'Resurrected' Kozuki Oden

Great opportunity!

Tsukimado's eyes lit up. He forcefully planted his feet on the ground and then abruptly surged forward, leveraging the reaction force. Because at this moment, Kenshin was hit by his Tougen Juken, he would definitely be unable to counter Tsukimado's next full-force slash!

However, Kenshin seemed to completely see through his actions or had been waiting for Tsukimado's attack all along. He coldly watched Tsukimado and suddenly twisted his body. Something shot out of his body!

He actually shot out the scabbard?!

Tsukimado was shocked. He didn't expect Kenshin to use the scabbard as a weapon. But now he had no time to react. The twin swords, poised to strike, were hit by the scabbard. The originally slashing blades aimed at Kenshin were deflected, and it was this deflection that gave Kenshin an opportunity.

In an instant, his body moved like a phantom, breaking through the Armament Haki cross formed by Tougen Juken, and swiftly slashed towards Tsukimado!


Tsukimado shouted inwardly that things were not good, but it was too late. He no longer had a chance to react!

At the moment of life and death, Tsukimado also forced out a bit of bloodthirstiness. His twin swords, deflected by the scabbard, still slashed towards Kenshin. Even if he was to die, he wanted to leave something behind for Kenshin!

And at that moment, the two figures intertwined.

Kenshin gripped his sword with both hands, still maintaining the posture of swinging forward. Tsukimado was the same, clenching his twin swords tightly.

After who knew how long, Tsukimado finally spoke.

"Truly... worthy of... being recognized by Heisaburou... as the world's number one swordsman."

"But, leaving the number one swordsman with a scar, I'm also quite amazing, right..."


A huge blood blade suddenly appeared from his abdomen to his chest, tearing through his body. The immense Armament Haki ripped through his body, and blood sprayed out like a fountain. He fell to the ground in an instant.

The ground was covered in blood. Kenshin gently sheathed his blade and picked up the fallen scabbard nearby. He turned around and simultaneously sheathed his sword.

"In the next life, don't force yourself to do things you can't do."


A blood blade suddenly appeared on his left cheek. This was the result of Tsukimado's last desperate slash, leaving a cut on Kenshin's face, but at the cost of his own life.

Kenshin stepped over his body, silently continuing forward, as if he completely ignored Tsukimado's corpse, and didn't care who Tsukimado was.

He was the descendant of the Tsukimado clan, the future general of the Yuki Country. His death would definitely cause a huge shock to the country.

But no matter what happened, it had nothing to do with Kenshin because he was only responsible for killing.

So, his figure gradually disappeared here, disappearing into the distant shadows.

Tsukimado's body lay on the ground, ravaged by the sword aura, and no one knew how long had passed.

Until the end, three people walked out of the village and came to Tsukimado's body.

"See that?"

One of them was pitch black, as if emitting a very high temperature. He was none other than the long-lost Sengoku. On his left was a man with two horns on his head, a sturdy figure, and a wolf tooth club in his hand. He was Kaido.

At this moment, Kaido was not the peak period Hundred Beast Kaido yet. Although he had already gathered his subordinates, his power was not yet great.

However, power did not affect strength. He wasn't famous now because he was weak. In fact, he was very strong even before joining the Rocks Pirates. At that time, people even thought that the Rocks Pirates became invincible after getting Kaido.

When the Rocks Pirates were defeated by Roger, Kaido was still growing. Now, he had become several times stronger.

At this moment, he also came to the Wano Country?

On Sengoku's right was a woman, a very old woman, with messy long hair and a sharp nose. There was a shadow on her face that showed she was not a good person.

It was Sengoku who said the previous sentence to the man and woman. He looked towards the direction Kenshin had left and slowly said, "No, I can see his dark soul. He's a born executioner. His master is restraining him, but we can set him free."

"Is it necessary?" Kaido frowned. "With the strength of the two of us, we can sweep the entire Wano Country."

"The Wano Country is far from simple. To occupy this country, he needs to create chaos himself." Sengoku glanced at the woman and said, "Right, Kurosumo?"

Yes, this woman was the descendant of the Kurosumo clan, a famous clan in Wano. The Kurosumo clan was annihilated because of their attempt to seize the position of the general, leaving only a few survivors. They had been waiting for the opportunity for revenge in secret.

And now, this opportunity had come. Sengoku found them and promised to hand over the entire Wano Country to the Kurosumo clan as long as they followed his plan.

"Of course, the era of the Tsukimado ruling this clan is about to end! Starting from this fool, Tsukimado." Kurosumo smiled in satisfaction. "Now that Tsukimado is dead, I can take on his appearance and usurp his position."

She was a user of the Paramecia-type Moka Moka no Mi Devil Fruit, which allowed her to take on the appearance of anyone.

But Sengoku stopped her. He chuckled softly. "It's not necessary at all, just..."

A fleshy object, still emitting a faint light, appeared in his hand. Slowly bending down, he placed this flesh on Tsukimado's body.

"What are you doing?" Kaido frowned.

"Just watch." Sengoku stood up again and led the three away from the scene.

Not long after they left the area, Tsukimado, who had fallen down, suddenly opened his eyes?!

He didn't die?

No, of course he died! With Kenshin's slash just now plus his previous injuries, even a deity couldn't save Tsukimado. But now Tsukimado had actually opened his eyes again?

"This is strange..."

Tsukimado felt a slight headache. He rubbed his forehead and then quickly reached for his previous wounds.

"I'm not dead?!"

Tsukimado widened his eyes. Kenshin's slash just now was too fierce, and he had already prepared himself for death.

But now...

He wasn't dead?

Could it be that Kenshin held back?