, which seems to have been uninhabited for some time.

After Kenshin leaves, Tsukimado swaggeringly walks in. He finds that the village has been abandoned for several years at least. There are no elderly people inside. He wonders if they all moved away or...

Tsukimado doesn't think too much. Right now, he just wants to see what the person called the world's number one swordsman by Heisaburou is like.

As for Kenshin, he doesn't care about him.

After all, he still has a master. A disciple at his age is definitely not as powerful as a master.

Thinking of this, he can't help but pick up his pace.

But just as he passed through this small village, he suddenly stopped.

Because at that moment, Tsukimado felt a suffocating aura rushing towards him.

It's like the sky suddenly darkened, the whole world plunged into darkness, and Tsukimado felt breathless in that instant. In the next moment, a beam of light flashed from the darkness, attracting Tsukimado's attention. But soon, he felt a chilling fear, and his whole body bristled with sweat.

Fast, it's as fast as lightning!

But this is not lightning; it's a sword light, a sword light slashing towards his throat!

Tsukimado Nitouryu: Tougen Hakurou!

At the critical moment, Tsukimado quickly drew his sword. The intertwined twin swords released a powerful Armament Haki as he slashed forward. This strike could split a giant mountain in an instant, but at this moment, it couldn't cut through the sword light because that light was from a sharper sword than his!

Tsukimado's figure was blasted backward with a loud bang. His feet plowed two long marks on the ground, with blood flowing amidst those marks.

Enduring the pain, Tsukimado looked at the person in front of him. At this moment, there was a long bloodstain on his chest. Although he reacted a bit slowly just now, he should have defended himself, yet he still suffered such an injury.

"What amazing swordsmanship."

He wasn't angry about being injured. Instead, he admired Kenshin, who stood in front of him. Yes, the person in front of him was Kenshin, who had appeared at Heisaburou's house before. Kenshin still had the same appearance, with a gourd around his waist and a long sword in his hand.

The long sword flickered with cold light, stained with blood, including Tsukimado's blood.

At this moment, Kenshin was completely different from his previous gentle demeanor at Heisaburou's house. He emitted a heavy killing intent with his cold gaze, matching the blood on his blade. He seemed like a murderous demon.

"Just now's attack was out of respect for Heisaburou. If you follow me again, I'll take your life," Kenshin said coldly.

However, Tsukimado didn't care at all. He grinned and raised his twin swords. "Too bad, my decision hasn't changed yet. I must follow you!"

Kenshin thought to himself, This guy is spoiled by his family. Tsukimado is like a child, used to doing whatever he wants. However, because he is from the Tsukimado clan and will be the future general of the Yuki Country, no one dares to do anything to him. That's why he has developed this unruly character.

Now is the perfect time to teach this spoiled kid a lesson.

"Dragon's Nest Flash."

As soon as Tsukimado heard Kenshin's words, Kenshin moved. His speed was even faster than the previous attack!

Tsukimado Nitouryu: Souga no Oni!

Tsukimado also moved forward. How could such a demon king like him retreat because of Kenshin's words? Moreover, he didn't think he was weaker than Kenshin!

So, facing Kenshin's attack, he slashed with both swords. The collision of the two blades formed a powerful Armament Haki, which could instantly split a huge mountain in half. However, at this moment, it couldn't cut through the sword light because that light was from a sharper sword than his!

Kenshin twisted his body, and in the instant of collision with Tsukimado, he had already turned his sword, using the rotation of his body to evade the confrontation. In the collision of Haki, he had already taken advantage of the rotation of his body to twist the blade to Tsukimado's shoulder.

Tsukimado also realized that something was wrong. He wanted to pursue quickly, but Kenshin cleverly evaded. He had no choice but to retreat.

Kenshin dodged his successive attacks, but he couldn't dodge Kenshin's slash. After separating, he also suffered a deep wound on his shoulder!

After two rounds of fighting, he was injured twice, once in the chest and once in the shoulder. Tsukimado had never encountered such a powerful opponent in so many years.

So strong...

Enduring the pain, Tsukimado wielded his blades in a flurry, engaging in a fierce battle with Kenshin, who was closely pursuing him.

Does he really have a master?

If his disciple is so powerful, how strong must his master be?

"Dragon Soaring Flash!"

In the midst of the flurry, Kenshin suddenly shouted, and Tsukimado's expression froze because he saw that Kenshin's sword was aimed at his throat!

Tsukimado Nitouryu: Jishin Daikon

Gritting his teeth, Tsukimado released a powerful Haki attached to his sword in an instant and clashed with Kenshin's sword. Kenshin's slash was aimed at his throat, truly intending to take his life!


The final result came out. Tsukimado was swiftly pushed back by Kenshin, and he spat out blood again.

"Tsukimado Nitouryu: Tougen Juken!"

However, as he retreated, he also released his strongest blow. The cross-shaped Armament Haki rushed forward and collided with Kenshin, who was about to pursue him!