Hyogoro’s departure and An’s arrival

So when Tsukimado made a little fuss in Kurimachi, Tokikatsu Kurimachi quickly restored his relationship with Tsukimado and directly appointed him as a daimyo.

And now, Tsukimado was almost killed, and it was evident that Tsukimado himself was filled with resentment. How could the official authorities of Wano Country tolerate this?

As for the attitudes of other daimyos, they should be similar to the Kurimachi family's, because they were also deeply influenced by the rebellion of the Kurosumi family decades ago. At that time, many members of their families died in the assassinations of the Kurosumi family.

So they hoped to see the Kurimachi family's succession stabilized, and they themselves had high loyalty to the Kurimachi family. They would not disobey the Kurimachi family's orders.

In other words...

Kenshin Himura and his group might face the hostility of the entire Wano Country?!

Even if they could hide, could they escape the investigation of the entire Wano Country?

Even if they could fight, could they overcome the warriors of the entire Wano Country?

"Kenshin, how could you do such a thing?"

Hyogoro sighed deeply, and at this moment, another voice came to him.

A woman's voice.

"What's wrong? I saw something happen to Tsukimado?"

Hyogoro turned his head and saw that it was his wife. Hyogoro's mood was heavy. He looked up at the sky, with a vague sense of foreboding in his heart, and said, "I think... we're in trouble."


Hyogoro didn't say anything more, but the ominous feeling in his heart grew stronger.

No matter what the situation was now, no matter how much of a 'hero' he was, he couldn't change the fact that he was a member of the underworld. Being in the underworld also meant that he had done many things that were not openly recognized by Wano, which meant that he had leverage in the hands of the authorities.

If they were to force him to deal with Kenshin and his group, what should he do?

Although he didn't think things would develop to that point, after all, he still knew Tsukimado quite well. His current abnormality should only be because he couldn't accept being seriously injured for the first time. Once he calmed down, things would get better.

But he still felt something was wrong.

Especially when he thought of Tsukimado's blood-red eyes, which seemed like the eyes of a demon, with darkness swirling within the redness...

"We're leaving Hanakotoba!"

Suddenly, Hyogoro said to his wife.

"What?" His wife was shocked. "Why do we suddenly have to leave Hanakotoba when everything is fine?"

"Don't ask, just listen to me." Hyogoro's intuition warned him that he should leave now, and he also wanted to go find Kenshin and Bige to ask them what had happened, and why Tsukimado was so resentful.

Tsukimado was usually easy-going, even if he was seriously injured, he shouldn't be so angry.

It must be...

something happened.

Thinking like this, he quickly went back to the house to pack up, then came out again with some necessary money for the road.

His wife didn't understand what had happened, but since Hyogoro said so, she could only follow.

She quickly packed up a few belongings, and within a few minutes, the two of them had packed up a bundle.

Soon, Hyogoro, the famous hero of Hanakotoba and even the entire Wano Country, left his mansion.


"?! "

At this moment, An, who had already arrived in Wano, frowned as she watched the two people who quickly passed by her.

A man and a woman, also carrying some bundles, looked like they were fleeing.

An turned her head and memorized their backs.

Since she came to investigate, naturally, she couldn't miss any clues. Since the behavior of the man and the woman was abnormal, it could be a clue, so it was better to remember it first.

After coming to Wano, her first target was Hanakotoba, the capital of Wano. This was the center of Wano and naturally the center of information. Here, she could learn a lot of things.

Walking on the bustling streets, she paid attention to the surrounding buildings and then walked into a huge house.

The places where the most information could be gathered were taverns and gambling dens, because it was not the time to eat and drink now, so An chose the gambling den.

There were all kinds of people inside, from high-ranking officials to ruffians, and everything in between. There was no better place than here to quickly understand a city.

There were still many people inside, sitting together in groups, playing their own 'games' on the tables. She noticed that there were guards in many places, and the scale was large. This was a gambling den that met her requirements.

However, just as she entered, a man with a flushed face and a strong smell of alcohol staggered over. He said somewhat unclearly, "Hey, why would a little girl from a good family like you come to a place like this? And dressed like this, you're a whore."


An frowned, looking at the people around her, she found that there was also a bit of disgust in their eyes.

What, is there still discrimination against women in this place?

The outside world knew very little about Wano, because they closed their borders, and the intelligence from the Marines only included geographical names and the distribution of forces, completely ignorant of the local customs of Wano.

So, were women in Wano supposed to be housewives?

And what's wrong with her dressing?

Isn't this a fairly conservative dress on the open sea?

But thinking carefully, it seemed that there weren't any women dressed like her on the way here.


She looked at the man who was about to touch her, and her eyes gradually turned cold.


In the eyes of everyone's gaze, the hand that the drunken man reached out...

Suddenly, it was cut off?!

An seemed to have been standing still without any movement, and no one could see what had happened. In any case, it seemed that at that moment, the man's hand was cut off.

The man didn't react at first, but when the blood suddenly splashed out, he let out a painful scream.

"Ah ah ah ah ah...!"

The man fell to the ground in pain, rolling all over the floor. An looked at the man with some disgust, then walked past him directly and into the crowd.

There was a commotion among the crowd, and the security personnel nearby quickly rushed over.

"What a hassle..."

An sighed, she just wanted to inquire about some information, how did it suddenly turn out like this?

She resisted the impulse to burst out in Haoshoku Haki and knock everyone unconscious, but obviously, it was impossible to inquire about information from the card game now.


Should she just go in hard?