Hashun and Kozuki Oden

Tsukimado still remembered what had happened before. In his memory, he had engaged in a final sword duel with Kenshin. They brushed past each other, leaving a scar on Kenshin, while Kenshin dealt him a fatal blow.

According to the precision and strength of that sword at the time, he should indeed have died. But now, he had awakened?

Could it be that he had misjudged, and Kenshin hadn't killed him?

Tsukimado looked at the world around him, feeling doubtful for a moment.

"But... being alive is good enough."

Tsukimado touched his chest, and suddenly the pain of his torn flesh came rushing in. The intense pain made him grimace.

He didn't know which direction Kenshin had gone, so he could only sigh lightly.

Better to go home first. Since he had lost track of Kenshin, he would heal his wounds and then find an opportunity to have another match with Kenshin!

Enduring the pain, he walked in the direction he had come from, and soon disappeared from the village again.

What Tsukimado himself couldn't see was that at the moment he opened his eyes...

His eyes were purely pitch black!

As if they condensed all the malice in the world, just seeing those eyes would send shivers down one's spine. However, the darkness disappeared after a short while, but the three people in hiding could see it clearly.

"What did you do to him?"

Kaido and the others emerged again, recalling the pitch-black child-like eyes. Kaido couldn't help but ask Sengoku.

"We need to legally control this country, so naturally, we must comply with the will of the country itself." Sengoku's lips curled slightly, and he said joyfully, "I've infused Tsukimado's body with Devil Cells. He will be unconsciously controlled by the power of the Devil."

"He will pose a huge threat to this country. By then, the Kurosumo family will be the last hope of this country, and Kaido, you will be the savior of this country. Then, you can easily take control of this country." Sengoku said softly.

"Most importantly, this won't arouse suspicion from other forces and will allow us to continue our work in secret."

Kaido looked at Sengoku, recalling their agreement.

Their cooperation began after the Battle of Edd War, when Sengoku approached Kaido and told him a big piece of news: the legendary ancient weapon "Pluton" was in the Wano Country. Sengoku asked if Kaido wanted to join forces, and Kaido agreed, which was why the three of them were together now.

Because they shared a common goal, at least the first step was the same: to overthrow the Tsukimado family and let the Kurosumo family become the general of Wano. Kaido would search for the ancient weapon, while Sengoku would also search for something.

Of course, this small alliance was led by Sengoku. After all, he was the strongest. With his strength and the legacy of Kaido and the Kurosumo family, they could easily overthrow the Tsukimado family. However, Sengoku hadn't made a move.

This was also Kaido's confusion, until today when he saw what was happening before him.

The battle between Tsukimado and Kenshin, both of them were very strong. At least Kaido believed that neither of them was beneath him. Kenshin even had a master who hadn't shown himself yet.

At first, Sengoku said that the Wano Country wasn't simple, and there were many powerful forces behind the scenes. Kaido didn't believe it, but now he did.

"Let the internal forces of the Wano Country consume each other. Isn't that great?" There was a hint of playfulness in Sengoku's tone.

"When Tsukimado transforms into the Great Demon King, the people of Wano will be unable to bear it and decide to rebel. Then, the Kurosumo family can step forward to lead them. By then, Kenshin and his master may also join you. Let them fight each other internally first. When the power is almost exhausted and the hidden masters are all out, then it's time for us to take action."

Such a malicious plan. Kaido glanced at Sengoku, only to say that he was truly a devil.


He was the same.

Kaido didn't care about the consequences of doing this, nor did he think there was anything wrong with what Sengoku was doing. On the contrary, it was good, very good.

Kurosumo didn't say anything because she knew that she was just a pawn pushed out by them to gain control. Just by using the name of the Kurosumo family to legally control the Wano Country, she didn't care. She thought it was good.

This country deserved to be destroyed!

From the moment Tsukimado Shoukibou was born as the general of the Wano Country, from the moment the Kurosumo family couldn't become the general, it was already destined to be like this today!

Even after the Kurosumo family was destroyed, they were still persecuted, living a life of wandering and adversity. They should have lived in luxury; all of this was because of the detestable Wano Country!

"So what do we do next?" Kurosumo asked.

Kaido also looked at Sengoku. Sengoku was about to say something but suddenly smiled.

"Help me find something."

Kaido concentrated. He knew that Sengoku had cooperated with them to find something, but that thing wasn't an ancient weapon, so what could it be?

It had to be something that made Sengoku, a person of his caliber, rack his brains to find. It definitely wasn't something simple.

"A graveyard."

"A graveyard?" Kaido was puzzled.

"A shrine maiden's grave. For now, you all can just wander around. If you find any clues about the shrine maiden's grave, feel free to contact me. I'll reward you with something besides what you should get."

After speaking, Sengoku added, "I have a feeling that maybe others have also set their sights on the Wano Country. Be careful not to be discovered when the time comes."

"I really don't understand your cautious behavior," Kaido snorted and left, holding the wolf tooth club. But in his heart, he had already noted Sengoku's words.

A shrine maiden's grave?

What was he looking for a shrine maiden's grave for?

Unlike the World Government and the Roger Pirates, Kaido only knew about the existence of Devils but didn't have specific information about them, so he couldn't understand the significance of what Sengoku was doing.


As long as he got stronger!

Kaido was obsessed with becoming stronger. He needed to become stronger.