Looking for Hyougoro

If she were still Roger, she wouldn't mind if others were meddling around.

Especially when he was in a good mood, he wouldn't care about such minor characters at all.

But now she's not Roger, she's An.

Wasn't that kind of address just now insulting enough?

An looked coldly at the people in the gambling den, seeing the security personnel approaching. She knew she couldn't use conventional methods anymore, so let's just go in hard.

"Who's your boss?"

"Oh, here to cause trouble?" At this moment, a man walked out from the crowd, wearing a samurai sword and chewing on a straw. He looked at An fiercely and said in a rough voice, "It's been a long time since anyone dared to mess with us!"

He gestured with his eyes to the people around him, and the security guards drew their long knives from their waists and quickly approached An.

The people in the gambling den became excited, but instead of making a loud noise, they whispered to each other, as if they were afraid of offending this gambling den.

An looked at them boredly, suddenly appeared next to the man who had stepped forward, and already had a short knife in her hand. At this moment, the knife was placed on the man's neck.

The man's pupils shrank, and the security guards from before seemed to have no idea what had happened!

Such fast speed?!

The man was about to roar, but the next moment, he found that all those security guards who were rushing towards An a moment ago had a slash on their backs, and blood spurted out from the slashes the next moment, spraying directly into the room.

Ah ah ah ah!

The moment blood gushed out, it aroused fear in people's hearts. Those who were waiting for a good show in the gambling den suddenly panicked, screaming loudly, and then quickly ran towards the door.

An didn't stop them, just looked at the man whose neck she had a knife to. However, this man was quite courageous. Although he had a bit of fear being held at knife point by her, he tried hard not to show that fear.

He whispered, "Miss, are you going to be enemies with the Hyogoro family?"

An narrowed her eyes. "It seems like I've never been the one to start trouble, right?"

She leaned close to the man's ear and said softly, "From the beginning, that man was the one who provoked me. Now you're saying that I'm going to be enemies with the Hyogoro family?"

The man's body stiffened, and he quickly said, "We mishandled this matter, but now you've disrupted our business, isn't that enough? I know you're strong, but behind us is Hanakotoba Hyogoro!"

Hanakotoba Hyogoro...

An noted down this name. This should be the head of the underworld, but she didn't know the scale.

"Take me to see your boss," An said after thinking for a moment. "Don't worry, I have no intention of being enemies with you. I just want to talk to your boss."

"You!" The man seemed a bit angry after hearing An's words, but at this moment, his life was at An's whim, so he could only say, "Fine, but I advise you not to provoke Boss Hyogoro."

"Just mind your own business."

An naturally had her own plans. She put away her short knife, and the man suddenly began to breathe heavily, gasping for air.

The man looked at An with fear, he didn't resist because he knew An's strength far surpassed his. Just now, An's action was to cut one of his subordinates with one knife each, and then appeared behind him with a knife to his neck.

Such actions were very complicated, but she completed them in the blink of an eye, and he and his men didn't even see her figure.

He glanced at his subordinates again, while An clapped her hands, then put her hands in the pockets of her jacket.

At the same time, she said, "You can rest assured, my knife just now wasn't fatal, they won't die."

"I understand..." The man let out a sigh and obeyed. "Please follow me."

An found that strength was indeed the most useful. As long as the strength was there, everything could be negotiated.

But sometimes it might not have any effect...

Just like now.

She followed the man into the Hyogoro family, but there was no one in the Hyogoro family now.

An and the man leaned against the shadow of the wall, looking at the huge mansion ahead. It was obvious that it was a place where quite dignified people lived.

But at this moment, the mansion was surrounded by a large number of warriors, and a man walked out from inside.

The man had a high forehead, his whole head was like a flat ellipse, and he was wearing a purple kimono. He seemed to be above the warriors outside.

"That's Fukurokuju, a ninja of the Oniwabanshu. Strange, how come they're at Boss Hyogoro's house?"

The man looked surprised when he saw this scene.

"Could your boss have been arrested?" An noted the situation there and frowned.

Is it such a coincidence? Just arrived and encountered such a thing?

The man quickly said, "It's impossible. Boss Hyogoro is a legitimate hero. How could he be arrested?"

An closed her eyes, she enhanced her hearing, and her observation Haki was powerful enough to make all her senses extremely sensitive.

"Has Hyogoro really left?"

"Yeah, there's no trace of him here anymore."

"Darn it, could he really have any contact with thieves? He almost killed the future general of Wano. Is he rebelling?"

"I just wanted to find out about him at first, but now it seems he might really have a problem. I suggest issuing a wanted order."

"This... isn't it bad? Tsukimado has a good relationship with Hyogoro's family, right?"

"Then report the situation here to the general first and see what the general says next."

After hearing these words, An opened her eyes.

"Are you Hyogoro's subordinate?" An no longer looked at the mansion, she had completely entered the shadow, and the man quickly followed.

"Yes, what's going on?" He knew that An had great abilities, and she might really know something.

"Hyogoro is suspected of rebellion and has left Hanakotoba. I advise you to quickly disassociate yourself from Hyogoro." An said calmly. At this time, they had already left that street and returned to the bright road.

On this familiar road, An suddenly thought of the man and woman she had seen on her way here.

Hyogoro left, and it should be very recently, then...

Could it be them?

The man and the woman were also leaving in the direction of the city gate with some bundles on their backs. Moreover, they disguised themselves so that people couldn't see their faces clearly, especially the man who wore a hood.


He's Hyogoro?